Spent 9 years as a neet recluse

>spent 9 years as a neet recluse
>fast forward to last year
>start seeing a counselor for guidance to get my life back on track
>she's chubby but cute
>a few months go by
>tell her i've never had a gf
>she giggles
>next appointment
>tell her i'm a virgin
>she smiles at me
>suddenly she starts telling me all about herself
>starts blatantly flirting with me
>i'm in disbelief
>the mutual flirting goes on for months
>i get super attached to her
>i'm seeing her twice a week + calling once a week
>she tells me she's quitting
>she says we can see each other "unofficially"
>i get excited
>think im gonna get laid
>coworkers ratted her out to her boss
>she gets into trouble
>they threaten to fire her and revoke her license
>suddenly she goes quiet and tells me to shut up about it and not tell anyone
>fast forward a month
>she quits
>she gives me her number
>we text daily for a few weeks
>i meet her at a park near her new job
>we walk around and talk for an hour
>this happens three times
>we're pretty much in love with each other
>she tells me she's getting a divorce so we can be together
>we start planning it out
>talking about getting married, having kids and so on
>she wants me to meet her parents
>i'm completely smitten
>fast forward another month
>she tells me she has to give her husband a second chance
>i'm not surprised
>she ghosts me
>i'm completely devastated
>tried killing myself three times
>fast forward 4 months
>i turn her in to the licensing authority
>she's under investigation for ethics violations and possibly breaking the law
>talked to an attorney and a detective and they both said she will face charges
>she will lose her license, her job, and probably her marriage
>not sure how to feel about all this
>everyone says i'm brave for reporting her
>other people say i'm a faggot narc

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you shouldnt even be questioning yourself, you did what was right

I took the time to read your post, and you did the right thing. Fuck the redditniggers that will see this thread posted there.

>spent 9 years as a neet recluse
>fast forward to last year
>start seeing a counselor for guidance to get my life back on track
>she's chubby but cute
>a few months go by
>tell her i've never had a gf
>she giggles
>next appointment
>tell her i'm a virgin
>she smiles at me
>i get super attached to her
the rest is bullshit except for maybe the bits where she ghosts you because you turn into a creepy weirdo.

Doing God's work user
Original work ofc

the absolute STATE of newfags falling for this bait


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OP, you are a faggot but also pretty based. I was trying to fuck my counsellor before too but she got another job, you lucky motherfucker.

You should sue the fuck out of them like a Jew and try to get as much money as possible. Say you were in a delicate place mentally and she misled you, etc. Pretty sure you can sue the shit out of them.

I see you brought your thinking cap with you

after the state department finishes their investigation i'm going to talk to some malpractice attorneys about filing suit

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I remember you posting in brit i think and I was saying i was trying to fuck mine a few months ago haha nice one lid. Hope you take them for all they got

this is why you dont get a woman counsler. they are sll useless shits

serves you right for being an incel. ruining someones life because she didnt fuck you. lmfao

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didn't really care about the sex desu
wanted a committed relationship

you're a fucking cunt and deserve everything bad that happened or will happen to you

sauce/story on that gif?

how am i a cunt
she shouldn't have taken advantage of me
i'm not oathbound like she is
she spent 7 years of her live being educated and trained in ethics and swore to do no harm
she harmed me, and she'll harm someone else if she isn't stopped

i will say, however, that if we actually slept together i probably wouldn't have turned her in

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>ooga booga all males want is sex

You should sue the clinic or her, depending on who's insured for more, and get free shit.

good on you, ruin that roastie scum

Thot status: patrolled, epic style

Kek, based and redpilled, fuck that roastid cunt

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For a group that prides itself on 'muh superior intellect' and 'muh critical thinking skills', you incels are a bunch of gullible tards.

>tried killing myself three times
Bosh... You are dumb.

i'm not lying
not even exaggerating
in fact i'm downplaying a lot of what happened because i can't be asked to type up a 1000 word essay about it

you did what is right. you did the right thing and can be proud of yourself. it sure wasnt easy to do the right thing but you did it. dont beat yourself up.

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On the very slim chance that there's any truth to your story, all you did was prove that she made the right decision.