Do women actully like cologne on men?
Do women actully like cologne on men?
>mfw all the girls who wanted hugs once i started spraying myself to smell nice
i couldn't tell you enough about how much of a difference it makes
What is a good brand?
a good cologne is fucking sexy coming from a no benis individual
I just saw some of my female acquaintances posting on normiebook about how they're sad guys don't wear cologne anymore.
so probably. smell does mean a lot more to women
As a dude I've always thought it seemed super gay to use cologne. It's the same thing with those fags who carry a comb and gel to make sure their hair stays fabulous.
Showers are what's used to make you smell normal and you take them once a day.
in middle school i unironically used some type of axe. in college i had paco rabanne 1 million, it was pretty popular.
you'd be better off asking girls what they think for you.
spray no more than twice ever, and wear super soft t-shirts/sweatshirts.
Op here.
Yeah, I use good soap and lotion too so if you actully got close to my skin you would smell a sort of foral sweet smell, Cologne just seems another stupid thing to waste money on that people are programmed to use by mass media
Where do you spray it? On the body or on the under t-shirt or on the clothes?
What ethnicity are you?
origi luigi
You can buy the small sampler bottles and get like 10 of them for like $15 or so, of top tier cologne. That way you don't waste a ton on a bottle of stuff you don't like.
I wouldn't say it's programmed by mass media. Personally I don't care about people wearing perfume/cologne but sometimes when I catch the smell of good cologne it has a WOW effect on me.
I'd say humans are just drawn to nice scents,
absolutely. even better if he leaves his sweater and it smells like him
That is too much fucking work, just tell me what to buy, I am not poor
uhh that depended on if i was going out and if i had a jacket on, then i sprayed the shirt once. usually i just sprayed my chest a little bit, but i learned pretty late that neck is probably the best place.
slav in the US
Neck and wrists
Pure autism right here.
Smells are nice. A large part of attraction is smell. If you smell nice, people will like you. A shower will have you smelling neutral, but some kind of cologne or even deodorant will make people's impression of you more pleasant.
Hugo boss, Tom ford or my own favourite - black Ralph Lauren. Cologne is a must
Apart from the obvious that it is good to smell good, you give a girl a chance to associate you with a good scent so when she smells it somewhere else she thinks of you
Just being clean or a bit of natural man musk is the best tbhfam
Does your boypussy have a good musky smell hmmmm?
I love Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille, but a lot of my friends don't like it.
girls have complimented me on it though so who knows.
It's not a requirement but it's a nice surprise and will get you attention, the same as with perfume for women.
Someone gave me hugo boss red and it has received compliments.
only to go out. I just stick to deodarant otherwise
I can't give an objective opinion, I'd say I don't like it but then again most men from my country don't buy cologne at all, and the few that do use body sprays/perfumes prefer to spray their whole body with Axe which I find repulsive. I've never met a man that actually uses a decent or nice smelling cologne, so maybe when I do my opinion changes.