Can a man actually exist who's 9'5" and 1900 lbs at roughly 8% bodyfat?
Like with all technology in play, including genetic modification, Steroids, GH, Training methods, unlimited food etc...
Can a man actually exist who's 9'5" and 1900 lbs at roughly 8% bodyfat?
Like with all technology in play, including genetic modification, Steroids, GH, Training methods, unlimited food etc...
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Or even as big as Colossus, 7'5" and 450+ ripped?
>today at gym
>benching 5pl8 as usually
>some idiot run into bar
>almost lost grip
>one hand slipped
>rerack bar with only one hand
>get off the bench with backflip
>everybody screaming and running to emergency exit
>take off my sunglasses
>flex abs
>gymthot stops, hypnotized by my muscles
>"whats happening here?"
>"he's coming" she says
>saliva is dripping from her chin while she points to the parking lot
>"who?" i ask while holding her by the shoulder
>she instantly orgasms from the touch of my big manly hands, unable to speak
>leave blanket on bench and take my clothes back on
>drive my scooter to parking lot
>juggernaut there
>throws a car at me
>punch into air, breaking the car in half
>"challenge accepted"
>windows breaking from my deep voice
>start running
>concrete is breaking under my feet
>juggernaut is in panic
>bodycheck him
>he lands 15feet away
>people celebrating
>president gives me medal
>flex a cep on live tv
and this is how i defeated a juggernaut
i hate having to always explain this to brainlets. gravity doesn't play nice with land animals who are very big, it's why ants are supermega strong but elephants can't carry 2x their own bodyweight, the bigger you, the effects of gravity scale hard. A 9'5" 1900 lb human probably wouldn't be able to stand, and would have to lurch everywhere on all fours.
What about dinosaurs?
What supplements do you take?
So bipeds can't be over 1900 pounds?
Gravity wasn't discovered in the dinosaur times.
What if he doesn't skip leg day
they were probably built super light, with hollow bones and less mass than initially thought, so they could achieve a pretty big total volume, but their mass still wasn't that much
no bipeds can get super fat, but it's the combo of height+weight that fucks you up. the tallest human ever was around 8'11" if i remember correctly, and due to his size he had poor circulation and his heart struggled to pump blood against gravity up his massive frame.
Would require modifications to pituitary gland, lots of training and food, and constant heart monitoring
>gene edit human
>give him 2 strong hearts
Jugs punched a hole in reality so maybe he could stomp your ass too.
>Like with all technology in play, including genetic modification
With today's technology no, but if there were a need for it then it doesn't sound too difficult to achieve without a feasible research time.
However why though? If anything humans would engineer themselves into super ultramanlets so they don't require as much nourishment and then use machines technology to do everything, mechanical suits if necessary.
Physical size is really unnecessary and physical strength is unnecessary when you have tools available.
I think there is also something to be said about density.
I remember one mythbusters bit where they were talking about if a human was scaled down to the size of a doll, that doll would still have to weight 30+ pounds or something like that. Don't quote me on any of that, I just vaguely remember it.
So I think the same would probably apply in reverse right? A human scaled to the size of a brontosaur would probably weight thousands of tons. the dwemer.
imagine juggernaut rapes you HAHAHA his penis must be huge HAHA i bet the tip would punch your stomach with every thrust HAHAHA that would be weird HAHAHAHA
i punched two holes in reality
you could be perhaps as muscular with CRISPRing your myostatin out but expect some massive sarcoma coming
lower air pressure then
A man of learning and culture I see
it's not a big deal. just have thicker bones and joints and all that.
tl;dr: don't be a lanklet
Audible kek
Put me in the screencap
lul, but in truth cold blooded reptiles have a different biology alltogether
maybe if they had prime genetics and were trained since birth on the moon or in low/0 gravity with a perfect roid/hormone cycle
nice one user. i needed this silliness today
>>president gives me medal
must be an ally of israel it seems
Why not gene edit your body to transform whatever you eat into what your body needs?
Maybe throw in an acid sack at the throat too
>Not posting the true Juggernaut
just make it so you can eat gastric juices and make an acidic mulch with everything you need in it to consume and use asap
>cold blooded reptiles
yes, they're very diffrent than dinosaurs
No. Square Cube Law regarding the composition and structure of the human body wouldn't work. Turns out, sometimes comic book silliness gets things right. Both Juggernaut and the Hulk are typically displayed with massive feet, feet that are almost as long as their shins. And thick ankles to boot. His feet are way, WAY too fucking small, for ground pressure reasons if nothing else.
Possible. "Great Khali" was a brick shit house in his prime. But Colossus is also partially made of metal. So up that weight by 200lbs. And give him some big fucking boots.
Juggernaut would have to be, and most likely IS, made out of substantially tougher stuff than any mortal man, he'd have to be just to live. And of course, he's the fucking Juggernaut so duh.
not with those tiny feet
So what was in the GETs?
>D*ta poster
Eddie Hall weighed about 200kg or 440 lbs at probably 30-35% BF when he did the 500kg deadlift and we know he took a shit ton to get there. So obviously the answer is no, not even close, especially lean.
>tfw you'll always be a 2m manlet
Why even keep going lads
I thought the juggernaut was that British guy, did they reboot x men or something?
no its still the same guy, clearly used roids but he won't admit it in interviews
The ultra thick bones, short legs, and huge feet actually make sense for a biped that big. He wouldn't be pound for pound super strong though. Likely he would struggle to lift his own bodyweight.
Relative strength goes down as absolute size/strength goes up.
Oh, and his heart would need to be modified. More like that of a Clydesdale horse.
>i hate having to always explain this to brainlets. gravity doesn't play nice with land animals who are very big, it's why ants are supermega strong but elephants can't carry 2x their own bodyweight, the bigger you, the effects of gravity scale hard. A 9'5" 1900 lb human probably wouldn't be able to stand, and would have to lurch everywhere on all fours.
You are exactly right and why fictional characters like Hulk, Juggernaut, etc. are pretty silly. Actual animals that size are typically not overly strong for their bodyweight and they are lumbering and slow.
The closest thing to the fictional characters might be a silverback gorilla. They can lift about 2000 pounds but they also weigh 400.
That's the new and much more accurate Juggernaut from Deadpool 2.
Juggernaut feet actually looked pretty big in the movie. Especially from the side. Look at where he stomps on colossus. They're the size of his torso.
As for Colossus I think he'd be very possible, if we're talking height and volume, but made entirely out of flesh. He wouldn't likely be any stronger than Hafthor, and he'd probably need a Gorillas heart to be healthy.
He's a mutant dumb dumb it doesn't have to make sense. Next you'll tell me it's not possible for a man made entirely of metal to exist.
nigga op asked if it was possible for a human to be like that, the answer is no
Waited this entire thread for this. /fit hath delivered
was suprised noone had made one yet
Interesting read user, but the 1,900 pound Juggernaut is only 1/8th the size of large bull modern elephants. Not necessary at all to bring up dinosaurs.
Lol no, anything past 6’5 raises your mortality rate.
We could go the route of mastering our bodies with chemical and cybernetic enhancements or we can breed ourselves to be a head with a primitive stomache and waste tube that we just plug into a nuclear powered never aging robot body.
Lies to control history. Most dinos aren't real, some are remnants of an older civilization. They don't want you to know that.
Depends how to future dictates technology. Does AI seek our destruction and is prone to turn machines against us?
We develop technology to massively improve our bodies and minds so in billions of years we fly through the cosmos in massive Leviathan humans bred for deep-space travels, have human brains act as computers and train superhumans to become power-tools.
If resources get scarce, we develop tools to work on most waste, we need less and less nourishment.
If resources are plenty, we develop insane technology and become a hedonistic society.
If there's space, there's massive machinery.
If there's no space, we become smaller and so do our tools.
It all depends.
Considering juggernaut draws his power from a magic ruby created by an interdimensional being so juggernaut can represent him in a once a millennium battle royale my money is on no.
One was frogposters getting completely and utterly btfo.
Honestly space marines would be cool but they'd essentially have to be morally and logically perfect in order to not be the deadliest thing we ever created against ourself.
Today I had a thought. Why is it called "artificial intelligence?" Doesnt thsat imply it's not real intelligence? Doesnt that mean it could be dangerous if it's literally illogically a real natural intelligence? Imagine a machine that couldn't comprehend illogical input and went nuts
>"Great Khali" was a brick shit house in his prime
Khali could barely move on his own.
>He's a mutant
Actually he isn't. He's the avatar of destruction of an evil god.
Very clever user. Very clever indeed
So why did dinosaurs have color photography but the cowboy days didnt?
They invented cameras before they invented scales.
Technically Cyttorak isn't evil. He is an intrinsic being. The living embodiment of destruction. He is an aspect of the intrinsic nature of reality. Destruction has no moral compass. It's essentially true chaotic neutral
>6' vs 5'11
Imagine dinosaurs walking and suddenly they just lift off the ground. The whole time, they're hoping they can find a mountain or a tree or some shit to kick off of to make it back to solid ground. You think the bones of those that went into space made it further than the first radio transmission?
Maybe a 3rd lung too?
We might actually see giants in a few centuries, the amount of food we produce plus the resources available and access to the foods has lead to a worldwide increase in height.
Countries with almost no adequate source of protein or dairy have had their national height increase by almost a foot.
total brainlet, it's not because of gravity, it's because the small animal and the large animal are made of the same atoms and the same chemical bonds. they aren't bigger atoms forming larger bonds, if you ram an exact to scale toy car into a wall at 60km/h it will get a couple dents and scratches, but a fully sized car will crumple to all shit because those tiny bonds can't stand the sheer force of a ton at momentum
i understood this when i was like 8 and had learnt zero chemistry
>implying gravity isn't the driving for e just like the force of that car
its not just gravity but in this case gravity is the limiting factor.
I love it when brainlets call other people brainlets
>i hate having to always explain this to brainlets. gravity doesn't play nice with land animals who are very big, it's why ants are supermega strong but elephants can't carry 2x their own bodyweight, the bigger you, the effects of gravity scale hard. A 9'5" 1900 lb human probably wouldn't be able to stand, and would have to lurch everywhere on all fours.
Implying a gene-forged superhuman would be made of the same materials that comprise our own feeble flesh. Also implying they wouldn't be sculpted for maximum carnage and combat efficacy (speed, strength, endurance, reflexes, etc.), since no one apart from the military has either the funds or black-ops sites for testing genetic engineering on human subjects.
The only thing limiting us from creating a chimaeric self-replicating nanovirus that makes supersoldiers is a lack of knowledge. Give it 50 or so years, shit's gonna get wild.
This is a good troll
>being a moviefag
Juggernaut has never been a mutant
you're the brainlet, it is the same for all forces because the base unit is the same, but more numerous.
you trying to claim this is because of gravity is laughable at best. is it because of gravity that this also occurs in centrifugal motion? fucking rtard
>hold still while i punch you
I wish I had a wheyfu-goddess this size. Or even a harem of them.
Because AI is really just a combination of learning algorithms.