The last one of this year edition. How are you holding up in the middle of hell, user? With a lonely Christmas to your back, and an empty New Year in expectation.
Maybe she'll come and save us in the next year.
The last one of this year edition. How are you holding up in the middle of hell, user? With a lonely Christmas to your back, and an empty New Year in expectation.
Maybe she'll come and save us in the next year.
>how are you holding up in the middle of hell, user?
in this exact moment, i'm wageslaving.
there are some stuff to do here but i'm not in the mood to work.
anyway, christmas this year sucked and the new year will probably suck too.
since i don't trust myself, i didn't made any promises for the next year. maybe i'll quit this job and become a neet again
Shit I lost track of time. I am actually doing pretty good. Having a random upswing that started a 3-4 days ago. I feel like I'm actually here.
After all those years it would probably be fun to see how the left over visitors stack up against Satou, compared to when you started visiting. As for me not much changed, but I'll probably have to start looking for a job soon.
Very good drawing. I should learn to draw.
There was no Misaki Friday last week, or maybe the week before. One of those weeks. Or maybe there was but I missed it. I don't have a good grasp on time.
I don't have much to say. Thinking about Misaki and NHK makes me want to cry now.
I rewatched NHK the other day. I kept rewinding that part where Misaki shows up in cat gear to get Satou away from the PC and talks like a cat. That was adorable. She's so adorable. It fucking hurts that she's not real.
Misaki will never come. She's not real, 2D is not of this world.
No one will come and save you.
In fact Misaki just used Satou for her own benifit, Satou got himself sorted out on his own, he had to work or he'd starve to death. Misaki didn't change his situation, he did.
Stupid Misaki posters.
>the meds they said would fix me made things worse
>the alcoholism and drug abuse has escalated
>still cant hold down a job
On the bright side my suicide is two years closer than it was two years ago.
nothing changed for me in the past 3 years except i have a job now, but still nothing to live for
glad to see you're still keeping us company
2019 is the year of Misaki gf or death
If we continue this way, l will become a trauma victim. If I continue like this, I will be disqualified as a human being. I need a resolution now.
But the resolution is evident already, you even posted it yourself. Grasp it with your hand, put it against your temple, pray with every fiber in your being and Misaki will be your angel too.
Is that a .38?
If you think Misaki is going to save you, you misinterpreted the meaning of Welcome to the NHK
Pretty bad
I feel pretty hopeless
I'm scared of starting the new year
It's the contrary though. If you think Misaki didn't save Satou you're still in the "Satou saved himself" stage and need to watch the show again
the whole point of the show is that there is no misaki in the real world to save you, and even if there was she'd be as flawed and lonely as you
What's going on man? More details?
>as flawed and lonely as you
Thats exactly what I want. I just want her in my life. I want to try to make her feel better about herself while she tries to do the same for me. And we'd fail a lot because we're both broken ugly people full of self loathing and mental illness but that would be okay because we'd always love each other. I would hug her with all my strength and whisper into her ear, "It's not your fault at all, Misaki. Not a single part is your fault."
and maybe things wouldnt be so bad then. maybe I wouldnt feel so bad all the time.
that's very sweet user, I want the same
You can wish all you want, you'll never have it, such a thing does not exist. Females are never truely alone like men are.
Even the mentally ill ones get fucked by retard and psycho chad in the mental asylum.
>such a thing does not exist
we are never truly alone user, there are always people we can talk to/go to, and also I'm sure girls like Misaki or at least girls similiar to her exist
i'm sure they don't exist and the fact that i've heard of anybody having a misaki like gf is enough evidence for me. yeah i know the "robots" here refer to "my misaki" a lot but it's never a girl who's like misaki, just a random normalfaggot girl who's into animes.
there probably are girls who care for their partners like how Misaki cared for Satou, of course if I were to find a girlfriend like that I would care for her deeply aswell
Misaki was hurting Satou from the beginning
misaki is not a girl who "cares for their partners" like a stacey would care for chad, she's a girl who specifically likes guys who have it bad because she can make them feel better through her presence and makes her feel loved in return. this is all theory. these girls don't exist irl. they would rather whore in the internet and get brief attention from his status males than spending a second with a low class male.
hey, I just want a girl that is as sad and lonely as me so that I could care for her and make her feel better, I just want the company of a sad but kind girl because I have all the material possessions I wanted, but life just sucks now without companionship, or I just have too many free time on my hand to think these things up
delusional faggot we've already explained to you that lonely girls don't exist
Misaki posters never learn.
listen you cunt, let me have my fucking delusions and shit, I already know that they don't exist or they barely exist somewhere because every girl can get a guy to shag her and shit but that doesn't mean we can't dream for fuck's sake
>barely exist somewhere
You're still in the denial phase. Misaki posters are so cute, so innocent, childlike even.
I'd fuck you.
you don't have to be a fag man,spare yourself, if I say that they don't exist will that make you feel better about the situation?
sad girls don't go for sad guys. they want to be cheered up by happy guys. it may seem hypocritical but that's how girls work and they can get away with it. girls will look down on you for having traits they themselves have too. if a girl is sad and lonely she has a lineup of guys waiting to date her. even if she's ugly and fat. always. do not underestimate the desperation of men and the arrogance of women.
I'm more lonely than sad, music and videos i'm interested in can make me happy, but I just fucking despise how girls are these modern days with 16 year olds behaving like whores being loud/riding the cock carousel, and on the desperation of men, always have standards and dignity, never fall for the whores or the ugly fat ones, on the ugly fat ones I'm not encouraging that they should be treated as the thots if they have a normal personality, I'm just saying that men should always have standards
On the cover, in black black, gothic letters, was printed: 'The hikikomori life is attacking our youth. Are you safe?'
i want beautiful angel misaki to save my life
Me too user. A black winged angel who comes down from the heavens just for me.
Stream it faggot.
The one positive message of the NHK is that your primal survival instincts are much stronger than you give them credit for. That instinct completely overpowers whimsical thoughts of an hero.
When it comes down to do something or starve or die of exposure then even people with some physical/mental disabilities put up one hell of a fight to keep on living.
We can't let this misaki Friday die, its the last one of the year. I want to go out this year with hope that I can be saved.
Last Misaki Friday of the year
>tfw no misaki gf
You can be saved. You just have to save yourself.