It's time to riot against the mods! Who's with me?
It's time to riot against the mods! Who's with me?
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Based commy poster. We will win in the end.
If you start posting threads with this imagery with text moaning about jannies I'll bump
But the mods support communism.
How absolutely retarded do you have to be to be a communist?
How absolutely retarded do you have to be to b a capitalist?
Nominal support is meaningless as long as they run Jow Forums like their own private property. All power to the anons!
>high living standards
>actual increases in economic production
I guess you're wrong bootlicker.
>correlation equal causation
>We will win in the end.
but you've done nothing but lose miserably lmao
Yeah partner, fuck dem goddayum colmunists. MURICA!!!
>there is zero causation between a massive increase in economic productivity and higher living standards
>if you want want to live in a poverty ridden socialist shithole you're a redneck
What's it like having such low IQ and being brainwashed into hating yourself and wanting to be enslaved and poor?
Fuck Commis
The mods are commies though.
>there is zero causation between
Lmao retard
>capitalism and increase in productivity are correlated, so they are also causally linked
Double retard
>not getting that the point originally was that an increase in wealth being correlated with capitalism doesnt equal a causation, thus making this retarded post saying the same thing but thinking you have a point
Triple retard
>if you want want to live in a poverty ridden shithole you're a redneck
Yes, if you want to live in ancapistan you're a redneck.
>What's it like having such low IQ
Yes, if you think ancapistanianism can work in the world you're low IQ, correct once again
>and being brainwashed into hating yourself and wanting to be enslaved and poor?
Yes, wanting to make the job of the big guys in enslaving you further easier is hating yourself, correct once again
Wow, rabid anticommies can actually understand something for once! You learn something new every day huh!
Fuck communism but Jow Forums should be run as a user owned cooperative.
Let's start a gofundme to buy this site!
>capitalism and increase in productivity are correlated, so they are also causally linked
They are. It's basic logic.
Capitalism results in firms being allowed to create more economic output. This means productivity is increased. These things are directly related. Do you disagree?
>an increase in wealth being correlated with capitalism doesnt equal a causation
I understood that this was your original point AND I refuted it, it was you that was unable to understand I was mocking your inability to understand the direct causation between increased economic freedom(capitalism) and economic productivity.
They are not linked. Communism was doing really good, better than the west even until Stalin died and the Soviet governmental structure fell apart.
>i was intending it all along
Lol fuck off retard. You were a retard and you exposed yourself.
>Yes, if you want to live in ancapistan you're a redneck.
If I want to live in a peaceful and voluntary society I'm a redneck but if I want to live in a society filled with coercion I'm not?
You make no sense.
>if you think ancapistanianism can work in the world
I'm not actually an ancap, I'm just a moderate libertarian. But yes it had actually worked successfully before.
Far better than socialism ever did lmao.
>wanting to make the job of the big guys in enslaving you further easier is hating yourself
But this is literally what you support.
The capitalists don't do anything harmful to me. Their existence only results in my labour becoming more productive and the things I buy decreasing in price.
If the workers took over the means of production their living standards wouldn't increase whatsoever because the working class already consumes 99% of the end products of economic production(consumer goods).
Prove me wrong, you literally cannot.
>rabid anticommies
You mean sane normal people that don't want the state to monopolize all production and leave them with no other option to starve?
You mean people that have seen the massive failures of socialist/communist systems and don't want to repeat it?
>Communism was doing really good
lmao communism/socialism was doing so incredibly bad and made everyone poor
REAL socialism was tried by lenin and it failed so incredibly hard that lenin gave up after a few years and turned the USSR into state capitalism
All society is coercion, retard. For example, every society coerces people to not murder.
>ancapism works
>if you want to limit the power of the big guys you actually support them!
Lol fuck off retard. I guess if i dislike faggots im also actually gay right? Imagine parroting sjw talking points.
>sane person
>who spends his time literally FOAMING at the mouth at the mere mention of the word communism
So the USSR wasn't communist then? Well China follows about the same model, so i guess they are not communist either then.
Thanks, screencapping this and posting it whenever someone points at Chinese and Soviet failures to criticize communism.
>All society is coercion, retard. For example, every society coerces people to not murder.
Is this a joke?
Murder itself is coercion. Society preventing others from murdering is defending AGAINST coercion.
Are you totally fine with coercion and allowing the state to completely run your life?
Why do you want to be a slave?
Actually no, many pre statist societies were market based, also medieval ireland, medieval iceland, the american midwest in the 1800s.
>>if you want to limit the power of the big guys you actually support them!
But you don't want to limit their power, you want people that control your life to have even more power.
>Imagine parroting sjw talking points.
You're a SJW and you watch contapoints though lmao
>>sane person
>>who spends his time literally FOAMING at the mouth at the mere mention of the word communism
Why are you so upset that people don't want to be enslaved to the state? Seek help for your mental problem.
Stop stop stop stop. Go fuck yourselves, and FUCK OFF
>So the USSR wasn't communist then?
Many actual communists say it wasn't.
>Well China follows about the same model, so i guess they are not communist either then.
Most communists say they aren't.
They're marxist inspired and are severely lacking in economic freedom and that's why people there suffer though.
Do you marxist brainlets only see capitalist/communist and nothing in between?
>Thanks, screencapping this and posting it whenever someone points at Chinese and Soviet failures to criticize communism.
Socialism was tried though, by lenin originally for the first few years. Look up "war communism".
What the fuck lmao, murder is not coercion, if someone walks up to you and shoots you thats not coercion thats just murder. Are you actually retarded? Lmao
>being market based is being andicapped
What the fuck once again? Every country is market based, every country has a market where things are being traded.
>literally just repeating " if you dislike something you actually like it!"
>haha if you disagree with me you are this caricature of everyone i dislike because im literally incapable of arguing with someone without pidgeonholing them into a character made by Jow Forums so i can discret everything you say by assocation with a hated group!
Fuck that tranny retard and fuck you
>"if you dont like something you actually like it!" AGAIN
Seek help for your mental problems of projecting your own twisted mindset of hating everything you secretly like on everyone else
No i agree with you. Communism has never actually been tried, and this is not and should not be a crazy thing to say. Communism is a system that has only existed for about a hundred years now, its not in any way crazy for it to never have been implemented in a hundred year timespan, especially when those hundred years were spent fighting two of the most brutal wars in human history and then another cold war that exhausted both countries involved. It was just really unlucky to be created right around the time the world collectively fucking lost their shit.
>War communism or military communism was the economic and political system that existed in Soviet Russia during the Russian Civil War from 1918 to 1921.
You cant fucking judge an economic model based on how it performed during a fucking crisis situation lmao.
>if someone walks up to you and shoots you thats not coercion thats just murder.
Okay, we should be talking about voluntarism/involuntarism instead of coercion.
>Every country is market based, every country has a market where things are being traded.
Brainlet lmao I said PRE-STATIST societies. ie. before the first states
also the other examples I mention btfo your point
>>literally just repeating " if you dislike something you actually like it!"
No I was calling you a liar because your ideology implies other people get to rule over you and you are a slave.
Mine does not.
>Fuck that tranny retard and fuck you
kek even if you claim to not like him, all of your shit eating commie friends love him too
>Seek help for your mental problems
You're literally a marxist that wants the state to completely control your life and change your diaper.
Only kind of revolution I want is a 1776-style one.
>Communism has never actually been tried, and this is not and should not be a crazy thing to say.
Sure, the only reason it has never been tried is because it's impossible though.
>You cant fucking judge an economic model based on how it performed during a fucking crisis situation lmao.
KEK the crisis was the result of the shitty system
Why didn't lenin continue ACTUAL socialism? Because it was a failure then and the more market based system he came up with after worked much better. Really makes you think.
Also a system like this was tried under many people like Mao and guess what it failed miserably.
Authoritarianism doesn't work.
No we should not. You are a retard that doesnt understand that the basic premise of society, from tribal pre statist societies to modern day civilization IS coercion. Its not optional, its the most basic part of any society=coercion. This is not an ideological thing, this is a psychological, biological human thing. Go watch some Jordan Memerson he is right up your underage brainwashed poltard alley, he explains this in large detail.
>STILL repeating "if you dont like something you actually like it"
Did you get raped and now you are confused as to wether you liked it or not and projectint it onto other people? Jesus
>me better than you!
High level cognition right here.
The thing is im not even a communist. I believe in free market capitalism with heavy regulations to limit the power of the big guys. Call that whatever you want but its communism.
The problem here isnt communis. Fuck communism. The problem here is that there is now an entire army of brainwashed little kids like you who shit their pants and start screaming whenever someone as much as drops the word communism. We should be able to have a free discussion on it without some low iq retard like you trying to shut the conversation up because it hurts your feelings.
So kill yourself, retard
KEK epic BASED BTFO nigger KEK epic
Shut the fuck up little retard. The crisis is the fucking civil war you fucking mongoloid piece of shit.
>its communism
Its not communism*
>being this mad and ignoring my other points
There's a reason why maoism was a massive failure. The same reason lenin failed with war communism.
Why did lenin abandon actual socialism?
They're the ones protecting r9gay from siege. If we get rid of those fucking jannies we could easily eradicate the fags. I'm down for a revolt
>these countries werent communist
>actually no they werent
There were no other points to reply to. China followed the same model as the Soviets, infact they were less communist than the Soviets. If you say the Soviets were state capitalists than China is just capitalist. It becomes very clear what you're doing when you flip flop your points like this. So there is no point taking it seriously
>You are a retard that doesnt understand that the basic premise of society
You're a marxist and you're whining about society. You don't even support society.
>IS coercion
Then why is civilization strongly correlated with a LACK of coercion and more voluntarism?
>underage brainwashed poltard
You're a marxist. This is all that needs to be said you 12 year old.
>>STILL repeating "if you dont like something you actually like it"
I'm not saying this at all. I'm saying you are confused because your ideology forces you to be enslaved all at the same time claiming you don't want to be a slave.
In order to get me to change my mind you have to prove that marxism isn't slavery.
>High level cognition right here.
You're a marxist.
>I believe in free market capitalism with heavy regulations to limit the power of the big guys.
The same "regulation" that gave them this power in the first place?
>The problem here is that there is now an entire army of brainwashed little kids like you who shit their pants and start screaming whenever someone as much as drops the word communism.
There should be, communism is objectively a bad thing and people should be fighting against it as it's popularity has increased in recent years.
>China followed the same model as the Soviets
I was talking about maoism and the great leap forward you gigantic brainlet.
This wasn't the soviet model. It was real socialism, the state monopolized EVERYTHING and there was no competition between state firms.
>you're marxist
>you're a marxist
>you're a marxist
>you are a meanie i dont like you
>im physically incapable of arguing unless i can pidgeonhole you into a premade character from pol and then use premade talking points some neckbeard prepared
>literally saying in the last sentence he supports censorship while he claims to be arguing against coercion
Neck yourself right now kid. Imagine being brainwashed by worthless loser neckbeards on the internet. Imagine being lower than a neckbeard. Imagine disgracing your family this badly.
You can go home now
I didn't even say it was communism. I said it was socialism.
Are you alright user?
>>you're marxist
>>you're a marxist
>>you're a marxist
>>you are a meanie i dont like you
Why don't you actually respond to my arguments instead of angrily responding to my counter insults of YOUR insults.
LOL you fucking idiot
>use premade talking points
If they are premade then you should be able to refute them. No?
>Imagine being brainwashed by worthless loser neckbeards on the internet.
I wonder what Jow Forums would look like without jannies, we should just rid them for a month to see what happens.
Do you need anything else? You can borrow my umbrella if its raining or something.
Calling someone a marxist is not a point lmao
Go back to school kid.
sure but like 98% of all socialism that has ever been tried requires authoritarianism
also voluntary socialism while not being authoritarian, falls apart just as fast
It would be a racist free market paradise.
Also all socialists need to be killed desu
No but it's a counter insult to your childish insults.
My points were the other statements you embarrassingly were unable to refute. lol
You said that China is socialist because it has authoritarian policies. This makes no sense. Especially when you previously said that the Soviet model, which was far more Socialist/communist/whatever you want to call it than China, was actually state capitalism. If the USSR is state capitalism, then China is *just* capitalism. The fact that they're authoritarian does not change this as you tried to imply.
>free market
Can't exist, capitalism will just collapse under a handful of monopolies without any above management. This is why there are almost no ancap elites.
No zoomer, you are not welcome here. Just because niggers at school bullied you does not mean you are a robot you piece of shit.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums.
This revolt will never work
>You said that China is socialist because it has authoritarian policies.
No I said they were socialist because they had socialist policies.
ACTUAL socialist policies, not the soviet model where firms would compete.
>Especially when you previously said that the Soviet model, which was far more Socialist/communist/whatever you want to call it than China, was actually state capitalism.
I never stated this.
>capitalism will just collapse under a handful of monopolies without any above management.
wrong, when free markets were actually tried in the late 1800s, companies tried to form monopolies but were broken apart thanks to market forces.
It's the state that creates monopolies, look at debeers for an example of that
There is literally no point, you just called me a marxist. Those are not insults, its not an insult to call you a little kid unless you take it as an insult. Its not my fault you are a low self esteem self hating highschooler retard who sucks neckbeard dick online and engages in power fantasies to get back at those damn niggers who bully you at lunchtime.
Learn to stand up for yourself instead of clinging to collectivism and wanting the collective to be your daddy and protect you from the mean niggers, and your problems will go away.
No you did say that.
>It was real socialism, the state monopolized EVERYTHING
You're talking about authoritarianist policies and saying this is the reason why China is socialist. Hence you're saying China is socialist because its authoritarian
>insult someone
>they insult you back plus refute your stupid arguments
Just close the tab kid.
>Learn to stand up for yourself instead of clinging to collectivism and wanting the collective to be your daddy and protect you from the mean niggers, and your problems will go away.
You're not even making sense anymore lmao
>thanks to market forces
You're a fucking dumbass
>You're talking about authoritarianist policies and saying this is the reason why China is socialist.
Brainlet, we are talking about different time frames here.
China was socialist under Mao, then under Deng they went to a state capitalist model.
USSR was socialist under Lenin and then in a few years they went to a state capitalist model.
China was "REAL SOCIALIST" a lot longer than the USSR ever was.
>You're talking about authoritarianist policies and saying this is the reason why China is socialist. Hence you're saying China is socialist because its authoritarian
I never said this.
>You're a fucking dumbass
It's literally what happened lmao.
Companies that tried to form cartels were destroyed by competing firms that simply raised their prices and took the market share of the """"cartels"""".
The free market won.
Yeah, at the end of the 1800s it was almost at the same level of the 1500s, and it started rising massively in the 1900s, WHEN WORKERS STARTED GETTING RIGHTS AND DIDN'T WORK 16 HOURS FOR A SALARY OF 2 HOURS
Eat shit zoomer faggot. Nobody likes you here. Go get yourself a daddy from Jow Forums to be a trap for. You know thats you want deep down. You want a daddy to protect you from the mean niggers. You are a faggot. You are a double faggot. You ard what we are trying to kick off this board. Neck yourself
KEK no.
Living standards for workers were increasing all throughout the late 1800s during the so called "gilded age". Real wages increased, working hours decreased etc. Unions didn't do shit, they were a tiny portion of the population and LOST most of their "battles".
Here's a graph on working hours.
Jow Forums is one of the most racist websites in existence
You racial egalitarians are the ones not welcome here.
>still droning on about this
Look at this sentence retard
>>It was real socialism, the state monopolized EVERYTHING
>it was real socialism BECAUSE the state monopolized things=because the state was authoritarian
>it was real socialism because the state was authoritarian
>it was real socialism because it was authoritarian
Did i break that down well enough for you, retard? Imagine not understaning your own words
What are you gonna do about it?
>Learn to stand up for yourself instead of clinging to collectivism and wanting the collective to be your daddy and protect you from the mean niggers, and your problems will go away.
your on the internet you fucking idiot you dont have to do anything
>>it was real socialism BECAUSE the state monopolized things=because the state was authoritarian
The reason I called it real socialism is because the majority of socialists call it real socialism. I was going along with their argument.
I was simply explaining the difference between the state monopolizing everything and no markets and the state owned firms competing with markets. This was an economic efficiency argument. The argument was that "real socialism" as socialists perceive of it was actually far worse than the system the USSR had for most of it's existence.
Lmoa you fucking monogoloid did i ever say anything about racism? We hate you because you're an underage highschooler from reddit. Go back to your own website.
>t. angry leftist redditor upset over the racism on Jow Forums
Imagine being you lmao.
>you're from reddit because you're right wing
>clearly Jow Forums is a left wing website
All you deserve is two words
kill yourself
why do racists anger you so much pussy?
Anyone who still unironically argues on Jow Forums deserves the rope.
They're just living spams.
No you LITERALLY say the reason you call it socialism is because its authoritarian. I even broke this down for you.
Stop twisting words and trying to worm your way out of what YOU said. You said it, you were wrong and you revealed you dont know what you're talking about.
Will rioting make this board cute? :3c
Very much so in fact.
>Real communism hasn't even been tried yet
The USSR was just state capitalism.
I just saw thread about "valve drone" auto renaming into "pcbro". When I clicked on it - it was gone. That was the real revolution. The fact, that this thread still exists shows, that it is not being taken seriously.
Do you want to shit in my rice fields again, GI?
I hasn't. Now prove me wrong based on Marx's communism vision.
pinochet did nothing wrong