Tell me why women shouldn't get big

Why are most men repulsed by muscular women, shouldn't strength be desirable from an evolutionary standpoint to protect your offspring? Feminine bodies are ideal for getting pregnant and birthing, but what about after? That child will die on its own, left with a weak mother should they be attacked. Men don't protect their offspring, so don't say that's the father's job. You want to fuck the next Stacy and get as much of your load out there as possible.

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They should, duh. Read up on spartan women.

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If you really cared about masculine bodies you would have posted a black female. You seen Michelle Obama body.

The fact is your gay and trying to not admit it.

there’s a difference between a gal who lifts well with good nutrition prob monitors her estrogen levels and test blah blah blah, and a roided Out soccer mom.

everyone likes different shit

This bitch would be hot af if she had a bf % above 20. What men dont like is goddamn skellies.

>Michelle Obama

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Muscular bodies can still be feminine. The idea that muscle is reserved for men is because they're afraid that their women might end up being more attractive than them if they started training.

99,999999999% of heterosexual males are biologically predisposed toward sexual dominance, whether they realize it or not.

That means they are attracted to submissive - weak, inferior - females.

Physical strength, status, dominating personality, intelligence, charisma, ambition etc all make woman LESS attractive to males

This is why successful males are most popular with women but successful women are least popular with men.

Because it scares bitch ass men