/uni break/

/uni break/
>Week 2
>Bored out of my mind
>Been high out today my mind this whole time
>Out of weed and money

Attached: Screenshot_20181219-091345.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

>Have fucking exams and will be locked up in my room studying 12h/day for 6 weeks
>go on r9k and read post about a faggot who is on uni break and complains about being "bored"

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Kek just finished exams.

It's nice having that weird feeling that I need to study in the back of my head gone. That for the next two weeks I can do whatever. I. Want.

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Locked up in my room 12h a day.
Jesus you're lucky.
I arrive home at 8pm and the first thing I do is sleep.

>Spend 12hr/day studying
Either you're retarded or have terrible study tactics

You are revolting, clean your fucking place up

I'm in my final year of law school at a prestigious high ranked university. That's all im going to say.

>got my grades back
>straight a's, literal 4.0 gpa in cs
>still asian-american manlet

R.I.P. in pieces, I'm a Business Major at a somewhat good Public School and I rarely spend more than 4 hours a day studying

Play I cleaned it faggot

Attached: Screenshot_20181218-090516.png (1080x1920, 1.92M)