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It's 8:04 on a Friday night.
I'm browsing Jow Forums and thinking about her.
How's everyone else going?
who here adelaide?
Any melborne chads out there?
look lads i need a strong fucking drink how about you cunts
Moved to America, lad. It's 2AM on a Thursday night and there are redguards screaming outside and I'm honestly nostalgic for abos.
na mate at least they dont filter metho through bread to drink
who /brisbane/ here?
I've been lucky with abos, they very rarely come on the trains here, but when they do you can smell them three carriages over.
Hope you get some sleep soon user
In da house mate
Bris here.
Recovery from years of neetdom, alcoholism and isolation. Now going to QUT
Ey cunt where abouts
Bum.p thi.s shi.t y.a fa.t cun.t
Took my place mang, moved from the states to here, drinkin and thingken about Terry Davis
Never was sad about the death of a celebrity but he always felt like a crazy uncle that no one liked but you
Rest in piece
Where the greens roam wild, Northcote is my kingdom
Your 81km from me mate
Jeesus forgot that this city was so fuckn huge.
Tbh i'm a Fitzroy-Collingwood cockroach, never really getting much out of this area beside for some occasional surf on the coast.
Im in mornington
Not a chad but im here....
Noice mate !
Was planning to gor for a motorcycle trip around there soon.
Been there like 2 years ago. Fuckn beatiful.
How is it over there ? Not to boring?
>where did that 30 minutes go.
I'm going there next year to continue my studies. I should've just done a fucking trade man.
i luv smoking shard and twirling the glassy all night
Do you need a hand with that bottle?
It's never too late to switch.
Any north west Victorians here?
Starting UQ next year
Dan, which drink should I buy from your store for New Years?
Its too fucking hot
I miss living near the beach now all I have is this massive lake you can't even swim in
you bonobos are all completely insane
I graduated UQ last year. Big fucking campus, good luck son.
>Super cool breeze blowing through my window right now
>My window is right next to my bed
Wish you could be here m8
nothing but normal fags in this thread
sasuga australia
drop dead the sorry lot of ya and save me the bullets
thanks mate
enjoy your comfort
with what gun faggot haven't you heard of port athur
hey user at least you aren't in Southeast Queensland where the humidity kill
vans of peace are still legal
Atleast its been super chill this christmas, its the worst when christmas day is 35+
Mobility scooter
Hazmat suit
Tank with hose and ca fentanyl and dmso solution
A few co ordinated squads
Speaking of Port Arthur, do people believe we got the official story or was there some dodgy shit going on?
>Dole Army - 9's ACA Expose an Underground Army
Reckon he did it?
>one shooting
>government takes guns
>start taking away rights
>open the flood gates to bring in millions of different shades of brown
what do you think?
so how many of you are actually friendless neet incels? or are you all wagecucks and unifags?
Friendless neet here. Don't identify as an incel though.
do you have an active sex life or not? if no then you are an incel whether you choose to identify as one or not
No sex life boss.
Oh well.
I'm a guy who worked from home up until about two weeks ago when I had a fight with my boss and lost my job. Now I'm going to develop my own games.
can't stop thinking about her lads, shit's ruined my life
>tfw Australian
>tfw /britfeel/ feels more like home than an Aus thread ever could
Cbd non-chad checking in. I wanna off myself
Who here Sydney and not going to do anything on sunday? I might go the gym at midnight.
Are there any 35+ in here? An I the only grandpa bot? Surely not.
Hows it feel knowing gaunghong guy got a blowie
Adelaide broski reporting in 2 hours late. how's it treating you?
Im 29, 30 in august. Really cant believe it has come to this. DESU I didnt think Ide live this long but its not I accomplished anything.
Me. Zero friends, newstart, living at home, hate everyone.
Ah yes Guangzhou (a city in China)
it's just a hooker m8
Awesome, vintage ACA. I wonder how these guys made out after all these years.
Nah he fucked the hooker thats some slut from Jow Forums.
Shes actually not but shes prolly had more dick then most hookers.
Hello 30+ friend, chin up, thanks for the (You)
>Fucking austhread is already dead
I'd give anything for a regular /ausfeel/
yeah austhreads don't last very long these days, i remember a couple years ago could get these bad boys to 200 easy
Cough cough NSW /SYD/ checking in. Going to the beach soon lads, how is everyones night going?
Any Tweed heads anons in?
Nope. Never Eva ever got that high. All a variation based on when its started as well
The fuck is a tweed head you nigger loving faggot
>government cracks down on NEETbux (25% now on the dole used to be on disability)
>NEETs and hikkis all forced to get jobs
>forced to socialise in jobs
>subsequently don't come to Jow Forums much because they're out with their new friends and partners
Imagine fucking kowai
No, they did. Generally we only had austhreads on the weekend.
gold coast mate just on the nsw side of the boarder
Yeah right. You can take the robot out of his cave, but you can't take the cave out of the robot. Robot wagies are always the weird stand offish guy at work.
wish i could erase it from my memory desu
dandenong bros WW@
You're going to get blasted with thots when you go to the beach. Hope it doesn't destroy you like it does me.
Thanks user, what did you study?
>legit drooling tard
>bux forever no matter what
Feels safe
It's hard to believe you're legit tard if you're self aware. What is it you have? It's autism, isn't it.
So you fellas like bundy?
Where you do live to survive on neetbux? Sydney is well too expensive.
Any of you cunts want to join the /aus/ discord?
discord dot gg slash EGnZf
Hit to head very vad
Join now and get to experience nisems newest arc LIVE
Anywhere but the big cities. Or even the smaller cities. You have to go out to the burbs with the great unwashed.
Joining late from WA bros. Well, it's still early here
nah its bad, the more expensive rums they only sell at their distillary are meant to be pretty good though.
THIS, NEED some cunt to add me on wickr, really need some xannies or i'm gonna have a seizure or somethin
>shooting committed by a literal retard
>gave an excuse for the gubment to banwave all guns and even ask for them back
Nah seems legitimate
Hey everyone heres my xmas dog
Hey roko
whats your choice of drink?
It was a false flag. The people in the cafe were all AFP, ASIO and SASR operators. All killed with double taps to the head using an unknown 6mm ammunition. Highly likely they were russian spestnaz and there was an unmarked russian freighter in hobart harbour that vanished after the massacre.
>going to the beach
Ok chad.
Just wasted 50 bux on the pokies lads
My grandpa is a grand pooba at some Masonic lodge in Perth y'all know em!??!!
Nah Shmuel, I only go at night and chat with drunk women occasionally with my dog. To much sun during the day.
I made that post an hour ago, what have you been doing?
You couldve brought a couple edibles with that, why not?
Went to the beach innit.