This board is dead, there are no true robots left. Trannies, women and redditors have ruined this board.
I urge all true robots to leave this board and focus on self improvement. The trannies and women can have this board.
Work out
Get a better diet
Take care of your mental health
Become a man
This board is dead, there are no true robots left. Trannies, women and redditors have ruined this board
>Take care of your mental health
>Become a man
If only I knew how
>self-improvement meme
Not a robot
If you can't become a man or take care of yourself then you deserve to wallow in your own misery.
Start working out and have a better diet
Then waste away in your own depression
By your own definition you have to get the fuck out normalfag
you aren't a true robot unless you're homeless and have no internet access.
Going by the current state of this board, this board isn't for robots anymore
>Start working out and have a better diet
Do both of these, nothing has changed.
That's only physical
Once you improve yourself physically you'll be able to help yourself psychologically. Socialize, get a job and don't prioritize a gf, women arent that worth it.
I work and go to school full time, and try to "go out" when I can. Having legit autism and shitty shrinks stunted me socially, but I do what I can. I'm doing everything people say will fix me, so when do I stop being so fucking miserable?
When you realize misery will never go away, to be happy you must find meaning in the misery. Life is supposed to be miserable, focus on other finding out who you are
>calls himself a robot
>"self improvement"
Kill yourself
Have fun being depressed
Oh look he's retarded too
Why are you so against self improvement
It's a lie that already "improved" people (that presumably improved w/ external help and support) tell themselves so they don't feel like shit about the fact others are doomed to absolute suffering or a herculean strenght of will that they either lack or find not to be worth it.
Not everyone finds happiness to be the one end all point of life and not all want happiness anymore after their experiences with it. "Self-improvement" (or better worded as "attempts at self-improvement") are a parthway to the loss of even more happiness as is the attempt to do and realize anything, but Nietzschean faggots that believe in expressing your will or others that believe in human honor or "cowardice!" or motivation of "fake it till you make it!" or whatever the fuck they want to believe would have you think that that risk is worth it. Because they think they made it or that they will. They are wrong.
Then why live if you can't be happy? Why not just end it
if you are a genuine robot self improvement will gain extremely minimal results at best
Very good question. I have no answer and in fact feel there's no reason not to, and that I'll be doing it soon.
Are you scared to end it?
not him but I would have killed myself a long time ago but I couldn't do it to my mother and brother who genuinely love me. My mother would be absolutely destroyed with grief if I died. things aren't as simple as you're making them out
I'm angry I was brought here in the first place without my consent
some of us tried the nietszche thing.
some succeed. others did not
let him try self improvement. maybe works for him
>dude's life is oh so great that he still comes to Jow Forums
Jow Forums has basically become reddit. Robots are no longer the majority
So coming here no longer means you're a robot
This is the only board that has interesting threads about life in general, Jow Forums depresses me and I get sick of talking about music all day when I go on /mu/
Yeah, I am. Tried a few times before, nearly succeeded once, but for whatever reason I usually fuck up in some way. subconscious self-sabotage, or some bullshit.
It's ok to be scared to end it, that's your survival instinct. No matter how depressed a person is deep down the still wanna live
it just means you're admitting to being a redditnigger.
l do not go on reddit
It's going to be a while. It's quite clear that the broken, hate filled people who have slowed down over the past few months intend to up their game over the next year or so. Prepare to see lots of cuck, trans, gay and anti-white threads to appear.
It's a shame but they're broken. I recommend to keep reminding them that they can fix themselves. It just takes work and perseverance. You can fix yourselves bots. Stop being faggots and don't give into the weak. You are strong.
well im a 32 year old virgin neet so there is at least one robot here