Remember to hit the gym today
Remember to hit the gym today
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Based trips
people still believe in anarchy?
Don’t forget to punch a nazi everyday
ancom is for literal brainlets
I’m an anatchist and I’m bigger than you
Pic related is me
You still won’t post it, huh?
Turns out the fascist was me the entire time.
>You will never help a lost antifa soul lift weights and help him become a better person free from the seduction of ideology
It's a shame. A lot of amicability can come through pumping iron.
Post what?
Yes. Because I'm a fascist...
B-but on Thursdays I go out for a pint w-with the wife.
Post Body.
Post body.
post body skinnyfat
Trying to looked ripped or muscular is a FASCIST aesthetic and I will not further white supremacy by lifting!
So T levels peak in your 40’s? Is this legit?
>be communist/anarchist faggot
>lift to try and match Chad thundercock who’s not even political just wealthy and wants to remain that way while fucking as much pussy as possible
>actually get kind of big
>commie revolution happens
>chads killed, white race completely mongrelozed, ever social stigma other than being a straight white male is destroyed
>suddenly get put on trial by my former comrades
>they deem my muscles offensive to the pedosexual community, my straightness offensive to sexual freaks of society and my masculinity offensive to womyxn
>get executed
>anti-fascist workout
I’m shaking in my boots
don't forget to punch a commie everyday
oh wait you wouldn't like that cuz you're a fuckin traitor commie
Begone pinko
All people who choose weird fringe political ideas are nerds who don't go to the gym and spend their time watching shitty podcasts and arguing other retards on the opposite side of the spectrum instead of doing anything productive. Prove me wrong.
>My grandpa probably has higher T than the most alpha of them
>Look mom, I posted it again!
>hurr durr anyone who doesn't agree with my politics is a fascist
Idk David dukes pretty swole
And the rest
I went to the gym today, coming back from taking a month off, working my way back up to where I was before I left off which was (bodyweight squat-205 lbs, ohp ~95lbs, bp ~130lbs).
Yeah yeah I know, im weak as fuck
Yeah, but the average Jow Forums user isn't. And for every David Duke I can point out atleast 5 Matt Parrotts.
>what happens when the average leftist meets the average Jow Forumslack
>Yeah, but the average Jow Forums user isn't. And for every David Duke I can point out atleast 5 Matt Parrotts
>written with arms smaller than a little girls
lol, okay retards
Yeah, 4 in 5 people aren't swole. 90% of everything is shit. This stuff is constant across the political spectrum, including poncing "centrists."
I never said that I was a centrist or even a leftist. I only said that anyone who identifies as alt right is fat and/or retarded. Thank you for proving my point.
(((Communism))) is only brought about by degradation of a nation's moral foundation. That which tears down beauty and nature cannot be allowed to propagate on this earth.
Shhhh, it slumbers
Do you wanna know how i know you are not white?also provably spik or chink saying that in a moment where we have terrorist attacks and rampant violence in place that never had.
The retard may be you
>terrorist attacks
yea like that white guy that shot up 50 muslims. far-right extremists need to be locked up
Commies couldnt punch anything, limp wristed faggots.
That was an isolated incident. White nationalism is an ideology of peace. The real victims here are right wing white people, for the backlash that these innocent people will face. :^(
And yet the statistics of invader on human murders are still far from balanced
Not even him desu
I haven't missed a gym day in over 6 months.
This is more impressive when I tell you that every day is gym day and I take no rest days
>white guys shoot up people
>isolated incident, "lone wolf", good boy dindu
every single time
>a guy that killed 50 muslim to revenge the 100000+ whites that have been killed in terrorist attacks
Keep going you are the retard here if you think that is normal
Since February nearly 300 christian africans were slaughtered by muslims for their beliefs, and that's just in Nigeria. But you don't know or care about that incident. Why?
>being either a socialist cuck or alt-right
>not shrinking to government as small as possible and using the money you saved on taxes to get huge on legalised McSteroids
Libertarianism and ancap are the only Jow Forums ideologies, anything else is cucked.
He is just like you, the one on the left.
Post body
But i thought not all X are like that? You're judging a huge group of people based on the actions of one disturbed person. You should let us white nationalists come to your country by the millions and I promise there won't be any more shootings. Just don't oppose my religio- I mean my ideology. I'm a moderate but you gotta look out for those radicals. You should probably just give the tiny minority of right wing terrorists what they want.
>he suddenly cares about africans to suit his argument
top lel
Fuck socialism
>study: physically weak men are more likely to liberals
ftfy, is there anything more cucked than wanting to continue a system where most of your labor value goes to someone else?
>White Nationalism is an ideology of peace
except it's not. so i stopped reading your shit jpg there
Fuckkk too lazy help me lads
The average Jow Forums user would get knocked out by gavin mcinnes
That's really bigoted and hateful. Don't go out and shoot up a church you nut job. White nationalists are people just like you. You're just getting caught up in anti-white nationalist propaganda. All they want is a better life and an escape from the problems caused by policies you support. Besides, terrorism is part and parcel of living in a city, right?
Post body
>Post body
Post body
>Post body
Post body
>Post body
Post body
>Post body
Post body
>White nationalists
libertardianism is just feudalism with extra steps
enjoy being exploited and fucked by corporate cock, retard.
Wow, reported to the FBI for hate speech. Enjoy spending the rest of your life in prison. You aren't allowed to oppose them, the government said so.
Gavin would be to busy speading his asscheeks and shoving his bleached anus into a camera to fight anyone
Posting that body would have been a lot faster than Samefagging
oh i see and islam is also not one right? haha i just say since white nationalism is a movement with less attacks per year than feminists and other peaceful movements
bringing up people in africa literally has nothing to do with this argument, retard. look at all the wars and deaths that USA christians have caused in the middle east
>white nationalists ITT acting like victims
So the people of the US caused those wars? Not the corrupt politicians?
Probably a school shooter incel. Who else could be such a racist europhobe. Our proud and peaceful beliefs will respond in kind to your aggression. All we want is to flood your nation and erect our places of worship. To make your schools teach our beliefs, and erect places of worship where we will radicalize young people. Is that so much to ask?
(Since you're a retard, the joke is that i'm replacing "islam" with "white nationalist" for the usual handwaving bullshit that happens after every single muslim perpetrated mass murder. Christ you're think lmao)
>YOU'RE NOT HUWHITE!!!!!1!1!1!
Yeah, I guess you're right since I'm a slav. You're not doing anything productive for white people. All you people do is make every anti-immigration politician look retarded by association, because instead of doing anything productive, you guys are too busy "naming the jew" and defending a dumbass who shot up a place of worship while posting stale 2015 memes just because he wrote a cringe manifesto. Seriously, all you people do is prey on disillusioned young men and make them destroy their lives.
>4 hours and two threads later
>people are still falling for this abhorrent bait instead of actually discussing something productive
You're right, muslims killing people has absolutely nothing to do with people killing muslims. Lmao.
>USA christians
See jew if those were wars because of religion like you are trying to makeit look like you alongside with you muslim friends would have been killed and vanished from the world a long time ago.
Those wars were for resources and shit that only a huge minority supported
>being so thick that you don't even recognize the shit that is plastered all over the media after every muslim terror attack
>you also don't notice that it's absent when whites do the same shit
Muslims are always the victims, especially in Saudi Arabia where people can be arrested for owning a bible.
i know exactly what you're doing and it's pathetic.
yea dude, white europeans are the real victims here (spoiler: that's sarcasm btw)
Lmao nice try, brainlet.
i saw a thread about russia this morning i didn't know those ethiopians had interned there
Explain to me why the rhetoric is true for muslims but not true for white nationalists?
inb4 b-bcuz all white people who don't hate themselves for being born are evil hitlers who deserve to die!
>anti-semitic image
there's no getting through to retards like you. honestly you belong locked up with the rest of the schizo's and mentally ill. before we get another NZ attack
Just prune this thread and post ops address already
His discord has child porn
only a subhuman latin american thinks like that
Lol you're really tough calling on big daddy government to lock up people who say mean things. Typical communist.
because white nationalist have literally and openly stated that they violently want to create white ethnostates. meanwhile, muslims just want to live in fucking peace. the people killed in NZ were just praying in mosques.
white nationalism is the root of the holocaust. why am i even having to explain this to you, are you 12?
Don't see how that image is anti semitic.
well guys he is baiting(i hope if no then it must be a nigger) is time to return to our business
I used to believe that too. Then I realized blacks and (((jews))) won't ever let you have that. Might actually want to read Uncle Adolph's book before you write him off. I was shocked to see his actual beliefs, especially how he mentions arguing with socialists.
I am that fascist.
>because white nationalist have literally and openly stated that they violently want to create white ethnostates. meanwhile, muslims just want to live in fucking peace. the people killed in NZ were just praying in mosques.
>white nationalism is the root of the holocaust. why am i even having to explain this to you, are you 12?
When's the last time there was a mass shooting targeted at white people exclusively?
It seems that whites are always the aggressors towards POC. why is that? what is wrong with you?
not an argument
The same is literally and explcitly true vice versa.
because muslims have literally and openly stated that they violently want to create a worldwide islamic caliphate. meanwhile, white nationalists just want to live in fucking peace. the people killed in Nigeria were just practicing a different religion.
Islam is the root of Jihad. why am i even having to explain this to you, are you 12?
you are not even trying anymore