How to achieve Archer mode?
Archer baby
He is a cartoon
Play lacrosse and get wasted x f
Be genetically gifted
you forgot the many mommy issues
Why do you have to be dense, faggot?
Shit, user has a point.
Big if true
Krav maga, apparently.
A bit of test+anavar. Tons of chest+arm+delt work
Total weight will seem relatively low compared to BBers, probably 180 lbs at 6'2", but very lean.
Don't follow the meme Archer diet though.
Damn I just realized I could do a great archer cosplay if I had blue eyes
Post face. Lenses are acceptable for cosplay purposes btw.
blast tren and hope for the best
Drink strong alcohols, avoid beers.
fucking idiot.
>have 2d body
>get 2d girl
do I have to spell it out for (you)?
try reddit faggot
Your tactleneck doesn't come up high enough, but other than that it's damn near perfect.
>tfw mogged on a mozambique fitness board
its not fair
needs blue eyes and thicker hair or it will never be perfect. 8/10 tho.
Put argon oil in your hair bro, it looks dry as fuck. You probably wash it daily, you are dehydrating it and turning it to fuckin straw. That or you swim.
better tactleneck and lenses, finished
Learn to act and you could star in some shitty live action Archer movie in 5 years.
>That or you swim.
Guilty, I literally bought a swimmers cap because the chemicals dry my hair out so bad. But I will take your advice on the argon oil ty for that
>Learn to act and you could star in some shitty live action Archer movie in 5 years.
One can only hope
Chad aesthetics.
Seriously consider being a model.
Don't be bald
Do not be bald
D o n o t b e b a l d
Jesus fucking Christ. Get that hair styled and become a model.
probably has a shit voice.
I have a friend who is becoming archer. I aspire to be like him so bad. He was the hands down best pussy slayer I’ve met. As in he spent all day at our campus meeting whichever girl he found attractive, would just call them over to join in with whatever we were doing. His best feat was meeting some bitch, and 30 minutes later fucking her in a study room. He dropped out at 22, moved to Israel(I know, I know) to join the army. He mentioned to me his biggest inspiration was Archer, the character. He’s literally turning into archer.
Should have worn the slightly darker black tactleneck.
this is sad on many levels
Ngl, I'm really jealous.
Archer in canon doesn't work out. His physique is all genetics and his job.
Jesus Christ this just really sends home how utterly disgusting i am
And this is a Cambodian children's animated character image board, faggot
Such is life
um, h-hi... :)
For once somebody here isn't talking themselves up. You genuinely look like Archer.
what was it like being carved out of marble you fucking bastard