If she wanted to be your gf, would you?

If she wanted to be your gf, would you?

Attached: thicc thighs chris-chan gf.jpg (676x676, 64K)

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My mothers friend dobe done told me the same god dang thing my mam. Man.
You know what I told it? I say I say I say zumba babygirl. My dick in your poochie. Talk about zoom. Ba.
So then I cut her throat open.
Its all about spot reduction baby and these wizard eyes see all the demons

Would I have to deal with her becoming a """(((man)))""" eventually?


Only if she was a virgin and never had a bf

Sounds pretty perfect to me so yeah.

no fertile womb means no go

Fuck off, breedercuck normalfag

>not planning your relationships to last
go fap to your trap porn you autismo

newfag detected oof

I don't date cartoons

>newfags will think this is generic tranny shitposting and don't know who cwc is

If he was the same entity personality-wise but was born a girl he wouldn't have a desire to transition.
Not likely. I mean, come on. Remember who you're talking about.
Why wouldn't she have a fertile womb?

No, I prefer a female Gardevoir.

Attached: 1537745422958.jpg (800x800, 124K)

I would make sure the internet never corrupts her

Attached: 1542781253969.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

Nerdy girls like this supposedly make great on-call fuck buddies and give great head/"almost always like anal" - My literal Chad buddy told me this. He spends some of his time fucking girls like this cause he told me it's "so easy" and that they work really hard to try and please him. He never keeps them around but he said they make for good FWB type girls. He also said they're always less stuck up than the hotter girls that he hooks up with. Idk for myself, but that's what I've been told.

No, i'd fuck her but that's it.

people who have met chris say he smells like "rotten watermelons," "body odor and axe," and urine.

let that give you pause

after recently seeing a video of chrischan, I could get a somewhat good look at his face.

I want to ask, do you think that with some dedication and time chrischan could become somewhat passable? if he were to properly diet, target exercising, FFS and possibly a better haircut do you think he'd make it?

what in the fucking hell is FFS?

Chrischan can barely even pass as a human being. Let's be realistic, here.