Driving from Bishkek to Moscow to pick up my great uncles ashes in 30 minutes

Driving from Bishkek to Moscow to pick up my great uncles ashes in 30 minutes.


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No response? Well, that's sad.

I'll respond to you originally user

They have planes now

What is life like in Bishkek? It sounds like a very 4chanified name. "Bitch kek"

Also I'm sorry for your loss man.

Probably not it Bishkek

They have pIanes now

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Jesus that looks like a crazy long drive. Don't get robbed on the way, godspeed and stay safe.

driving? what the fuck? aren't you going to get beheaded halfway into kazakhstan?

Frankly I'm amazed that a Kyrgyz is on Jow Forums. What do you even do? What is your life like?

He's on the road already guys, he probably won't be able to post for a few hours. Once he needs to shit at a rest stop or get some gas he will.

He'll probably stop at an Autogrill to go shit in the sink and find that the thread had a bunch more replies but that it died before he got a chance to interact with anyone.
Do they have Autogrill in Russia? That place is the classiest spin on a shithole I've ever seen.

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I tend to assume all the posters from interesting locations are just Americans abroad or LARPers. I have a tough time believing I'm even talking to a person from the UK or Australia even. Not sure why I have such a blind jingoistic outlook.

Stay safe, OP. I hope everything goes ok.

Israeli here, ask anything.

Can you eat my forskin?

If dubs you have to snort a line of your great uncle.

i just drove across the usa (phoenix to boston) which takes about 41 hours. have fun

Why does everyone hate you? How do you feel about it? It's always weird to me that people actually live in Israel.
Also pls convert to Christianity

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Phoenixfag here. How did you enjoy the holidays in our little slice of hell? Also how was the trip back? Our roads are still congested with the hordes of boomers and beaners.

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What is life like in Kyrgyzstan? Never been anywhere that's not "western"

i lived there for 18 years the drive was my move

Not op but this vid provides I good overview of it.


tfw no robot road trip
feels bad man, we could have a blast but sadly i'm on the other side of the world
would have loved to accompanied you on the road user, have a safe drive

Did he leave you anything? Otherwise there is no point in getting his bone dust. I say this as a man who has his father's ashes in hi sliving room, and he didn't leave me shit.

I can but I won't I'm not gay, it's gross, and I'm against mutilating penises.

God doesn't exist.
People hate Israel because Israel holds millions of palestinians under military law, in bad living conditions.
thw west bank has it better than gaza strip, because gaza strip is ruled by a terror organisation(Hamas).
"da jews" is mostly a meme, though I think too many people actually believe it.

I want to get out of this hell hole.

Why did you move? You miss home yet? I'm moving away in February.

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>Normography now
When I was in the 8th grade I came in first place in the school geography bee. So I am qualified to say that the host of that show is a Samoan Basedboy of the first division

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Is your family orthodox? Also what part of Israel (roughly) are you from? Also were you born there? What is life like?
Your nation really interests me.

God is real though man, I promise you.

>I'm against mutilating penises.
You know the situation here in America is bad when literal Jews are more reasonable than us on the dick issue.

I don't have the cash to spare right now. And it's sort of a time sensitive thing.
Thanks for the f. Kyrgyzstan is... interesting. I'm not sure how to sum it up, by the vid this user linked does an ok job.
This isn't the fucking drc, we may be second world countries but we are not that undeveloped.
I work for my countrys sort of national park service. I mostly deal with guided trips for tourists.
I have stoped for shit and gas and food. But I did my business on the floor like any normal Kyrgyz.
Will try to, I'm listening to a Russian podcast.
Thanks for the "have a safe drive". But I doubt you would want to drive through the bitter ass cold ass plains and forests of Kazakhstan and Russia for four days.
Some old souvenirs (spent two minutes trying to translate that word right) from ww2 were left in the deed for me and my two brothers. I have know idea what you were trying to say with the last part of your post though.

Will try to post again soon, but I'm in sort of a hurry to get to Moscow. As much as one can be in a hurry for a two day drive. And I want to waist as little time as possible on the trip their. Will try to come back to the thread in a few hours. Bump the thread for me will ya?

that's gonna take way longer than 30 minutes dude

>"Bump the thread for me will ya?"
Can do Bishkek user.



No need to be rude. He likely has a good reason.

just nuke this fucking state already

Another bump to keep your thread alive friendo.

Do you like anime? What's your favorite? Who's your waifu? Can you buy manga in Bishkek?

You should've walked.

>ywn ride on horseback with your thicc, muscular, scythian warrior gf across the eurasian steppe

>letting a fem*id ride on your horse
you faggots have the most cucked fantasies

That sounds like a horsebackless cope.

Bumping to encourage you on your journey.
I'm going camping for the next two days starting tomorrow morning so I'll catch up with this thread after it dies. Goodnight everyone.

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I really can't wait to move away from here. The summers are unbearable.

Visit Jow Forums there's few Kazakhs and Kyrgyz there.

>"Bump the thread for me wiII ya?"
Can do Bishkek user.

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the cock will be spilled over into your world via the speaker at night if you listen its there
pulsating and boarding your vessel

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Yo Timur, were Yenisey Kyrgyz turkic or did turkic blood came afterwards?
Is Epic of Manas worth reading?

>Epic of Manas?
the author has always intended for the characters to be romanticized. never was it any other method

the baby wire was installed by finnish saudis for sure the have her contained by now i think 7&8 could be potentially on pose

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Bish KEK

>israel exists
>the jews are mostly a meme
Try again schlomo


t. kazakh

What kind of car are you driving? Are you driving alone? You have insta? I wanna see pics along the way

why is the best thread on r9k completly dead

Fuck that is one epic Road trip man !

I told a girl a joke and I made that bishkek

yeah the summers are shit. i live in southern az though and i hate more than just the heat; i hate the desert, i hate the people, i hate the slummy urban sprawl that always tramples my soul and causes me to close up even further. it feels like happiness wasn't meant to exist in the desert. i want for forests and snow and the crisp air in autumn, for empty grassy plains dotted with full glimmering lakes. the desert makes me want to die.

Good luck on the road lad, that's a fukken huge trip you're doing

I've become redpilled on religion, and am an atheist.

show me proof that god exists zzZZzZZzzz. you can't. meanwhile most religions are dumb inventions with stupid ceremonies and telling you that if you'll be bad god will punish you. monotheist god is a manchild.

my mom is spiritual but not strictly in the Jusaistic sense.
northern Israel, born here, never been to another country unfortunately, hope to emigrate to a modern country.
there's huge religious coercion here, no seeking of solutions with the palestiniams, prime minister that will soon be in trial, and 25% of the population still votes to that fucker.
this is a bad place to live in for liberal people.

"da juz" as that they control the world and are behind bad things.

Another one bumps the thread.

you should make a youtube channel and record your trip
could get a lot of views

highly unlikely.

Sorry for the long wait.

I never really liked anime. When I first found out about it many years ago here I guess it just never caught on with me. I do like manga and henti though. Though they may as well not exist off of the Internet here
What a feel that is
Can confirm, i have talked with a few of them before over there
I'm, sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about
A early 2000's Toyota. I don't care about cars so I don't know about the model or anything.
Yes, and no.
I would but I'm not posting from a phone. I'm using my laptop. Yes, that does sound very dumb, but, when i got it a few years ago, I thought it would be better to buy a piece of tech that can do a lot more than a iPhone for only a little bit more money. So no pics unless I buy a camera along the way.
Nice user, I grined.

...I'm not contributing as much as I thought a would. Do you think I should just let the thread die and focus on driving then stringing you guys on with a reply every six hours? If so, than ok that's ok, if not then still bump the thread for me please.

Would, but no camera.

Thread of the day right here.
Good thread/10

How did the old man kick it? How old was he? What did he do in life?

You better be quick about it fucking mongoloid. I hope you will crash on your way back.
He was probably a slave to some city maintenance company, not even officially employed (on paper his place was occupied by one of the relatives of someone from administration). He lived in a technical basement or an attic with 30 other churkas and rats/pigeons.
He probably fell of a roof while cleaning snow or calibrating tv antennas.
It's kinda strange his co-workers didn't eat him or just threw him into trash.

why are you vicious like that

Safety bump for the bread

>I thought it would be better to buy a piece of tech that can do a lot more than a iPhone for only a little bit more money.
I highly approve of this decision. It's very based, and laptop pilled.