>My boipussi feels very nice OwO
>Death to heterosexuals :3
>Take the pink pill
This is the current state of the board since 2014, yep, 2014, 4 years ago. Over the last year of 2017, it has gotten worse and is currently at it's peak in /sissy/ general, a thread where the mentally ill men come around and talk about how shaving things up their ass is good.
How did we go from
>Tfw no gf
>Tfw no trap gf
What happened to us?
Jow Forums's problem
>pic looks just like aero
somone fill my boipussy plz >.
Decompose now
Robot vs faggot war when?
There was one in April, we thought we won the war
It was just a war fought for nothing
we may have lost the battle but the war isn't lost yet and must go on. WE CANNOT BE OVERPOWERED BY THESE FAGGOTS. TRUE ROBOTS UNITE.
I agree, we cannot give up yet. WE WILL RECLAIM OUR BOARD
>mentally ill men a blooo ablllooooo blooo
what's up, normie?
This guy is a newfag
The reason this tranny psyop has been so successfull is because this board is full of lonely virgins. We need something like poo poo pee pee or *POP POP* to constantly derail fag threads since REEEEEing into a vacuum isn't doing us any good.
>Normie calls me a normie
being heterosexual is p. normie, to be honest. i'm really impressed that you came to Jow Forums to call robots mentally ill, bro. let's see how long you last.
In November, we did have a *BANG BANG* thing which was posted all over the board until mods banned several BANGposters
And, funny enough, I was one of the BANGposters who got banned...
No it's not, true robots are heterosexual and homophobic, don't be such a heterophobe
people learned that women are vile and boys are alright
I think we made a wrong move by attacking the entire board. If we concentrate our forces on /r9gay/ and /sissy general/ i think we can wipe them off the board pretty effectively
>Women are vile and boys are alright
Trannys, being sexist as always
Lemme tell you something, who will give you HIV or AIDs
The boy or the girl?
Hint: It has a dick
there are probably better places for you to go white knight women.
You underage retards don't seem to get it. This is a gay board, the people here are gay. You're not going to wipe anything off, the gay thread ARE the board. There's a reason you get banned for spamming your dumb shit. The idea of you 'winning' anything is ridiculous. It's like a bunch of butthurt rednecks raiding a gay bar and shitting it up until the cops come. You're just making an ass of yourself and being a mild annoyance to the actual humans.
>This is a gay board
I don't think yo uunderstand. This is the last place for us robots to go, if we no longer have this board, then we have lost our home. I will fight tooth and nail to drive you faggots out, and i will never, EVER give up
for what purpose are you memeing this shit? this is the home of dick rate, women hate, and trap bait. RIP old Jow Forums.
robot just means you browse Jow Forums, newfriend. not sure what you fell in love with, but i hope it's not the meta threads about your normie sexual identity being superior, sweatie
>hiv meme
hiv comes from niggers.
who has sex with niggers? white women.
If you're straight you are NOT a robot. I just want to make sure that's absolutely clear.
White women don't fuck niggers.
Gay dudes do, apparently.
I hate both women and faggots. All th rosties and fags need to leave this board
roastie is getting too toasty.
>robot just means you brows Jow Forums You sick cunts are trying to dilute the meaning of the word itself. Why do you cause us suffering? we dont go on /lgbt/ and make /lgbot/ threads, the least you could do is stay in your containment thread, but you always leak out and derail our threads and shill your faggot nonsense
You are a true robot if you are straight
Fags can't be robots because Grindr will help them get buttfucked
Go seeth more
>This is a gay board
It hasn't and hasn't been
>robot just means you brows Jow Forums
You sick cunts are trying to dilute the meaning of the word itself. Why do you cause us suffering? we dont go on /lgbt/ and make /lgbot/ threads, the least you could do is stay in your containment thread, but you always leak out and derail our threads and shill your faggot bullshit.
You CAN'T be a robot if you are not Straight
Don't believe the heterophobe's lies
I think we should ally with women on this one. Many of them actually hate trannies too, so for the time being we should go by the "my enemy's enemy is my friend" thing. Then we can see what happens from there.
you're a clown. before robot we just used arcanine. it didn't mean shit. if anything, people associated it with the many kids on here who pretended to be sociopaths. you were a robot if you hated animals or bragged about having atheist beliefs or just mocked women. that last part is why reddit/other boards originally started calling people from Jow Forums virgins. even before /beta as fuck/, we ridiculed people who were actually autistic; people here saw themselves above the virgins and women. a LOT were gay. /lgbt/ was LITERALLY created as one of the replacement boards for Jow Forums which wasn't good enough as you can see.
No we should not. Both women and the trannies to leave. This is a robot board not for trannies and roasties to get attention