4 days of this rash. Went to the doctor and she had no idea what it was and gave me some steroids...

4 days of this rash. Went to the doctor and she had no idea what it was and gave me some steroids. I am afraid to take them because of side effects. Also it's too late to take them in the day since it's night time.

Guys. Idk what's wrong with me but I'm scared and I might die

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The steroid starts with a p and it's 50mg. What could be happening. I noticed this on Monday and it's Thursday night wtf

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Im sorry to tell you user but you might have ligma

Imagine your skin turns red and you think you gonna die

maybe its just an alergic reaction to new soap, shaving cream, detergent or something like that

I am imagining it. It feels irritated too. Not too itchy but definitely feels irritated... It wasn't this big on Monday. I'm freaking out l!!! What if it stops my breathing

It's only on my left side. I haven't done anything new whatsoever.... I've been treating it with hydrocortisone cream and 10mg Claritan a day...

it just happens when you get all worked up.

You think that's a possibility? Because I've suffered from anxiety all my life and don't remember ever having a damn allergic reaction from it. If this kills me I hope it's painless

this looks like sawcon. Does it itch or hurt?

Im afraid to Google that or anything. I suffer from health anxiety. It's.. Feel weird. Kinda tingles, feels sensative. I wouldn't call it a pain or itch though. But I feel sensations often without touching it.

Have you been stressed lately? Have you eaten something new or recently got new soap? Do you take hot showers? Have you gone camping lately? Is it growing?

My uncle died of this.


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contact dermatitis moron.... make a list of things you've changed or added starting with simple shit like detergent or soap

take the steroids and maybe add a benadryl for bed

t. nurse



Nothing new I can think of. I have generalized anxiety so I stress often. Especially over my health. Monday it was a smaller area on my neck. It has grown since then. Past 2 days it seems. It has stayed in the same place. I hope it doesn't get worse.

user... What would you do if you were me?

I can't think of anything I've done different!!! Also does this look serious to you?! Do you believe I can onky get rid of this with drugs???

This happened to me recently. Check your living space (every nook and cranny) for mold. Check your shoes/boots to. I threw out my pair of moldy boots, and a few days later my rash is almost gone. Mold can be very bad for the body

You will die, it's only a question of when. Or maybe you won't! You never know.

the drugs aren't getting rid of anything, they're making your body have less of a reaction to whatever is going on

>Feel weird. Kinda tingles, feels sensative. I wouldn't call it a pain or itch though. But I feel sensations often without touching it.
I have a good guess what that might be. But first I need to ask a few questions.

Is it only on the left side of your neck?
Do you feel a bit weak like you might have a fever?
Did you have chickenpox as a child?
Do you get sick often?

You caught the faggot off /b. rip