At 22yo I just realised Ive never lived my life

At 22yo I just realised Ive never lived my life

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Do it matter tho? It's over now. We're done

anime pic extremely related

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Keep on doing what you're doing for 6 years and you can become me. Alcoholic, alone, in a fucking godawful boring office job with an hour commute each way, living only for a weekend.

Once you get to said weekend, the timer starts. Now 48 hours until you go to bed on Sunday. Now 24. Now 12. I hope you got everything in.

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Imagine suddenly getting that realization at age 28.. You're young as shit dude.

The good news OP is that you have time to change that. Now go out and try. Even if you fail at least you would have tried.

I can't tell you how angry this post made me.

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25 26 very soon
330 pound it over. I just want to give up.

is that from Kaiji? I should rewatch that

23 and I feel completely hopeless about life.
Nothing I do matters anymore.

What do you consider living?

Well get off you asss you lazy fuctard no one is going to live it for you

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good for you. what is the definition of "living my life" for you ?

i see youre a man of culture as well

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I'm 36 and I could say the same. So pretty much up to you idgaf.


I'd wife that bitches throat tho

Fuck need to watch kaji

you're 22. all you've done is school or work low paying jobs, you have yet to have a life.

>was a teenager 3 years ago
>"I never lived life! It's over for me!"
We get 2 chances at youth user, childhood and our twenties. You're in your early 20s, you're a kid. I thought the same way as you when I was 20. I thought that because my age no longer had "teen" in it, I missed out. Since I wasn't a cool kid in high school and wasn't having sex and partying, I missed out. But my twenties have shaped up to be the best time of my life. Shit's so good that I don't even give a fuck about that I missed out on when I was 15. So what I didn't kiss some whore in the 10th grade. It's a much better experience to have some Latina bend over and present her bare ass to you so that you can grab a cheek full. Live NOW before your youth is ACTUALLY gone.

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There's still time user. I didn't live until I was 21. Don't let thoughts of wasted time cause you to waste more time.

kek, people always mention rewatching it whenever I shitpost about it

I won't watch it. I dont give a shit

tfw 24 and realizing all I've done is work at college and stay inside and play video games

Tough pill to swallow, hope the rest of my 20s are better

her ASMR videos are great

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