I am doing intermittent fasting for the first 5-6 hours of the day. I then usually eat mac and cheese, a couple of eggs, 2 tablespoons of natty peanut butter, greek yoghurt and honey, cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds before bed. This all totals usually no more than 1800 calories. Other days i'll change the foods up but always stay in or around 1800.
I am 6'2, 182lbs been cutting for around 3 months now, i am looking leaner around the chest/delts and torso and upper back but love handles are getting bigger. why?
I heard yohimbine targets that fat. Your body handles that area differently
Oliver Cruz
Cause i like the taste. I prefer to eat foods i actually enjoy rather than chicken and broccoli every day. Some days i eat fish, chicken, tuna etc, just for the last couple of weeks it's been mac and cheese
Brayden Ramirez
Mac & cheese is unironically fucking disgusting
Josiah Price
holy fuck, your back is real lean but your hips are still fat af
Carson Martin
The doctor on the recent nutrition debate on rogan said love handle fat is insulin dependent. Try keto+OMAD for a few weeks see what happens. Don’t think the Mac and cheese is helping
Jackson Martin
Redpill me on yohimbine. Rudimentary search tells me it has no documented benefits, but has documented side-effects, such as elevated heart rate and anxiety.
Bentley Long
Are they really bigger, or is that just loose skin dropping down from losing a bunch of fat in that general area?