>be me
>skinny fuck
>"eat moar brah"
>eat more
>gain weight
>reach 205 lbs (93kg)
>still skinny
you manlets don't know how good you have it
>be me
>skinny fuck
>"eat moar brah"
>eat more
>gain weight
>reach 205 lbs (93kg)
>still skinny
you manlets don't know how good you have it
for lanklet feels
You will get through it man. Don't forget shoulders for a broad look. Women love the athletic tall body type. You will look godly
How tall are you?
I don't know what's worse. Being a normal-bodied manlet, being an Auschwitz looking lanklet or being a normal height/taller chubby/fat guy.
>you manlets don't know how good you have it
It's true that for example 10kg of muscle looks like more on a manlet than on a lanklet. But so does fat.
Even if I gain 20kg of lean muscle I will always look smaller than an average built 185cm dude. I may be stronger but women will still go for the taller guy since they prefer height over muscle.
Women only care about genetics, not hard work, more about what they can get from your hard work.
taller chubby guy > Auschwitz lanklet > normal body manlet
being this tall is pain
>be 5'11
>gain notable muscle with only average effort
>wear only basket ball shoes or nice boots when out to get those height gainz
>tell everyone I'm 6'0
>They actually believe me
Life as the king of manlets is good lads.
Not true. Handsome face and being at least as tall as the girl is enough. I have an objectively average face, I'm 6'2 and chubby (I go from alright to fat and back every year, 93-103kg; 205-227pds) and have been alone my whole life. My cousin who's 172cm tall (5'7.7'') has a beautiful and amazing girl because he has a handsome face and is a bit built.
I am stronger than your average guy but I am also fat. I am agile and good at sports but I am fat. Nobody wants a guy who's face is average and their body under average. There is a huge difference between girls who want a skinny guy and girls who want guys with dad bods/chubby guys. You are well off. You can be happy you don't have the genes to get fat. Trust me. People like me will always have it worse. It doesn't matter that you're weak or don't look very muscular. You're not fat.
you need to get Jow Forums and gain muscles, you'll get weight this way.
Factually wrong. Women will always pick the good looking fit shorter guy.
I started exercising and eating more but progress is snail slow, with this height I need to get 3000 calories to gain weight
I woke up this morning feeling like I lost another 5lbs by simply breathing. But I feel ya, being fat would probably be worse. Buying clothes and I would be hungry all the time. I'm too poor for that.
Still have yet to find a girl tho. I really don't think it's my body. It's the fact that I am poor and not did anything career wise yet. But my last ex it was really complicated and she slowed me down for a good couple years. Shit sucks.
Peter crouch played for my local team and I played football against him and shook his hand!
haha you lose
t. short fat guy
>Born an auschwitzmode manlet
>Started bulking and getting Jow Forums
>Only 140lbs but already putting on visible muscle
fuck you
you manlets gain muscle by picking up a fork
If it makes you feel any better, no matter how much muscle I put on as a tall male you'll always have more value in the sexual marketplace than me
>any Jow Forums gains look nonexistent
>upside when in highschool could be overweight but only look slightly so
>natty gains, be 6'4", join football, even more gains
>still end up here
Manlet Skelly here. On that dreamer bulk too.
My dream weight is 185 shredded at 5'9 Natty.
I've never been over 140 lbs.
too stupid to figure out compound lifts
Keep eating and lifting. Eat at least 3000 calories a day. We're all gonna make it, bro
That's like literally impossible at your hight. You'll either be over genetic capacity, or over 4-6% body fat. At 5'9" suicide is a more realistic and desirable dream.
calm down, gigachad
T-thats fine. I was already suicidal anyways.
You know what they say, better dead than being a good little goy.
I like this image.
Lanklets, manlets, together we are stronger
There is no "fat gene" you complete retard. Nobody wants to hear you bitch about hoe fat you are, stop eating you little girl
>Not being 186cm, naturally muscular, having a thin 180cm girlfriend, giving birth to a new benevolent master race
>why even care to live?
I'm 176 cm, but I'd kill for a 180 cm cute gf
I'm 167cm, and have a 180cm cute gf
Such a waste of good genes
Put the GF in the bag and nobody gets hurt, user!
How so? She is cute and worthy of my superior genes.
Find your own. I found her on Jow Forums, you can too.
>I found her on Jow Forums, you can too.
Genuinely curious as to how the fuck that worked out. Considering how you met and her height, is she a girl(male)? Is she the dominant one in your relation ship, vice-versa or are there no such dominance hierarchy in your relationship?
I met her on another board by chance, not one made for hookups. She is a real female, a sticc chestlet. And obviously she is submissive in bed because she's a girl. Outside of the bedroom there's no real hierarchy.
With the size difference I'd imagine that exploring her body would feel like climbing a mountain for you. Congratulations though, glad you made it user
>women only care about height
>no no Im tall and I never get girls cause Im ugly
>no no Im short and I never get girls despite being handsome
Regardless of looks or height you're just fucking losers that's why you don't get girls
I wasn't talking about a "fat gene" you faggot. There are different metabolisms that are genetic so shut your fucking mouth and fuck off somewhere else.
Size difference doesn't matter much in horizontal positions. And it's not like it is a big difference. At this height you can fuck a girl of any height without it being awkward, a tall guy and a tiny girl would be awkward.
But you're not worthy of hers.
An aproximate formula to calculate ones children potential height is:
(Height of father in cm)+(Height of mother in cm)+/-(6cm)
'+' for male children
'-' for female children
So your sons will be manlets like you.
Lost potential, even a rather short 180cm guy could breed tall alphas with a girl like this.
>But you're not worthy of hers
Just keep eating and lifting more everyday, until you are a fucking monster.
Someone sure is bitter. Is this a bitter lanklet virgin posting?
No, I am I just see some kind of evolutionary suicide happening around me.
That's kind of unsettling.
Clearly one of us here has superior genes, and it for sure isn't you.
How is that so?
Please elaborate.
You reek of insecurity, you probably are a NEET, and most likely nowhere near as fit as you claim. Probably not good looking either.
Peter Crouch is a top dude
I've always loved Crouch
Actual femanon here, I prefer tall skelly boys over muscular short guys. You're good OP.
Alright, that's for the assumptions, let's talk facts
Supposing everything we both wrote so far is true, we have the following information:
We both have a 180cm tall girlfriend while I didn't meet mine on Jow Forums, mine btw also has tits. Two of them even.
You're about 20cm shorter than me, which means that I'm approximately 20cm taller than you.
So you are uglier and less fit than me, and your gf probably is fat. There is nothing positive about your height, especially when you are a NEET.
>So you are uglier and less fit than me, and your gf probably is fat
Your conclusion is my confusion, brother
Also, brother, I'm a chemical engineer, brother, what are you doing, brother?
Let's become friends, brother.
Hey, it's you who started the hostility. I work as a programmer.
shortness isn't inferior genes, once you understand this you get over your weirdness
shut up bitch no one care about your height fetish
>teehee girl here I'm not like the other girls I like tall boys omg fuck off midgets
No one cares or is surprised. Stop blackpilling short men you cunt.
Well, I don't like it when my species drifts into the abyss, but then again, I also don't like capers.
But the optimal form is tall/large female short/small male so why would that be drifting into the abyss? That's evolution and progression to the superior form.
A lot of tall guys are insecure about their weight like short guys are insecure about their height. Why does me comforting someone who's insecure trigger you so much? Would you rather have me be shallow bitch and tell op to fuck off?
You are a shallow, retarded, generic bitch. I'm not even short but you're just another thot fiending for chad dick. Fuck off, let robots enjoy their lives away from scum like you.
you sound like a girl's idea of what a robot would sound like
>I'm not even short
Yes you are lol