Robochads, what's it like to actually have a fembot gf? I know some of you struck gold here. Larpers, if you're gonna larp, at least make it sound realistic
Robochads, what's it like to actually have a fembot gf? I know some of you struck gold here. Larpers...
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Fuck you you faggot I'm on NoFap
>tfw no gf like pic-related
now that's a thicc gal
I had a "fembot" gf for over a year, what do you want to know?
Just to let you know she was fembot khv before me, but after me, she's not a fembot anymore if you know what I mean.
It feels like life has meaning.
>cute sense of style
>actually has hobbies
>tries to improve but had such bad self esteem she doesn't
>is insanely affectionate with me
>autism level honesty
>she learned to cook and bake just for me
>high sex drive
>fight more than most couples, but the fights are very quick and end peacefully, usually with her apologizing
Wtf would we want a RB GF? If you're a Chad why would we want a 500 pound tub of depression and cheetos. Its somehow easier to get a smart stacy then find a motivated fembot. It's not like we all where a fucking pin anyways.
That's why I specified robochad, not regular Chad. Robochads are lower on the overall hierarchy, they can't get Stacies but they can get fembots, because they're experts at talking to people online and getting them to fall in love. They're basically alpha robots.
i had two. one was infp the other was infj. the infp was more stable but boring, the infj was exciting and intense but not a good long term investment. also i am a big fuck up myself so that caused a ton of problems. but hey the sex was great. while it lasted anyway.
Where did you guys meet the fembots? On Jow Forums or somewhere else?
Lol what the fuck is this shit? That is not true, Ive had a femanon gf, a normal one from REAL LIFE and last one was fembot before she met me, what you're saying is a bunch of bs OMFG
what if many people call me chad irl by now, even tho i'm a regular poster on this board for 10 years? Not here to brag, just to answer the question, but i had a pretty autistic gf for 2 1/2y and now i'm again i a relationship with a wonderful redhead.
>she's 6ft tall
>she can leg press 375 lbs
>can almost beat me in an armwrestle
>doesn't like going out
>just wants to be cuddled and told what to do
sure is comfy
I met her on an Jow Forums discord
She wasn't like the typical discord thot, i didn't even know she was a girl until we met in person
Forgot to say that my actual gf is from here, not a fembot tho but femanon, she cares about me a lot since I'm kinda stupid
I met her through a thread we just started talking a lot on the thread and then we emailing each other and stuff
r9k and one of the old r9k cam chatroomz
I have an Indtagram.account where iregulary post landscape pics / architecture / portraits and stuff. She saw that i photographed something near her place and followed me for some time. One day i was vurious who she was, because she saw all my stories. Which i why i followed her back. She in return thanked me for following her and we began to chat - which moved onto whatsapp shortly after
pic related
Sound like some gay e girlfriend shit op.
>experts at talking to people online
Lol okay, they're just good looking enough for you fembots
this is sadly true. I'm highly autistic, but many people tell me that I'm good looking
>be me
>20 yo male
>see a bf/gf application thread in 2017
>decide to see whats up there
>see some girl from the uk who posted a post
>pretty basic post, not too much information besides location, interests, age and so
>decide to ask about her interests
>talk to her a lot in the thread about anime music manga and general stuff
>we get along a lot
>give her my email
>got an email from her and going to respond buit shes deleted it
>post again in the thread to see if shes still there
>shes still there and says she didnt think i was gonna respond
>tell her to email me again
>emails me and we talk a lot
>days pass and one day I decide to ask for her number to talk on whatsapp
>start talking on whatsapp so much
>suddenly find one message saying she cant talk bc shes rly in a bad mental state and says
>deleted her whatsapp
>decide to make a thread on r9k literally asking her if shes there
>shes there and says sorry and comes back to me again
>keep talking like always
>decide to ask her out if she wants to be in a LDR with me
>says yes
>keep talking and talking
>suddenly again she leaves sometimes but always comes back saying sorry
>im okay with that bc i know shes not that mentally stable and doesnt mean it rly
>always forgive her
>got a job some little time after i started talking to her
>gets money
>after some months i mention if its okay if i visit her
>says its okay, so i buy the tickets for the UK
>some days before she dissapears again
>"im afraid otf meeting you if you want to i can give you back the money you spent on the ticket"
>somehow i make her come back and says sorry again for that
>night before the meet up with her we're happy asf
>get in her country and wasit for her at some park
>messages me saying shes around and stuff but shes way too nervous and shy and all
>calm her down
and continue on the next post
This, normies like op might be newfags but anyone whose been here a significant amount of time will have noticed that literally the only way to get a fembots attention is to suggest you're good looking. If you hint that anything is wrong with you, short, ugly, issues, black it's over before it began. Even if girls don't only care about looks fembots do.
>see some girl walking and i know its her and my heart stops
>shes the cutest girl ive ever met, her green eyes calm me down, her way of being shy makes me happy, shes the light of my life
>we stare at each other
>we're both nervous
>say hi and hugged her
>shes carrying a big bag pack since shes staying with me at the hotel while im there
>brings some energy drinks, we both love energy drinks
>we're still shy and dont talk that much but little by little we start doing it although my english is not the best and her being british doesnt help
>but we're okay with each other
>get in the hotel
>we lie down in bed and decide to rest for a bit
>later that night we're about to sleep
>need to put my pyjamas on, she needs to
>says "dont look at me please"
>we get in bed
>really awk moment
>we're supposed to get some sleep but cant do it, its just awk and seems weve been waiting for that moment too long and we dont know what to do
>suddenly i say if she wants to come over my side and she comes
>hug her tight and she hugs me back
>its the best feeling ive ever felt in my life
>we stay that way for some long time
>our first kiss happened that night
>our first everything happened that night
>next day we go out and walk around, she gets anxious in public
>hold her hand while we walk, we go to some museum, to eat, to walk around
>get in the hotel again and we do it, wasnt awk since we both love each other
>the day i gotta come back to my country is alredy there
>we have to say bye to each other
>we almost cry
>get home
>miss her so much and she does too
>cry like a bitch
>keep talking and talking like a normal couple and problems come again
>her being mentally bad and leaving just makes me doubt
>comes back like always saying sorry
>day of my bday i decide to go to her country again for a couple of days
>we are happy together again
cont. on next post
You'd be surprised. I know a guy who's literally a schizophrenic NEET and he gets multiple fembot orbiters, nudes and everything, all through just talking to them but never revealing face or anything
>tfw touch-starved fembot gf
The best part is when she gets all worked up over something, I'll hug her and can I feel all of her tense muscles relax as she leans into me.
Just knowing I can provide comfort to somebody I love means the world to me.
>day i have to leave again, problems happen and i miss my flight, we get mad at each other and she runs away mad and all at me
>at least i get to flight again the next day
>literally blocks me on everything and dissapears again during a whole week
>literally the break up
>comes back again and apologizes saying that day i missed the flight and all made her being sad and mad but now shes okay
>accept her aplogies
>continue talking normally
>october 2017 i decide to go to her country again
>this time for a whole week
>she has to lie to her mom like she always did just to be with me(this would be the end for us(
>that week is one of the best weeks in my life
> we do everything and ive not been most happy in my life
>someday i almost freak out bc we thought she thinks she could be pregnant
>get her some tests
>shes not
>freaked out but its all okay again
>last night before i leave again we go to get burritos
>eat them at the hotel
>will remember that moment forever, we were just being a couple like with all the good and bad things of us
>hug her all night and do lewd things
>have to go that morning
>really sad
>before i go last thing she says
>"dont go" and kisses me
>I go
>after all of this things go to shit
>her mom finds out abou her lying and being with me and all and us
>kicks her out
>blames me
>start hating me
>i freak out and do and say rly mean things to her
>we end up breaking up
>things get even worse and worse and worse
>she hates me now for what I did and said
I mean I deserve it i acted like an asshole, she basically thinks i used her which isnt true, I loved her with all my heart and im not even going to lie, i miss her still and yeah I still love her. It's almost 2019 and still on my mind, dont know if she remembers me or something, I just hope at least someday she can forgives me for what Ive done, im dying now and I miss her so much
The first time I saw her this song sounded in my head
I met my gf here, she's a mommy through and through
She wants unpotty train me and completely feminize me and force me in diapers
It's pretty comfy :3
really heartwarming and sad story user. How long were you two together?
good read, sad feels. good luck later.
good for you son, mommy gfs are the holy grail. now get off my board
Get out.
??? eh that's fucked up