I hate having a small penis so much. No one would ever want to be my friend

I hate having a small penis so much. No one would ever want to be my friend

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these threads are so fucking gay.

but...how big is it OP?

It's 2 and a half inches. Please dont laugh at me

i'll be your friend OP but im a guy

my condolences OP. I would be your friend, and you could come hang out with me while I do drugs (but not in a degenerate way) when you get sad because you can't get laid.

We could be a fun team. I would be non-functional because I'm constantly on heroin, pills, or weed. But I would be an aloof and carefree guy.

You could be more anxious, and pessimistic, despite being a relatively healthy person. Non-functioning because of your crippling soical ancxiety and inability to sleep with women.

We won't get laid, and it might end in a suicide-pact...but we could be friends

omg i want to suck your cute micropenis

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1" or 10" inch penis, chances are if you're here, it wouldn't have made a difference.

id like to be your friend then if possible
you would? thanks
id suck yours back. its probably a lot bigger than mine

>everyone on r9k is a virgin xD
speak for yourself, loser, I fucked my 25th woman, a milf from a christmas party and I'm only 21

yeah mine is a lot bigger, I would jerk it off while i sucked your micropeen