It's all about being average looking AND low IQ

Show me one guy who fits that criteria who doesn't get laid regularly? The low IQ allows him to relate to women taking everything in his stride and living in the moment, never overthinking and making impulsive decisions exactly like a female does - thus fulfilling her wish for a "good personality".

Women equate good personality with how much dumb shit the guy does, risk taking behaviour is seen as "fun times" for women and they associate the risk taking with top tier personality.

With the low IQ and low inhibition personality you don't need exceptional looks. Just be average or even below average and the women will line up

The guys in the pic get more sex than male models.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok but why is he wearing a hjjab?

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Lots of guys, they are called incels.

Incels are all stuck up richfags or middle class leaning in terms of their morals and ideals. Some incels won't even accept a single mother or a woman with tattoos. You think those low inhibition men are rejecting sex with a woman on the grounds she has tattoos or has fucked a black guy?

I have even seen incels making fun of poor people for being poor. Women hate that type of shit and would sooner fuck a poor guy than a guy who snobbishly looks down on those he considers beneath him.

The point is that most incels are average looking and low IQ.

I have a 110-115 IQ. Is this low? I know It's low in the world of academia but I can never relate to females and I'm a KHV dateless touchless. Am I low IQ in general? I'm average looking also.

How the hell are incels low IQ? Ever been to an incel forum? They discuss things like philosophy, religion, music, art, politics, at length. A lot of them are computer hackers and know all sorts of shit about science and technology.

That's not low IQ.

Incels are low IQ. They don't know jack shit about the world or science. They spam the same old links and meme graphs going "hurr science". It is literally not possible to be smart and an incel. Intelligent virgins are called volcels.

So you're telling me that a guy like the one in the pic or some chiraq "trap music" thug rapper has a higher IQ than an incel who knows how to finish video games within a day of their release daye and operate all the latest technology as soon as he gets his hands on it? yeah right. It's the high IQ of the incel that hinders him in the first place since high IQ leads to high inhibition and overthinking everything.

Not all low IQ people are incels but all incels have low IQ. That low IQ guy can get laid because he doesn't have the incel mentality. Why do you insist incels have high IQ when that is demonstrably false?

>single mother or a woman with tattoos.
>fucked a black guy

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I know plenty of low IQ, decent looking blokes that don't get laid. They're manlets tho.

>110-115 IQ
did you get cool scratch and sniff stickers in your special ed class when you were a good boy?

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yeah he can get laid with a roastie if he is a good guy and beta bux

would rather be virgin forever than fucking a roastie

Exactly, he doesn't have your toxic incel mentality.

gotta be a special kind of retard to be seething this hard at the ladies for also being retarded

unironically using the word "toxic"

the absolute state of you and all the beta bux morons

low IQ people have lower testosterone levels and are likely to be virgins. Retards do poorly with women.

I am low IQ myself and i get stumped on video games within 5 minutes of playing it, yet an incel whizzes through the game and completes it on the hardest difficulty setting without needing any help. All incels can drive and operate a motor vehicle with little difficulty while i struggle with it. All incels can hold down jobs if they choose to while i am reliant on welfare because i have no people skills.

Incels make complex Youtube videos on looks and are able to morph pictures and drop statistics on the anatomy of a man's skull shape and his sex appeal at the drop of a hat. The average guy in the ghetto doesn't even know how to use a forum or form a coherent sentence.

Majority of incels come from comfortable, two parent suburban homes where they were afforded good parenting and a good start in life and most importantly free of money worries, allowing them stress free study.

There is no evidence whatsoever that incels are low IQ. There is mountains of evidence that chavs, thugs, wiggers, etc are low IQ

Low IQ brainlet here. Not very true. Women don't take after low IQ, they take after confidence, assertiveness, and an easygoing personality. You can have a high IQ and still possess all those qualities and do very well with women.

>some chiraq "trap music" thug rapper has a higher IQ than an incel who knows how to finish video games within a day of their release daye and operate all the latest technology as soon as he gets his hands on it

Yep nothing says intelligent and redpilled like intuitively being able to beat Pokemon on your Nintendo Switch.

End urself kiddo

Few incels have jobs. Most are NEETs.

Look at this thread made by a supposed low IQ incel

I myself have low IQ so can barely even read past the first post without frying my brain, yet incels there are having pages and pages of in depth discussion about it.

Yeah looks like high IQ to me. Can you see a hip hop forum or woman's parenting forum going into such depth about such subject matters? No i didn't think you could.

>low IQ
>knows more than professional doctors about oral posture and jaw development

pick one

>high IQ
>not being able to acquire sex

pick one you incel faggot.

Yet the ones who do do fine with it. Eggman was working 3 jobs at one point in time. How does a low IQ man hold down 3 jobs?

Yeah because you need high IQ to acquire sex when the dumbest guys in the ghetto get it everyday despite not even being able to spell their own name correctly when they have to make an email address for the first time. That's the entire point of the thread pussy. Low IQ guys get laid all the time while the high IQ incel has to go without.

ever hear of that guy isaac newton? Only one of the brilliant minds to ever live and he died a virgin

Who said Newton was unable to acquire sex? Dying a virgin doesn't mean you are an incel.

>knows more than professional doctors
Lel. Imagine being this gullible.

Way to miss the point, low IQ incel. If you have high IQ you cannot be an incel because you can use your intelligence to figure out how to get girls. Also many girls find intelligence sexy.

>Who said Newton was unable to acquire sex?
Because he never had sex.

Newton was a volcel, as was Tesla. History knows no intelligent incels.

What makes you think he ever tried?

Newton was asexual or possibly gay. He might have had gay buttsex with his roommate in later years.

>incels rejecting bbc'ed tatted girls
>le volcels smrt
they not incels

Will get laid plenty, but will also end up with children to multiple mothers, all of whom behave awfully and make his life a pain, yet he is legally bound to all of them He also doesn't possess the resources or resourcefulness to simply move away either. He is in effect, stuck in a fishbowl and swimming around in his own shit.

If you think that is a good life you are probably low IQ yourself

There is no evidence for that why don't you back to redit where you belong

rote learning, superficial understanding or understanding in a narrow area at the expense of all other areas is not high iq traits.
Just beause you read aristotle's wikipedia page does not mean you actually know about aristotle

Becauae incel is a made up buzzword by a overweight lesbian.

Newton being gay is speculation but there are hints it might have been the case. But regardless Newton never pursued women. Do you seriously think a guy of such intellect and high social status couldn't get women if he wanted to?

He tried seveal times, couldn't handle the rejection. He was not the top of any social class he bullied and ignores by his peers most of his life. The only "proof" of him being gay was because when he visited london for a week he stayed with a male co worker.

Where do you come up with this complete bullshit? Got any sources for him trying and being rejected? He was definitely of high social status, his published works made him famous and respected scientific circles. He was even a MP for fuck's sake.

The second one is good looking for British standards

Then explain all the high IQ virgin nerds and mathematicians, idiot. Why haven't they used their intelligence to end their virgin streak and fuck some women?

Yeah, because no actually intelligent people ever fuck, right? Try not acting like a piece of shit and see how easy it is to find women who want to play. Also, watching Rick and morty all day does not mean you have a high intelligence quota.

9 different types of intelligence. IQ tests are not the end all be all for measuring problem solving abilities. Google it and educate yourself. Their problem is that they can't get laid. Still haven't solved that problem. Really that smart?

Solving and executing a solution are two different things brainlet.

you are deriving way too much personality traits from "low IQ"
they're just as different from another as any other "group" of people.

you most likely see yourself as intelligent while being an overthinking shut in who falsley concludes that anyone who is not like that, must be stupid

Maybe they don't want to have sex.

Women prefer guys with 10 less iq

this is what underthinkers call thinking

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Virgins. Not incels. Why do incels always try to equate all virgins with their tiny fringe group? High IQ virgins are volcels. Incels aren't smart enough to get a uni degree.

>tfw too intelIigent to have sex

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You could do that, although your post seems to ignore or remain ignorant of the fact that intelligent guys, in conjunction with anxiety, can use their intellect to imagine possible futures where they fuck up, strengthening said anxiety.

You'd have to he pretty dumb to let doomsday scenarios override reality.

yeah or just a regular human being that's alive

Yes there is, the most prominent queering experts agree that he was indeed gay or at least pansexual, just like Tesla.

In before "what is queering", there you go, familiarize yourself with modern academic discipline:

>They discuss things like philosophy, religion, music, art, politics
That's all pretty low IQ discussion topics desu. High IQ Chads use high IQ working alone at something he values and when discussing things he talks pop culture becouse his IQ let's him understand that talking about religion, politics has no positive value. It can only bring you enemies.

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Looking for any excuse to run away from some pussy. Save yourself some time and hang yourself