Proof that looks are the only thing that matter:
Proof that looks are the only thing that matter:
>400 Weeks
>1 Meeks
Incels do not understand what that word means.
eh, he looks like your average ape.
I've seen better. I don't enjoy being abused like he's probably doing to his wife, I got enough of that from my dad.
you're fucking blind, could never land a hot piece of ass like that hambeast
Yet there are plenty of successful people who are worse looking than him proving looks are not the only thing that matters
i thought women really cared about hair? or is that just something lookmaxxxing fags came up with
>he looks like your average ape.
Definitely not. There were seething black guys on Twitter who darkened his face and asked if women still liked him and were deriding them for not.
>looks are the only thing that matter
WRONG! It's height. Height matters. If this guy had been 5'3" (like I am), he wouldn't have received any of the positive attention he did.
Good bone structure, attractive face, ripped body... all that shit means nothing if you're a manlet.
So you're wrong, but nice try.
>lots of virgin men are tall
>lots of short men get pussy
Why are you lying on a Nepali flower arrangement forum?
is calling this the average ape supposed to be a good thing you retard? if this is the average black guy everyone's getting cucked
You think his height mattered when millions of girls fell in love with just his mugshot? Facial definition is literally everything when it comes to attractiveness. A manlet with a nice jawline and sharp cheek bones could still get some ugly girl. But if your face is fat and undefined you will be ugly no matter what other features you might have.
like I've said, he's nothing special.
I've seen better looking guys that aren't disgusting criminals.
he dates a jew, he is the true loser here lmfao
>lots of short men get pussyots of short men get pussy
First of all this is false. What short men (I'm talking shorter than 5'6") get is relegated to "little brother" status. Even short-ish men (5'6"-5'8") have to work much harder for the pussy unless they're famous or rich.
Secondly, getting pussy is not the same as pussy being thrown at you from every which direction as in the case of that hot felon guy. Every once in a while you'll have an anomaly short man slaying pussy, but for the most part the only pussy manlets can get is from drug addicts or hookers (that includes strippers).
Women want a man who has the body of a "man," not the body of a teenage boy, and that absolutely includes height. They want a man who won't be dwarfed by middle schoolers when he attends their children's Parent Teacher Conferences.
There's a good chance some 95% of women would've rescinded their offer once they found out he was a manlet. The vast majority of the girls who remained would've been the ones who were shorter than him.
Literally everything you said is projections in your tiny brain. Nothing of it is based in reality or facts. But then again you are an incel and all incels are extremely dumb.
a jew that will inherit billions of dollars
If looks are all that matter, why have tons of good looking people committed suicide?
The idea of looks being all that matter flies straight out of the window, once you consider that.
>perfect maxilla, lips, and lower third, hollow cheeks due to strong zygomatic bone
>great jawline, even though he doesn't even HAVE LOW BF%
>eyes green-blue despite being a legitimate shitskin
>neck tattoos, also perfectly sized neck
It's just that his chin and eyebrows are SHIT. Literally. Even i have better eyebrows than that.
Ears are also perfect not that it matters, and he's 6' (which is the golden height for a model)
The only guy that beats this guy (and by miles, thankfully) is jon-erik hexum (or something)
Life sucks for almost everyone. Looks lead to sex which leads to emotional health and comfort, as well as to a wife and children which all make life tolerable and appear worthwhile at times. While most ugly people end up finding some of these things, there's still the ugliest and the mental ill who remain unwanted and alone in life.
Nice deflection. The question wasn't if good looks can possibly make life better.
The question was, if good looks are all that matter, why do good looking people commit suicide.
It doesnt make any sense logically. Seems like youre just trying to rationalize your position in any possible way. Its probably almost impossible for you to admit to yourself that good looks arent everything.
Because they didnt realise looks is all that matters
>Just be part of the statistical anomaly bro, who gives a shit that 99% of the rest eats shit boyo.
Life overall is struggle, even those who are given so much help and opportunities and talent eventually need to put effort in it.
The big difference is that the same amount of effort doesn't equal the same result for everyone, very black pill.
The average life peaks in enjoyment at 26-29, onwards is you getting older and more miserable, by the time you die at 80+ you'll realize you have spent most of your life not being young, living off the past glorious memories.
Many good looking people realize this as they age, especially women as men value a woman's body more than women, who care also about status and money.
They realize they lived a good life in virtue of their privilege, when it runs out, they crash or cope.
Some realize it soon and life a fast life, they burn fast as they have no intentions of getting old, wrinkly and without energy.
Nobody wants to age, really.
It's better to live one day as a lion than 100 as a sheep.
Looks (heh) like that looks flying out of the window does so because it has wings, flipping a big middle finger to your stupid brainlet.
I forgive you user, it's not your fault you are that way, nor am i, nor is anyone really.
Imagine the weak existence of a ugly robot.
Doomed to never peak in anything, not even our autistic pursuits.
Follow this twisted logic:
If something didn't matter, there would be no people obsessing over it.
Have you ever seen someone complain about the shape of the veins on their hands or how their digital imprints don't look good?
Because that is something that truly doesn't matter.
Insecurity stems from internalized acknowledgement of not possessing wanted qualities, we wouldn't complain about something if we were content with it, ain't no good looking person complaining about not being good looking.
women don't give a fuck about crime like men do, they just want the needs of themselves and their close ones met.
guys seem to either be lapdogs slobbering all over the law hoping for the second scoop or schizoid/criminals who don't care at all
I can't explain hybristophiles but I can tell you its not gender specific
>chinlet wins in the end
its just a brown guy who's not a manlet and not deformed. Idk why people are talking about it years later. seems like a hoax
I'm sure it helps, though when your bone structure is that perfect it matters not.
dude is literally commander shepard
>believing the manlet meme this much
I feel bad for you for thinking this. Maybe try picking up weights if you are skinny or fucking lose the fat if you are obese.
Unless you are completely fuckin ugly, in which you should kill yourself, there is no excuse for you to not better yourself
Hair is an indictator of low test
gtfo chadlet, go eat a cummyshake
ok but jews and their lovers will burn in hell