Back to wholesome 2d, because come on, we aren't /gaygen/ edition
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Back to wholesome 2d, because come on, we aren't /gaygen/ edition
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Tfw don't have blonde hair
woah, that's a based OP
I'm a top, and most of you aren't.
>tfw no qt legless amputee bf
why bother living...
I think I slightly prefer top just because having things in my butt doesn't feel as good as having my dick inside something, personality-wise i'm kinda submissive
>TYoOL 2019-(1/73)
>not being a switch/vers
I'm a top too, but my average penis is too small for penetrative sex with most men.
>tfw do have blonde hair.
this, im a top but my peepee is a pencil
Most anons here are switches. Which makes finding a bf even harder if you are a top because everything goes great talking to someone until you finally get down to sex and realize you can never touch butts and be happy.
I am a top too, but I look kinds girly, and I have only dated other cute guys. I would bottomed, but I have always had the biggest dick.
big dikku bottom in the house
Should I just go gay? You guys sound so much more approachable and normal than women.
big dicku bottoms unite!!!
are you attracted to other men? if not, then no
tfw no bf that's into yurishit
>Should I just go gay? You guys sound so much more approachable and normal than women.
>he doesnt know
Nah. You'll have more friends who you could, in theory, fuck, but you'll still die alone.
I actually hate lesbians. I don't hate women, just lesbians.
hello i'm a yurifag
Sugoi desu ne user. A real aryan bean.
>tfw no bf to be wholesome with
I'm not, sadly.
What do you mean?
>tfw no bf to dress up as link before i lewd him
s u f f e r i n g
Where are you from fellow yurifag. I probably shouldn't be asking since I'm a dumb sleep deprived EU idiot so it wont matter.
What the fuck? That's sickening
i'm in the US. why are there so many boys in europe? boys being from europe should be outlawed
indeed, ol chap.
I also eyes!!
>tfw no calm grown up bf to help me eat cake calm me down when i get on everyones nerve and play ksp or mgs with at night so i can wait for him to fall asleep and hug him.
I just want a boyfriend I can live in a bubble with. All the shit that happens in the outside world melts away and is forgotten about when we're snuggling together.
How blue are we talking here? I have greenish blue eyes.
>tfw no bf to play dress up with as homura and madoka with
MGS is pretty awesome, though I've never really been able to get into KSP.
That's how every good relationship is.
sadly, not super blue anymore. They were very bright when I was young, but now they're more blue/grey I guess. Getting older sucks!
I guess I just crave a good relationship then.
>tfw even when I'm posting during EU hours the only interesting people are from US
I'd be totally down to do that but I want to be Homu
>they're more blue/grey I guess
Grey is god-tier, though
>but I want to be homu
Is pic related you then user? You can be homu but I'm the top.
>EU hours
isn't it 4 in the morning at the earliest there?
I love ksp due to its wackiness. You can send in a ship run out of fuel and strand 18 more ships trying to get that one back. Just like legos!
7am in russia, 6 eastern europe, 5 CET and 4 britbong time
It's 5AM here though.
Yeah getting older sucks alot. When i was around 8 i apparently had ginger hair but now they are brown now. And to make things worse both of my parents have really dark hair.
That is my ideal bf and I'm upset this picture exists.
it's alright I suppose. Would prefer bright blue though!
5am in poland and im thinking about either staying up the whole night or going to sleep now.
Does sound like it's pretty fun, yeah. I feel like I typically like to have focus and an end goal in my games most of the time, though, unless it's something like The Sims or Animal Crossing.
I worded that badly, I meant as opposed to this time. It's too early for EU
Anyone from AZ or the United States Southwest? Pic unrelated.
Well if you focus on end goal here you just research science lab fly to minmus and mun and research the shit out of that place and you have everything unlocked. You dont even have to go that far maybe duna and eve.
>tfw no janny bf to to IP ban all anime girl posters
Its never too early to post user.
>What do you mean?
Most of people posting here arent even really gay, if you want to check on how real gays behave go to gaygen on lgbtbraap.
I'm from NV, that counts as the US Southwest! Hi user!
I bless the rains down in aaaaaaaaaaafrica!
>tfw no janny bf to take care of after hard day of work
Hmm, well it is discounted for the Winter Sale! Wasn't really too interested in much, only thing that really caught my eye was Wreckfest.
Oooh! Nice to meet ya! Whatcha up too this evening?
h-how big user? just wondering
yeah I've heard that can happen. My hair was super bright blonde as a kid, now it's really dark dishwater blonde. huge bummer
Just having some hot tea and soup, I have the sniffles unfortunately. I get a stuffy nose about once a year, besides that I never get sick...two more days of work then a three day weekend of rest!
Not that big, only 6 inches or so. But all the cute guys I have met have been smaller. I would take a pic but I have not shaved in a few days.
your ideal bf is a little girl with a penis?
That makes sense. I'm a cute smol guy and I'm under 6", though barely.
Short boy with soft features is p up there. Too bad that's nearly impossible to find. I've met sweet, cute, short guys with little dicks, but they always end up being fat.
>tfw the more you live the harder it gets
But why!
What's short by /r9gay/'s standards?
I am so sorry, Nevada-user! I had strep throat a few days ago so I know how it feels to feel the weather. I have another week of vacation, though.
Below the average height for men in your respective country.
>tfw 5'5 with 7.5"
I'm going to be forced to top aren't I
A boy under 5'6 is holy grail tier, but 5'8 and lower is pretty short and cute.
That's a super cute pic and I want to dry him off with that towel
I've met sweet, cute, short guys with little dicks, but they always end up being fat.
Lol that's me
t. chubby cutie
If you find a taller guy he might be bigger. But how many of us will find anyone? Realistically originally, strangely.
Lucky! I want to stay home the next two days but my check will already be less than usual because I had Christmas off and I can't afford to have any more shifts missing from my check...
Don't take it the wrong way, it's not that I dislike guys who are chubby, I just think skinny is a better look to that whole aesthetic. But obviously personality trumps that. Also having a cute penis trumps it.
There should be some more in my folder. >chubby cutie
You mean on the inside right?
I understand. I do not make a lot of money, but I get some good benefits/vacation time.
What do you do in your free time when you are not on Jow Forums?
I wanna go take a warm bath!
I mean, I'd top you. Topping isn't decided by dick size and a dick that big will be uncomfortable unless they've gone through a lot of prep and stuff.
t. 5'6 6"
anyone else so lonely they'd just go with whatever their partner wanted them to do top/bottom wise?
No. While Im horribly emotionally needy, Im somehow still more of a degenerate and unless someone is willing to be my bottom I know itll just stop working out after a while. My libido is way too high and I suffer for it.
Its fine, people are totally entitled to their preferences, I like skinny better too.
chubby on the inside or cute on the inside?
I guess I'm chubby all over...
I think I'm cute on the inside and outside as well? 5'6", I think I have a nice smile... idk. I teach high school and I'm constantly getting confused for one of the students if that gives you an idea of how young I look.
>not going with what your partner wants just because you love him
I wish I could take a bath but I do not have one unfortunately. When I don't post here I'm watching shows, working, sleeping or playing vidya. What about you?
I mean I don't think I would like to be the bottom, but if I got into a relationship with a pushy only top guy, then I'd guess I'd fucking bottom.
Based. I'm the same way desu
The truth is that you would ejoy being either top or bottom if you loved your partner. If you associate the kind of pleasure you get from being top/bottom with your partner then you will like it one way or another. It just comes down to loving eachother.
>tfw cant get partner cause i behave like i dont want one being mean to everyone around me
I guess I'm such a broken human being that I can't even consider actually loving someone.
>tfw tall with a small dick
Honestly I enjoy any bottom with a small dick. It's pretty cute. But when r9gay says they're small they end up being 5 inches. Average/Slightly below average =/= small. I'm looking for really adorable dicks.
Sounds like me. Are you me? Please answer honestly.
i also don't like bottoming so i guess i should just commit suicide
Sleep! So much sleep! I work at a school, so I come home pretty tired. I like anime/manga, vidya, etc.
Playing Alien Isolation on Nightmare now. Found the nest and holy shit... I do not want to get facehugged.
>tfw I like boys but don't like bottoming or topping
I wish we could just cuddle, hold hands, and maybe kiss
Why must it always lead to anal T_T
hello i am okay with never doing anal
It can be cleaner than vaginal sex.
same here
cuddling, kissing, handjobs, blowjobs, i'm fine with all that
anal just disgusts me on such a visceral level that i don't think i'll ever be into it at all and i don't think i could be with a partner who really wanted to do it
TIL there are more like me than I thought
That's nice :)