Inert gas exit bag and suicide thread, have any of you tried to off yourselves? What went wrong?

Inert gas exit bag and suicide thread, have any of you tried to off yourselves? What went wrong?
Green text for body discoveries?
General suicidal thread

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I tried to hang myself by looping a rope over a low hanging branch and dropping to my knees. And then I fucking backed out right before the lights were supposed to go out. Not nearly as painful as I thought it would be. When I do it again (some time in the future), exit bag is the way I'd go. Even though I own a gun, I really wouldn't want to go by that method because I feel the loud bang noise would be a bit jarring and not really the way I'd want to go out.

Exit bag is a meme. It doesn't even work because they dilute the tanks to stop people from killing themselves and you'll instinctively take it off once your body feels like it's suffocating.

Helium. Nitrogen There's a LOT of gases to work with. Nitrogen is arguably the best and the easiest to come by and they DO NOT dilute it because we already breathe 73% nitrogen. Odorless. Tasteless. And the only way you would feel like you're suffocating is if you have the gases mixed with regular air.

It's a sound plan for dying, as long as you have enough volume of gas to displace the normal air/oxygen for long enough. Getting into a pocket with no oxygen is a real danger for miners, caves, some urban exploration stuff. Always good to take a meter with you if you want to live.

Every once in a while someone climbs into one of those giant balloons from holiday parades and dies chasing the lols caused by the squeaky voice.

Neh, I'll rather blow my brains out with a 45 caliber pistol, probably alone, or maybe in front of my parents. I know that doing that would give gun owners a bad name, but I will be too dead to care about anything anymore.

Why would anyone use a shitty bag when you can order a full face gas mask for the price of half a pizza?

>be me
>still living at home
>take lots of meds, so does my mom
>one night when everyone is out, i take a shit ton of meds
>go unconscious
>little 14 year old sister comes home early from a friends
>she says she came into my room to say goodnight and i was on the floor
>she calls 911
>im rushed to hospital
>wake up almost 13 hours later
>parents are in tears, my sister jumps on the bed and hugs me
>"user they really thought you were gonna die, im so happy i came home early"

im almost 24 now and my parents won't let me move out and by on my own and my sister likes to spend a lot of time with me. everything feels weird since that night but its not awful????

Why would you trouble with gasses and bags or masks when you can buy everything you need to lovingly craft a custom suicide helmet on a trip to WalMart?

If you want it done right you have to do it yourself, after all.

Attached: suicide-helmet-nearly-40-years-ago-a-very-bright-but-14941410.png (500x617, 157K)

I did exit bag. Posting from hell now. ama

Seems like way too much work. If you're so depressed you can barely get out of bed then you probably won't be building a complex device from scratch to kill yourself with when there are plenty of other items you can use such as a fucking rope that take a lot less effort.

You have a good sister, user. Give her a big hug when you see her next.

Impressive, but what point is there in creating a device like that. Rope, gas, overdose. All very attainable and fairly quick.

I am not suicidal but I nev er get why people say stuff like "someone who is suicidal just does it".

Like even if I was at my wits end Id still be like "well, before i do this, I thoroughly need to research this and figure out what pitfalls I can avoid because if doesnt workout theres a risk of being crippled plus all kinds of social bullshit'.

So does buying books and researching make you a pussy/not serious about it? Wouldn't you wanna learn everything you can about the last thing you'd ever have to do? Otherwise if you failed youd get sent to a hospital and held in a psych ward and pay their overpriced bills and deal with people bugging you about it afterwards.

Im not suicidal like I said but this is just something I dont get, am I wrong?

Do most people understand the mechanics behind strangling? Like I never thought about or considered that the veins and arteries in the neck could be closed off and cause death, I always thought it was about not breathing.

Dumb question but what is the best place to buy strong rope as everywhere I have been has rope that is too thin

Argon and nitrous oxide are also good.

It is less about strangulation and more the drop snapping your neck and killing you almost instantaneously

>have to be 21 + licensed even to buy a handgun even in the USA
Fuck these boomers for making it so hard just to kill yourself. Of course they can't stand loosing one of their slaves.

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Ah yes, the modern mans CO poisoning now in a handy to go package! No more cumbersome garages and 1960s buicks or bulky and impractical gas ovens! Never again take your final breaths in the musty, petroleum-derivative waste air whose very essence dragged you down here in the first place! Now you too have a friend in the exit business! Go natural, go inert today.

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You're right. Researching is very important. Lostallhope has a lot of information on methods and about your body after the deed. Has some good pieces on helping yourself, if you feel like there is still hope too.

Depends on how you hang yourself. Most do a short hang or simple suspension. Least painful way is supposed to be cutting off the blood to the brain (carotid or jugular). You lose consciousness faster that way. Lostallhope has more on this.

This is long drop. Make sure you have enough rope. If your neck doesn't snap, you're in for a painful death as you suffocate.

What all is going on in your life, user? Would you like to vent?

Before you read about it on there, did you know or even think about it cutting off the blood to the brain? I personally did not and was surprised.

18 for rifles and shotguns retard. or just buy one of some nig

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dont kill yourself friend just go smoke weed. your body has natural receptors for weed and by not giving it weed you're knocking off your entire balance.

its why the entire world is miserable and shit. because no one smokes weed

Never really thought about hanging myself as a method, so I didn't think about the mechanics much. I lean towards an overdose or inert gas as the easiest exits.

Honestly didn't know much about simple suspensions, but I did know that most short drops were meant to constrict the trachea. I didn't know before reading that you could hang yourself in a way to primarily cut off blood flow. You'll have to position the knot differently and understand that the pressure needed to constrict the jugular is less than the carotid. You can normally tell whether someone died by lack of oxygen or lack of blood to the brain. I found that pretty interesting.

How do you know whether you have enough rope

Just out of curiosity, what country are you from? I'm from the us and I only ever really considered CO because it seemed easy.

I don't know too much about long drops honestly. They are also known as drop hanging, which you can read about online. Lostallhope has a table on weight of body and recommended drop in ft.

US as well. Never really considered CO and it doesn't seem so easy anymore. Gave that method a little read right now and it seems a lot can go wrong with it, as well as cars having lower emissions and CO being explosive.

love her to death but i cant help but feel bad that she found me like that, she doesnt talk about it but i can imagine it mustve been scary

ill be sure to hug her tight tomorrow

She must be pretty tough. I'm sure she'll do a lot of good in the future. She already did something great by saving you, user.
And don't forget to tell her that you love her!

not him but did u ever realize blood to the brain could be interrupted at all

i never did

Yes. Certain choke-holds focus on cutting off blood flow to the brain. I've gone unconscious by one and it's very quick.

Isn't severe blood loss from slitting wrists in a bathtub like a cold sleepy death? Yes the cutting would hurt but.

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No, not a cold sleepy death. It's ranked 28 with a lethality of 6 percent, duration of 105 minutes, and a high agony score of 71. This is according to Lostallhope, which has cited studies if you read the statistics section.

It would hurt so much that your body would freak out and you'll want to survive again. Not recommended.

I'm gonna choke myself on a doorknob soon. Gonna put some newspapers below me in case I shit myself. Think it's the best way out. Not much of a mess to clean and I leave a handsome body for the funeral. Low chances of failure too and I'm not worried about the pain. People accidentally themselves on auto erotic asphyxiation, so how bad can it be.

You can try something that I've been thinking about. Before you do the deed, take some laxatives and get everything out of your system. Read Lostallhope on the type of knots and location. Cutting bloodflow is fastest way to go unconscious.

Obligatory Niceposting: I love you, user. Even if I don't know you or your past, I relate to you in a way I can't with others. You see a solution and wish to grasp it even if it is frightening and taboo to most. If there is any hope left in your heart, I say continue on. if there is anything to make you happy, I say put your all into it. I love you, user. Sweet dreams.

Damn dude, I'm not even suicidal but all the information on the methods is really interesting. Hope I'm not on some watchlist now.

Yeah, I read lost all hope. Tons of times actually. Wont take laxatives, tho. Too much of a hassle, if someone's gotta clean some shit so be it. I'm not that considerate.
Also fuck that wank. This is a very thought out and rational decision. All that nice guy bullshit only works on people who weren't gonna kill themselves anyways and everyone who's ever seriously considered suicide knows it.

You fucking retard, why didn't you lie down in your bed and then take the meds

Doubt a watchlist for suicidal people is a thing, but all the information is interesting.

Welp, I understand that completely. I'm either going out like you are planning to, might test the laxative bit then. Or I might just overdose on poppy seed tea, seems like a very peaceful way to go.

You're right, but it's nice to believe that these thoughts could go away. I hope the best for you, user. I hope you go with little pain. Hope to see you on the other side, if there is one too.

>try to access my dad's loaded anti-robber revolver
>parents are home, dgaf...
>drop gun on floor
>makes very loud noise from its weight when in case
>dad comes upstairs in a rush, claim i was just "looking at his suits"
>weeks later asks why a gun is differently placed or something
>"idk i didnt know that was there"
now im too scared to try again, i was a fucking idiot the first time...

The offputting thing about overdose is the likelihood of failure.
Also it's not just thoughts. It's a throughout evaluation of life, death and tue consequences of either. Someone who's depressed and inclined towards suicide cause of intrusive thoughts or going through the shock of a recent traumatic experience might be making a huge mistake if they attempt to take their own lives. In my case, and I hope it's yours too, I'm completely lucid and after a long and serious analysis I've decided that this is the best course of action. It's unfortunate but it's probably the best thing I can do. And if you actually put your plans in motion, please don't half ass them. I did once and all it trigered was sadness, regret and suffering. And it happened because I did it when I was emotional and in a whim. Don't make that mistake, if you're gonna do it take it seriously and make sure you fucking die. For your own sake.

That's true, but with a strong enough concentration of poppy seed tea, failure isn't too likely. Opioid ODs are fatal and happen accidentally to some. I've known quite a few people that have gone that way.
You're very wise, user. I like you and not in a wank way. You'd seem like a nice friend. I've thought about suicide for years, but It's picked up significantly lately. I'm going to sit on it for a bit more. I definitely won't plan on failing, if I do make that lucid commitment.
Thanks for the talk, user. Gonna head to sleep now. Sweet dreams

>What went wrong?
Mum would be sad.

> Hope I'm not on some watchlist now.
thinking people care lel

is satan going to permanently ass fuck me or is that more a job for the demons