what's the most cost effective fish for gains? i'm getting sick of chicken.
What's the most cost effective fish for gains? i'm getting sick of chicken
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depends where you live sardines a cheap almost everywhere though. Mackerel is not common where I live but is cheap in most coastal places. Salmon is okay but can easily be overpriced some places. You're typically not going find good priced fish in grocery stores though so go to a restaurant supply company or fish market if you have one
I just bought a 6 month supply of deenz from costco because they were on sale.
probably wouldn't eat more than 1 tin per day though.
Whatever you pull from the brine with your own arms
You'll get sick of fish too. I've been through what you're going through. I cycle through beans/chicken/tuna/beef/bacon every week. Every day is a different meal, just make sure to supplement with protein and eat them oats.
Sea bass
I mainly eat fish for proteins
The cheapest fish are big frozen bags of tilapias. Well they might not be THE cheapest, but they have the best taste/price ratio. Anyway just look at all the grocery stores around you and find out
>pro-tip: cook em in picrelated
>also: fuck can of tuna, that is literally cat-tier
Some of the better seafood prices I've seen have been at my local H-Mart, so I'd check your local Asian supermarket if you have one.
Real talk: H-Mart is probably my favorite grocery store - Americanized enough that you can get your normal stuff, but with lots of neat Asian food, and cheap, good produce
I eat my can of tuna everyday and nobody's gonna stop me nigga
Whatever makes you happy friend
Picrelated my cat
pollock,whiting and tilapia but they all taste meh. just get salmon or sardines.
absolute fish expert here
and its not tilapia or panga
that shit is garbage
Salmon is farmed to shit.
I would go with tuna (not that canned bullshit) personally but it can get boring and pretty damn expensive
My fav way of tuna is small blocks in green salad with sharp self made garlic sauce, or just plain blue steak from pan.
Other good fishes are cod but again pretty boring taste (beware of ringworms, they arent harmfull if your gut is healthy tho, just get digested).
Taste wise top fishes are
halibut, sole and monkfish, brill is pretty nice.
they are all expensive tho
Well, paying for extra quality and nutrition
shutup richfag
First time I saw someone else on Jow Forums talk about H Mart. I fucking love that place, even though my location is a smaller, older one
Buy imitation crab meat and eat it with an avocado. I eat this at work once or twice a week and fuck its good, plus it ends up being like ~$2/meal
go to your nearest chinese supermarket, i used to get panga for £2.73 a kilo from there. its gone now though
Tuna, the chicken of the sea. Start chowing down those cans for cheap gains. Suddenly chicken doesn't sound so bad.
Ground beef is cheap af here. Good for variety. I've been cooking it and adding eggs by the end of it, mixing everything together.
I've been meaning to check these out. Closest one to me is ~15 miles, though.
>Nice shilling, Kim
tinned kippers. and unlike most fish, it actually tastes nice, especially on toast.
Wild salmon is cheap as fuck at Iceland, so I usually get that or catfish.
Based informative post
Dumbshit retard
Haddock and Cod are both dirt cheap and very nutritious
Cod is great for protein. I don't know how cheap it is.
Cod and salmon are the two fish I buy.
canned tuna, frozen bags of cod
t. fellow poorfag
Really nothing compares to salmon and mackerel. Tuna is good but can literally kill you.
All fish is expensive as fuck. Fucking landlocked country!
Federal way?
I gave up eating fish regularly because there's issues with larger fish giving you mercury poisoning if you eat too much. Like eating one tin of those herring fillets everyday per week puts you at your maximum level of mercury before it's unsafe. Eating tuna it's like 3 times a week max. Even smaller fish like sardines can be unhealthy since they've found they contain higher than normal levels of heavy metal contamination, which could cause cancer long term. Imo fish should be looked at as a healthy cheat meal to spare you from eating the same stuff everyday.
If you want sources I did some searching around reddit and people over there had reference papers for testing done on various fish stocks.
Sardines, Sardelles, Sprats, Mackerel, Herring. That's for norther europe at least the cheapest you can get. 100g of herring (filet) costs something like 0,60€ fresh from the fish market. Sprats in oil are 1,00€ for 100g (fish weight).
Go for the fattest non long living predator you can get. Don't waste money on lean fish.
Just make sure you don't eat canned fish from the Baltics or farmed fish which is fed pellets made from Baltic fish.
Cats are for faggots and they destroy wildlife. I don’t care if you don’t let it out, get it declawed then kill it.
Get a dog faggot
doesn't look great protein-wise
too fatty though. i think fish has a much higher protein ratio
Tin is linned and cooked in BPA or otehr hormon disruptors. Avoud at all costs.
Heavy metals are only accumulated in big and long living predators like thuna and salmon. The only thing you should lok out for are dioxins (no chink or baltic fish). Fish is absolutely necessary for your, especially in younger years.
He's quite a stud
Maybe you're right, the paper I recall was only testing canned fish and the researchers said that more work needs to be done to separate out the effects of contamination from the cans and the sauce. However, if OP lives in a landlocked state canned fish might be his only option and we can be sure that's probably unhealthy long term.
>muh mercury poisoning
Imagine still falling for this meme
Most landlooked countries have lakes Carp for example is a good source which can be farmed in a horse-shit filled puddle. If fatty fish is unavailable I would still argue in favour of some fish a couple days a week. Another solution would be glass containers. Some fish comes in glas, which doesn't have the BPA shit. It will be in mostly conserved in oil. It really pays checking out the ethnic shops, looking up the fishing grounds and calculating weight for price. Most supermarkets also have frozen fish, which again woulld be free of shit (still check for fishing grounds) and next best thing for freshness.
tuna n deenz
>Tuna is for cats
The irony must miss you entirely because you're shilling tilapia which is actually fucking garbage as far as fish goes, the way they raise it is fucking disgusting.
Oh, the literal trash fish? Repulsive.
Most herbivore fish and animals are trash eaters. What's wrong with animals transforming shit into nutrients? That's why we eat them and not grass or horse shit. We're also talking about price for quality, so you can't expct high quality salmon (which in the end still eats shit, only that it's from the smaller fish he eats).
Stop beeing retarded.
Not to forgett that all fucking plants you eat grow on trash, shit and decomposing cadavers.
Tuna steaks are the leanest shit on earth.
How do you cook frozen tilapia in a slow cooker? I've always assumed it'd just become a soupy sludge
No, I mean carp meat itself belongs in the garbage. It's fatty, slimy and bony. Eating carp here is a Christmas tradition and boy do I resent it.
Ungratefull Kurwa detected. Carp is really tasty, maybe your senpai simply fucked it up. God knows my mom always fucked up liver to a degree that I without exception vomited it out every single time.
Even if you don't like the texture, you can make great fish patties out of it. Go great as a cold snack for some remoulade.
Or I could buy normal fish for the same money. And since it's frozen it's guaranteed to be parasite-free.
Sure, if it's similarly cheap. I was talking about landlooked Jow Forumsizens which might not be able to purchase either cheaply. So going for lake fish is a good alternative if you have to make do on a budget. It wont be peak performance but you get good macros, no BPA shit and can save money for more important foods.
I guess. Still, frozen wild salmon is cheap as fuck in Iceland stores. Frozen catfish is even cheaper in Tesco.
Sure, but as a predator fish, I wouldn't pick out too often on salmon. And make sure that you're not buying farmed one, they are full of antibiotica, grain feed and even endoctrin disruptors - if not even dioxin when caught in the balticum.
blackened tilapia lad
Good cat 10/10 would pet and get scratched
Won’t pounding down tuna cans fuck you up cause of the mercury?
Aldi has some cheap fish filets
Not him, but it's the best place for meats of any kind where I am. Veggies freshest around, too. Only place I can get raw turmeric, which women hate as a surprise ingredient in their burgers.
Only bacon as your one form of pork? You are missing out on a lot man. Pork chops, gammon joins, decent sausages, lovely minced meat etc.
Only downside is the huge amount of fat
dogs maul children, and are basically retarded wolves who require constant attention and cleaning.
cats are self sufficient, self cleaning and independent, thus more alpha
>cats are self sufficient, self cleaning and independent
Tell me that again after picking up their shit from a fucking shitting boy, having to buy and open them fucking canned food and them not even beeing able to properly cratch off their nails in most envoirements. Stop cucking for a parasitic creature without any and all beneficial addition to your life.
>picking up their shit from a fucking shitting boy
Dog owners literally scoop up dog shit with their hands, who is the cuck then?
If you let a cat outside it can take care ot itself 100%. Also they bury their shit so you dont have to pick it up.
>Dog owners literally scoop up dog shit with their hands, who is the cuck then?
Only in cuck ountries in big cities. No sane person has to pick up a dogs shit in a forrest.
You letting your filthy skunk out leads to the extinction of rare local fauna, just so you don't need to feel lonely. Let alone that most of you retards, keep them locked up for ever in your dirty single households leading them to deep depression. You'Re pathetic.
No sane person pick up cat shit either.
have fun scraping dogshit off your shoes bro
mice and rats
>rare local fauna
Dogs would also make squirrels and birds go extinct if they could. But they cant because they are shit tier hunters.
cats are superior alpha apex predators, deal with it
Cats are fucking gay nigga
>dogshit in a forrest matters
>mice and rats
No domestic cats bothers to catch rats and mice, they go and hunt rare singing birds into extinction and eat their young in spring. This problem is so big that we will face the loos of dozends of beutiful birds for future generations becaue brain infested cat owners want to act as if anybody loves them and get a fucking cat. And you know quite well that your cat still needs a shitting box if you don't live in the fucking country, where agein nobody would keep a pest control in their home but a veral on outside.
>Dogs would also make squirrels and birds go extinct if they could.
What a retarded cope. Dogs can be trained and love to get trained by a proper human. If they would be shitty hunters they would not have become humans best friends. Way to waste our time explaining that you're a shitskin.
>superior alpha predators
Yes, yes and I am sure you are a real chad wen you look into the mirror.
Go fishing.
Cod is pretty good. Search for portuguese recipes of it. There's duzens of easy ones. You won't get bored.
shrimp has a high protein content
I was under the impression that most canned fish is now BPA free. I know bumblebee said all their products and sub-brand products are, but they don't put it on the cans.
Damn you got btfo bro. This projection response is sad. Go do some laps or something to punish yourself
BPS is the new used shit which is exactly the same shit, with only one end of the molecule shlightly changed. It still has all the same properties (and more likely than not side effects), the industry simply fucked us over making it necessary to again invest another 5 -10 to prove to them that ethy also cause the same side effects.
Practically all "food safe" plastics leek hormon disruptors into food and liquids.
Is this you or your toxoplasmosis talking?
I live in Boston, MA which makes lobster cheaper than most places.
What is it about fish that makes me less full than beef or chicken?
I like fish but I'm on a cut and 400gr of fish basically make me feel as full as 200gr of non fatty beef.
sardines are the way. Safest fish to eat regularly. I guarantee you that after a month of daily sardines you're going to feel better and perform better in the gym. Fatty omega 3 bros are my source of power