>dad listening to old music >thinks he understands politics and how the world works >constantly playing devils advocate
Do all dads do this or just mine? I mean I know neurotypicals are retarded sheep that belive whatever the tv or radio tells them too but damn this is another level
>imagine making a thread and the only replies being yourself because literally the people on Jow Forums dont even like you
This is some sub human loneliness right here
Ethan Myers
You know why people play devils advocate right? Its because grownups view issues from different angles because the real world isn't as black and white as you think it is.
Daniel Ross
Lmao fuck off boomer to listen to some ACDC or something faggot
Zoomers run this world
Luis Torres
Doesnt really apply to me but my dad's views on politics are based in werher they benefit him or not as an upper class man. I don't complain since we're pretty well off but sometimes it pisses me off how much of our views are based on what benefits us and not on what's the best for everyone. Zero empathy but that's how he was brought up so no use complaining about it. It's up to us to make a difference.
Ryan Morales
>No one ever replies to my threads honestly >Get honest answer >Lmao fuck off You deserve every bit of loneliness you feel.
Camden Howard
Yes Mine does actually know politics & the world He plays devils advocate to help me think through my positions And I like ELO
Christian Anderson
You sound like a generic edgelord who knows how the world "really works" despite being far removed from society
Gavin Phillips
Your mom sucking on this fat dick proves Im as lonely as you
My dad thinks he has the world figured out but is also a commie larper. It's shameful.
Andrew Torres
My grandma thinks she knows everything there is to know and she critiques everything. She didnt work a single hour in her life and has a primary school education. Was always provided for by her dad or her husband. Shes low IQ too, never could hold a conversation or talk about anything really. She believes everything that comes up on tv. And its not dementia shes not that old. The only thing shes got going for her is that she shames christfags for being in the priests pockets and doesnt fucking tip the jew. And shes nice to me of course, at least when im around her. She can talk shit behind my back as long as im comfy. Oh and my dad is an alcoholic privileged retard that had too much money as a child. And all of them cant understand metaphore sarcasm and irony.
Charles Wilson
ITT, the greatest minds 19 year olds have to offer.
Luke Nguyen
>I mean I know neurotypicals are retarded sheep that belive whatever the tv or radio tells them too but damn this is another level
Lmao fucking neurotypicals cant even see the truth
Fucking sheep
Zachary Thomas
> neurotypicals
.. I've encountered so much of this retardation, that I have PTSD from it, the notion that you're anything special, from being a fucking autist. kys. Fuck you for even using pepe in your thread, fuck you.
Most older people dont even see real truth in thier own opinions they honestly see the world as infinite interpretations so theres just no way to know anything for sure. You have to get your arguments watertight. Also your dad probably just wants to talk with you.
Isaac Myers
>Imao fucking neurotypicals cant even see the truth >Fucking sheep