Does it bother anyone else how easy women have it? Women can literally sell feet pics and sex for hundreds of dollars a day. It doesn't even matter if they're ugly or not, they still would get tons of customers. Idk just something I've thought about for a few days
hence why men don't respect them
the only thing that bothers me is that they won't acknowledge it
Talk of feminists had increased slightly, Australia fags must be on.
It infuriates me. But at least back in the day women were shamed for being whores, now they are literally applauded for doing anything, and if a man says anything he's labelled an incel or worse.
You're an idiot. An ugly woman wouldn't make hundreds a day from selling sex.
People have ugly people fetishes. That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Have you never seen a hooker, retard?
You're right. They become twitch streamers for slightly obscurer games instead and makes thousands.
Who tf uploads that shit to Facebook
Feminists, nudist, or thots.
So can men now. All you have to do is transition and you'll be making sweet betabux
Good so only a small amount of people of which the majority is in the Anglo countries. I'm ok with that
stop being horny then lol
If only we could tell this to every single guy in the world our problems with women would disappear in a day. Women are just taking advantage of a system that unconditionally worships them.
Okay, then don't be a fucking faggot and don't ever date or fuck one of these women. Men are their own worst enemy, don't ever fuck a whore, don't ever fuck a slut, just fucking turn down sex, bat one off or whatever and move on. They're basically just a fleshlight at this point anyway. I'd have no respect for myself if I ever settled for a whore. And I would tell the few decent women remaining to do the same, lechers need the rope.
Money isn't everything. Neither is sex.
Then why do normies brag about both on social media all the time fag?
Those are the poor people user, true wealthy people don't brag about anything on social media.
Men enable this shit, women just exploit it. It's nature.
Chick fine af btw
This right here. Women only behave this way because men allow them to.
>be me
>live in Athens 5000 before JC
>have slaves
>rich parents made me marry a well educated wife ten years younger than me
>still fuck slaves and prostitutes whenever I want
>slaves do everything for me
>have fuckload of free time
>occupy myself with politics, philosophy, arts and sports
>eventually become a very cultured and intelligent man
>mfw plebians and slavecucks spend all their time and effort making money and getting laid and sometimes don't even succeed
>mfw I already have all of this so easily so I can spend my time doing something more elevated
>mfw I legitimately became superior to them just because I have money
Thousands of years gone by and nothing has changed. Except the plebeians have become much more complacent.
Rape should be legal we need to punish them
Some things have changed, we get more material stuff, we have fewer diseases and more illusions of freedom, at least in northern countries, that's what makes us more complacent as a society, leaders know that and they have been using this technique for a very long time...
Theres plenty of fat ugly camhwores out there.
Shutup cunt.
>all women make millions from beta orbiters
>all men are beta millionaires
This somehow doesn't add up.
Sluts, feminists and degenerates. Pic related. I reported it twice and facebook didnt take it down.
>all donate $100 a year at the very least
You do the math
Are you trying to say that you actually lack the moral compass to figure out why that is disgustig and degrading, and that if you were a woman you'd be ok with whoring out for a quick buck? If that's so, weird flex bro.
Very few girls would have that many followers giving that much.
Ture.But they sure as fuck help.
Belle delphine.
Even if 10k and they handeda hundred a year thats 6 figures
You literally gave one exception as an example. You think millions of girls all earn that much? Idiot.
There's literally nothing stopping you from selling feet pics and having sex for hundreds of dollars with gay men. It'd be no less gross for you than it would be for a woman doing the same thing. Just do it until you make enough money to set yourself up and then get the fuck out. Easy.
>implying hookers enjoy staying all night in the streets waiting for some creep to pay them 20$ to fuck their armpits
yeah, those fucking entitled bitches. i wish i could have it that easy.
>men are willing to pay women for just about anything.
>it's some how women's faults.
I guess it's McDonald's fault i'm so fat.
I've been saying this for fucking years and the vast majority of people are completely ignorant to it. If a woman fails at life then she can just bail out, find a guy and he'll literally take care of her for the rest of her life. If a guy fails at life then suicide or poverty are his only options. Men have ten times the suicide rate as compared to women, why? Because men are expected to be something great and to provide, not only for himself but to everyone around him. The double standard that is imposed on men is bullshit, everyone knows it but exceedingly few people will even acknowledge it. We idolize women like they're precious gems or something of value when it's men that are truly beautiful and self sacrificing.
Femanon here, tell me ONE valid reason why my life could be easier but without losing my dignity (AKA prostituting)? I'm waiting. A lot of disgusting old men say shit like women will always be less intelligent and other lies.
>If a woman fails at life then she can just bail out, find a guy and he'll literally take care of her for the rest of her life.
Imagine being so dumb as to believe something like this. In your world there is an infinite amount of millionaire beta men who will take in any girl, no matter how ugly.
find me one thats making hundreds a day. its relatively few camwhores you make any real bank on this compared to the number who do it.
Nothing wrong with prostitution. You should consider it.
The fuck are you talking about, did you mean to respond to someone else?
I will acknowledged it when you acknowledge the who is reallying causing it.
>Because men are expected to be something great and to provide
You are pretending like this is some great feminist con. When this is just what the patriarchy expects you to do.
belle delphine is a rare case. A girl is considered lucky to make even a livable wage on camwhoring. at most its usually a supplementary income, with the select few hottest and best commanding the real money.
The lies we tell.
>men willingly give money away
>blame women not men
I never understood this. Is this because you have a double standard here and don't want to hold men accountable?
It's illigal and if she got arrested or even caught it woukd ruin her life. That is like saying why don't guys just go gay for pay. There are plenty of rich men who want to fuck young men for money.
There is no conspiracy, it's just the way society developed. It's just bullshit and you should acknowledge it. Pretending some faceless group is doing this actively is just idiotic. People are conceded and only look at things at face value.
saying that you are a femanon makes your situation worse here kek
its the same with women being able to get sex easily. not their fault men think with their dicks. and robots resent them because they can't get any lel.
the mind boggles it really does
Unless she lives in some third world shithole it's not illegal.
Men rule the world and you think easy mode is selling pictures?
A society created by men for men. I don't get why you just can't admit men's faults in all this. You think Belle delphine has a huge female following? No, it all men giving her money. Thus encouraging her slutty behaviour.
There is isn't a first World where it's illegal Even the uk where it claims to legal. It's pretty much illegal to do anything related to it.
>An ugly woman wouldn't
And it's just as shitty to take advantage of it. The idea that it's the "patriarchies" fault is just a scapegoat.
Was that even English?
>Does it bother anyone else how easy women have it?
no but I have it pretty easy with women so it's hard to care.
me too gurl, those silly incels rofl
Once you get hundreds of dollars a day with that, I will believe you.
Yes learn it.
what the fuck that's eggman
Blaming women for something men do is a scapegoat. If men didn't pay for sex prostitution wouldnt exist,but instead of blaming the men who are willing to pay for sex. You blame women for following supply and demand.
>There is isn't
>where it's illegal Even
Why is the word "Even" capitalized but "uk" isn't?
I would say that you should learn it first, given your lack of understanding of English grammar.
Yes it is, user. But ugly women have it hard too!
What the fuck am I even reading? Is this user broken or something?
There isn't a first World country where it's legal.
Even in the UK where it claims to be legal. It's not really.
I'm not a child so the success of others doesn't bother me.
Women don't have "success." Men have success, by creating things or changing the world. Women get paid to passively exist.
The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Greece would beg to differ.
Regardless, I don't concern myself with their easy lives.
>implying all of them are human or even donate
That's fine. Some people do care about the effects of non-contributing/parasitic members of their society though.
>5000 bc
100% legal in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and a slew of others. You are factually wrong.
None of those are 1st world countries. Also they all have the similar laws as the uk. When it's legal, but parts of it like soliciting is illigal.
to live life as a femoid is a life on easy mode. you get haned shit everywhere. whole society is cucked and treating holes preferential.
a women can literally sell her rotten socks and underwear for hundreds of dollars. there are men who will pay you hundreds of bucks just to chat with you. even more for talking on the phone. they will pay you for having dinner with them additionally to paying for the food. it is so fucking easy. just get on tinder, match a chad. say you want to be paid for. the 2nd or 3rd guy is already okay with it. go on suggardaddy site. you get paid a trip and paid for your time.
and we are not talking hot females but average females. they literally have nothing to do. still they complain and bitch around.
How is it parasitic. They earn their own money.
Yeah you do. No one is forcing you to spend money on people like Bella.
So do usurers, loan sharks, war profiteers, drug dealers, etc.
The wall is our only schadenfreude.
I don't exactly see threads on 4 chan speaking out against the evil of loan sharkibf or war profiteering.
>So do usurers, loan sharks, war profiteers, drug dealers, etc.
Indeed, slightly bigger issues don't you think? Morality is important to me but I've not yet reached a point where I can have a serious discussion about the moral implications of some whore selling feet pics and the loser who buys them.
Jow Forums hates kikes, what are you talking about?
Tbh shes still fucking hot in the right
this actually. the downside of (semi attractive) women having it so easy is that most women have no incentive to develop any traits other than their physical attractiveness, which obviously means they'll be coveted but fundamentally respected less. if you try to deviate from this you'll still barely get any respect since 1. men (and people in general) value women based on their physical appearance so highly anyway and are unlikely to change that 2. you belong to a group such that people will immediately assume you deserve less respect anyway, regardless of whether you try to develop other more respectable traits
Women are half the population, spend and therefore control 80% of the money, and in one form or another, "getting a woman" is a major or even primary goal of almost all heterosexual men.
Women being pathetic, shameless whores in our current society has hugely detrimental effects. The nuclear family is dead. Divorce and single mothers are the norm - boys raised by single mothers are several times more likely to be criminals, drug addicts, suicidal. There is a massive underclass of bored, sexless, angry, confused men - the fuel for political chaos and revolution. And so on.
It's normal to be concerned about the moral fiber of your society, user.
No,it claims it does. Any attempts to regulate banks and corporations is always seen as a bad thing. Yet regulating those things would depower the jew.
You're on a board dedicated to non contributors.
You are fucking retarded. But then again you Burger NEETs know nothing of the world outside your basement.
If they are not 1st world countries what are they?
Women spend 80% of the money? The USA spends trillions on war, and somehow shoes and purses add up to more? You're a fucking retard.
I didn't know every female in the world is rich and supported by hundreds of beta orbiters. All those poor and/or lonely females must be an illusion right?
Yes, this board is dedicated to women. What's your point?
Consumer spending, idiot.
>half is 80%
Incel math, everyone.
This is virgin coping. A typical woman will have more personality than all robots combined.
That body is so perfect wtf
Your free to look up the laws in those places. I'm not stopping you.