Have you done your part lads?

Have you done your part lads?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-28-03-52-47-1.png (1440x1319, 409K)

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piss off ya chuckle fuck

Gimmi a reason to do my part

If you haven't subscribed to PewDiePie you're a piece of shit.

This whole pewdiepie shit is fucking annoying

Global 11

>reddit and zoomers the channel

what is all pewdiepie stuff about?

I'm guessing he went and took shilling to the next level and decided to make subscribing to his channel a meme. Get more subscribers through "hard work" and dedication? Nah, I'll just make it a bloody meme, collect the benefits and call it a day.

He kind of did make subscribing to his channel a meme.
There was a moment earlier this month when he nearly lost his 1st place as most subscribed youtuber to an indian corporation, so there were a lot of memes about it.

If pewdien*gger's subscribers were a country, it's be the 20th most populous country in the world after Turkey.

I kind of liked his content after he quit the whole let's player act, but if the world was just, he wouldn't receive any more benefit from subscribers gained through this stupid meme. But the world isn't just, and he's just taking advantage of that, so frankly I really don't give a shit what happens.

>to an indian corporation
lmao what does that indian corporation even make? tutorial videos?

Uploads bollywood videos and music videos I think.

I've never watched him much beside the whole nazi controversy.

PewDiePedo takes trends years old and uses then to groom his kiddie fanbase
He's shit

literally free replies

Now that I think about it, it's not even himself that I found funny, but rather his editor's work.

I still can't believe he got normalfags to adopt the loss meme. Aren't they technically laughing at a guy who lost his kid/fetus or something?

>Now that I think about it, it's not even himself that I found funny, but rather his editor's work.
He's kind of funny and he's rather intelligent for a mainstream youtuber. He's not bad, just not my thing.

Everyone hated his guts some years ago what the fuck happened

He did really edgy shit jokes in 2016-2017 (also making subtle hints of using Jow Forums) and adding to that he said the n word, so he got attacked by the media (mostly leftists) which lead to many edgy alt right teenagers to like him and so pewds was shilled as a "based" dude who fought against libtards

He hates his old videos too and always says he was obnoxious and bad. He's pretty good now for what it is.

r9k and Jow Forums as a whole is a normie website now filled with underage faggots

How does it feel knowing I'm probably older and more successful than you and I watch pewdiepie videos?

he said "nigger" a couple of times so he's obviously /ourguy/ now

You probably literally don't have an inner monologue

No, I think he is overrated and YouTube would be a lot better if he was gone.

*brofist* LOL

A week ago I held a talk in front of a fifth class and somewhere in the talk I added, that everyone should subscribe to pewds sooo, yeah. I'm doing my part!

>I'm doing my part!
Absolutely fucking based and redpilled

Guess I should have seen these days coming. The kids that loved this guy years ago have now gotten old enough to be on /b/. Getting old is weird, man

I'm unironically based af and redpilled blueballed mega Chad nonvirgin daddy and I subscribe to pewdiepie

Subscribe to Pewdiepie so J-series won't win

he censored the word nigger

Dude.... So fucking deep holy shit. He's literally just a soulless hunk of flesh walking around... Only us real FOURCHANNERS have an inner monologue and soul... Really makes ya think...

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There are actually strong indications that there is a correlation between inner monologue and low IQ. Compared with verbal thinking, cerebration permits much more abstract thinking and faster reading. Thanks for outing yourself as a brainlet, based bugman

>You must be 18 years or older to post on Jow Forums


>Start off as a souless let's player
>Moved onto decentish skits
>Said nigger by accident
>Preteens on R/_D flock towards you
>Just talk about memes you found on /v/ and Jow Forums
>Need fucking shills to beat some random Indian faggots

join? join what?
fuck it I dont want to know

Anti Pewds cucks can't even post original comments. Sad!

Does that give you purpose?

Read this

Attached: worst-book-covers-titles-4.jpg (605x766, 35K)

I hate every single one of you zoomer fucks. Fuck that Pewdiepie.

A sex tape where your mom gets gangbanged by 8 streetshitters... that kind of video

He's based and redpilled and alt right now.

pls go back to leftypol desu

for him it's about keeping the most subscribed channel on YouTube an actual person and not a company

T-series will eventually take over the top spot anyway because new South Asian YouTube channels are automatically subscribed to T-series and there's over a billion pajeets, and a lot of Indians are backing T-series because of nationalism. But nonetheless, for more avid YouTubers it's about defending the legacy of YouTube as an independent individual Creator's platform

get this normie shit out of my board

He's not alt right, that's just what the media says because they don't like him.

i've been a pewds fan since 2011.

supporting pewdiepie wakes up gen Z to the corrupt leftist media

he's also against SJWs and socialism

Being against modern SJWs doesn't make you alt-right, just a reasoning person.

ok grandpas

>Subbing to some dude I don't watch just to dab on some Indian dudes I don't watch
I'd rather die painfully than pretend this is important to me for even a second.

Attached: 1545089415762.png (936x590, 20K)

For him it's about generating sensation around his channel, and increasing how much he earns.
I agree that it's better to have the most subscribed youtube channel to be in the hands of a real person and not a corporation, and I'd even agree to make a different youtube category for corporations like those, but saying that PdP just wants to be the most subscribed channel for selfless reasons is silly.

Mind providing a source on that?


>ask for source
>it's just another 4 chan post.
You know that doesn't work right? CNN can't claim something and then source themselves to claims it's true. Also i'm not the user you arw debating. I just think it's dumb that amount of time people post an anonymous 4 chan post as if it's fact.

>t. 110 IQ who thinks he's a genius
A logical conclusion based on empirical data IS proof. The difference between us is that while high IQ people like me are able to process data orders of magnitude larger than you can and draw orders of magnitude more conclusions than you'll ever be able to, you're too unintelligent to recognize logic as truth.

>Pewdiepedo fan believes pol
Underaged as fuck

Whats that song called around 4:21 mark with the trumpets? The youtube rewind vid but good 1 from pewds. I hear it a lot but cant find the name


This comment is definitely original

do people actually still watch youtube? everything on it is shit now

Maybe if you are retarded and only look at shit videos.

There is some good content on there but it's extremely hard to find. Every review/unboxing/tutorial video is Indian and then some.

Heh, its true. Boomers don't understand.

What would you recommend? Going back to watching cable?