How do anons get money without whoring themselves out...

how do anons get money without whoring themselves out? there's so few nice anons who send money to girls who don't whore themselves out but i haven't seen anyone like that in a while

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Waah waah i want money with no input from my side

honestly i could pay someone back but i dont think ill get a job until like the last of the next two weeks i could pay them back when i get more money but i really need foodsies

>friendship over the net
Im sorry what, what kind of idiot would give any money to someone they never met irl. Go beg for money somewhere else.

Alright, A/S/L/interests/how much do you want/what am I getting out of it?

>how do anons get money without whoring themselves out?
I design rf amplifiers.

I'd be nice and give you money but I've already been manipulated enough by women who took advantage of me and saw me as nothing but a pathetic walking atm. I realized they didn't really care about me.
All I want is to love a nice person but I don't think they exist. To do nice things and be wanted instead of just being ghosted when I'm not useful to them.

I could pay you back in time!! I can think of it as a loan if you wanted...

Yes, but with a daily 20% of interest rates. Take it or kill yourself.

21/ F/ Central MA/ vidya games, drawing, writing, my cat/ The highest amount I'd ask from a single person is 50$, lowest being 15$/ I guess I could become your friend, I can show receipts of what I use the money for and if you need to be repaid soon af because it was the most money you had, I'll put down a note and make sure I repay you the full amount in time

If its a loan then expose yourself address included, thats how loans work. Cause if you dont pay it back, then your physical shit can get taken instead of money. But oh wait, why not go to the bank for a loan?
Because you have no intention of paying it back, and are merely trying to scam some lonely bot from their money.

Get a jerb, sell crack, there's a lot of options it's 2019.

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Why would anyone send your blown out tranny ass money for nothing but a "uWu thanks u's!!1"

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>The highest amount I'd ask from a single person is 50$
Not interested then, I was thinking a couple thousand per month to be my best friend, but I guess you don't want to spend that much effort on someone exclusively. Good luck!

I'd help you get food, user, I'm just saying. What's the difference between you not wanting to whore yourself out and someone not wanting to be manipulated for their loneliness.
I don't want you to whore yourself out but realistically you just see me as the guys who want you to cam see you. Nothing more than something to be used.

Women have to do nothing but have a vagina to get free monies. I create useful and wonderful things, quite literally bleeding for my art sometimes and sell them. I add value to the world, these cunts subtract it.

If you're offering that much, I'm willing to expend myself for you!!

What's that say in English and why is she so chubby?

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What is wrong with whoring? I pay my whores generously. If you are cute I could consider you as well.

I'm not retarded, I can send pics and even do a private call to prove I'm who I say I am

I did say I'm willing to do some things, but I'm not advertising to send nudes, that's something that certain people might get but I'm not guaranteeing it

You just don't get it. Its okay.

I doubt your art is better than talking with a cute girl.
>that's something that certain people might get
Get some self respect, you're pathetic.

I don't send nudes idk what you mean?

that's something only a boyfriend can get..that's the kind of self respect I'm shooting for

get a real you job you fucking whore.

I'm hoping to get it, this'll just guarantee that I'm safe for the next few weeks...I'm almost underweight and it'd suck to go back under my goal weight

I'll help you user, what's your discord
Just send it to [email protected] if you don't feel comfortable posting it


Anons are waking up and realize that giving whores money for free doesn't work out

Let me know when you come online so I can help you.

>not fitting my view of lazy money grubbing fembots being whores

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how did you get into this situation in the first place?

You don't even have to whore yourself out. I've heard of girls getting paid hundreds for pictures of their feet.
Desperate dudes will pay for anything. Miserable fucks. It's just depressing.

Based EE user.

>"My body weight hasn't changed but my muscle mass has gone down"

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Like this AnonoIi?

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So, a thicc thread I see?

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Essentially, yeah. It's not a direct translation but it's good enough.

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You still haven't added me yet, so I'm not sure why you posted your discord.


Are thickfags the new furries?

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>paying to be friends with a woman
who the fuck does this?

You can get food from EBT. In fucking Massachusetts, dude. They have the best welfare program in the state. You're so full of shit. Why don't you say the real reason you want money, and that is to spend it on drugs or clothes for Chad.

Maybe, but at least bulky women exist.

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.I want free money: the post

They become e-celebrates & get money from betas & soibois whom they wouldnt whore out with either way.

Dont be the betas & soibois, robots

If I had any money to speak of why would I be giving any of it to you?

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Find better content than that. I know you're better than this.

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>good posts = 3 replies
>""""""female"""""""" poster = 46 replies
what the fuck happened to r9k you retards?

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hmmmm funny thing is i need a job soon af to get more food stamps?? but i dont have one yetidk ??

>"how do i get free money from anonymous people i meet on Jow Forums?"

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destroy peepee