Why do some people think that the Moon Landing was a hoax

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cause they think radiation works the way it does in comics

why do people think it was real?

Wht do you think it was fake? Why would the US fake a moon landing? Do you have proof?

we have flags up there m8

>what is the space race

They don't own telescopes where they can see all the shit left behind.

I don’t care either way but desu it wouldn’t have been that hard to fake so in that sense I can’t rule it out as an impossibility

There are some precious little snowflakes in this world that want to believe they are the literal center of the Universe. So they dismiss all the evidence pointing to the contrary and promote ancient legends from thousands of years ago as evidence we live on a magic pizza inside a giant glass dome created by a schizophrenic infinite sky daddy to avoid the harsh truth that they're irreverent in the grand scheme of things.

If it was fake, I don't understand why would NASA go out of their way to put stuff like this into their pics.

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What's that?

Because a vast majority of Americans are fucking stupid. And through Americanization Europe becomes retarded, too

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No wonder you gave birth to a nation of ZOG slaves

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Above is an image from the Apollo 15 mission, part of a much bigger picture, but focused on Delporte crater.

Below is a pic of an alleged Apollo 20 mission, footage that came out back in 2007.

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>le Deus Vult flag
>le moon hoax
>le creationism and le dinosaurs

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Anyone who doubts shit that you can easily verify (with a powerful enough telescope, you can see the moon landing from the ground including the footprints left by those faggots, nevermind the other mountains of evidence that the US really did land on the moon in the 60's) is a fucking idiot and you shouldn't reply to their posts. Giving them attention is what gives them power. Newfags, old people and teenagers don't understand that because they don't lurk for 3 years before posting.

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I don't believe the moon landing was a hoax.
But I do believe they haven't told us even remotely close to everything they know.

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You're behaving exactly like a normie who hears 'holocaust is a hoax' for the first time. Stop.

Cause it was

And YOU are a fucking idiot and this board is full of retarded, absolutely retarded fools. It's such a fucking shithole

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Oyyyy sorry, goyim. We'd love to show you all of the mission footage recorded and broadcast but we lost it all - all 700 cartons of it. Shit happens, right?

Where? You been to the moon?



Watch the videos, don't believe nasa, it's a fraudulent bullshit.

cuz moon doesnt exists

The moon landing never happened. You sheep believe everything.

I love that sheit!

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because it's impossible to land on something that isn't solid, it's been observed many times and is not hard to observe on your own light shines through the back of the moon when it's not full light can't travel through solid objects therefor moon landing didn't happen.

because it's ridiculous to believe the landings happened. i definitely believe that we shot rockets to the moon, dropped shit off etc. but the idea that a little pod broke off, landed safely while guys got into suits and walked around for a day, then got into that little pod, shot back up into space and docked at 5000 miles per hour with their buddy and made it back to earth every time is just ridiculous.

Why do people care about it?

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We do not know anything about space for sure, we don't know if Earth is a spheroid, we are lost in a space of information, nothing is certain.

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that is evidence that it's fake stupid.

It's a way for mid-wits to feel they're intellectually superior by adopting beliefs that go against the current.
Nevermind the fact that the landing sites can be seen by satellites belonging to nations across the globe. Or the fact that the Soviets witnessed and acknowledged the successful landings.

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lmao buy a telescope and look at the landing sites

NASA would go out of their way to put crashed UFOs on the moon?
Or stuff like pic related in Mars footage?

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Another wannabe 'redpilled' goy.

You can’t do that fucky

cuz it was it's fucking obvious it was fake it's like from -150 to +200C just grow a brain these threads are boring, they were on wires, the lander thing is a joke, just stop everyone who's not a shill knows it was fake

Psyop to hide that (((they))) destroyed the tech. Better that goyim believe there was no tech and it was all fake.


Amazing rebuttal.

they are dumb enough to write sex using cloud formations on their CGIs of earth so yes stupid.

thanks for tripping

this is for you too

because they are weak minded idiots who have no grasp of logic or of human nature. Or physics. or politics. or anything really

because it was....

So, your justification is that these people who have all of you under control are
>lol just dumb

If space isn't real, then they are much smarter than we think.


coming from the country who elected macron. Go fuck yourself Frenchie you may think you are as superior as the Germans but the red and the blue disappear from your flag right quick whenever push comes to shove.

>because it was

Not the people at the top clearly but the people who are hired to make these things happen absolutely plus it creates idiots like you who go UFO chasing when that's just a distraction in of itself.

I think it was a hoax because fucks could fly there on a computer with calculator processing power back then but can barely reach ISS nowadays.

Just fucking fly there NOW.

Lol is this faggot for real?

I also have a flag up there

>I can't understand something so it must not have happened

The post

easily observable the moon isn't solid. it's a separate light source that follows the sun it does not reflect the sun because if it did moon light would act the same and if we measure sunlight in shade vs sun light and compare it to moon light in shade vs moonlight we can prove they do not act the same.

Friendly reminder:


It was literally impossible in the 1970s to fake the Moon landing. The Soviets also tracked our telemetry the whole way there and back, if there was a single shred of evidence that the Moon landing was faked, it would have been leaked to the entire planet. Keeping the fake Moon landing secret would involve the assassination of literally thousands of workers with insider knowledge on it, and the dust trails seen by the later Moon rovers would have literally been impossible to fake on planet Earth unless you had a vacuum chamber several miles in diameter.

We landed on the Moon, get the fuck over it.

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Literally nobody does, including our most advanced observatories.

It always entertains me how woefully ignorant people who believe in the moon landing are, and how quick they are to just baldly lie in order to protect their favorite lie from internal scrutiny.

You're an asset to this thread.

Here’s another one, making shit up.

friendly reminder that curtain rods and duct tape a space craft does not make.

>I don't understand how relative velocity works because I have a child's understanding of physics: the post
How do cars on the interstate merge? I mean they're all going like 90 mph, it's impossible for them to squeeze in front of another car at that speed.

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The moon landing wasn't a hoax. But i'd love to know how many moonmen that's still in orbit from all the missed shots.

Are you actually retarded?

If not post a picture of sun light coming through the back of the moon

Good thing that's not what the LM or CSM was made out of. You didn't even watch the video, you're just a fucking braindead idiot you refuses to believe that he could possibly be wrong about something. Unironically kill yourself

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>Soviets tracked it
no they didn't/couldn't


Want to back that up? They absolutely did because listening to radio signals is not fucking difficult, you idiot. They even congratulated America on the successful mission. You can build a fucking amateur radio telescope in your backyard. Well, you can't, because you have an IQ that sits somewhere around room temperature, but normal people can.

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go out and observe it for yourself, if you don't you'll just cry photoshop anyway cognitive dissonance prevents people like you from getting to the truth unless they come to the conclusions on their own.

Precisely zero. The only people who died during the Apollo Program were the astronauts of Apollo 1. It's not possible to hide the launch of a Saturn V rocket, every CSM/LM we sent to the Moon successfully completed its mission with the exception of Apollo 13. I believe there were two unmanned missions before we felt confident enough to start sending people.

daily reminder

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There’s one, maybe two, images from that.. you got a moon satellite?

>a Moon hoaxer talking about cognitive dissonance

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>if you don't you'll just cry photoshop anyway
But that's exactly what you all do when people show you pics of the moon landers, even though you can see it yourself if you are willing to spend enough money on a telescope.

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You cannot see the Moon landers through any telescope in existence. You simply can't get that kind of resolution with current technology. There are dozens of other ways to know that we went there, but this isn't one of them. Even the best telescopes on Earth can only get a resolution of about 1 mile for the Moon

Wots that?

A composite of images taken by the CSM


But billions of light years are focused clearly

This wasn't taken with a telescope on earth.

There's probably nothing left of the flags.

looks like something out of Gumby if you think that is evidence you probably have a 2 digit IQ
Which is exactly why I know the only way to get through this debate is to have people see for themselves.

This wot?

Fucking YouTube is unwatchable with all the ads. Gay.

You realize that the structures you see in images taken that deep are literally hundreds of light-years in diameter, right? You're saying the equivalent of
>Durrrr, how come I can see a minivan parked at the end of a football field but not an ant? Checkmate NASA!

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The moon landing is real. Kikes want to smash USA dreams so they say its fake.

>giant objects far away vs small objects up close
Out of those two things, see what you can focus on better.

The flags are still there, there's nothing that will interact with them.
They will probably be bleached out though, due to the sun's unfiltered radiation.

I know it wasn't, but the guy said you can go out and buy a telescope and see the lander and that's not true. I don't want any stupid Moon hoaxers buying a cheap department store refractor and then thinking they're smarter than they are when they don't see the flags.
>All evidence is fake!
There's no arguing with you people. Like religious fundamentalists or leftists, you've already made up your mind. No amount of proof in the world will change it.

>hurr improving current technology is IMPOSSIBLE
>they HAD to make all new untested technology instead!
Imagine being this retarded.
While we’re on that subject though, did you know that they way the original footage was broadcast was by projecting it onto a wall for newsmen to record.
The problem being, digital projection didn’t exist yet, which meant the “live footage” was on a film reel on earth in Houston.

>muh Russian hackers would have told on us
They were working together you fucking dunce, the Cold War was a fucking meme.
>hurrr, it’s totally normal to cooperate with your bitter enemies who spend all their time planning to nuke each other.

>get the fuck over it
You get over it. Thousands of people simply hide these threads and move on with their day, you watch videos reassuring you that your precious moon landing happened then attempt to proselytize to the non-believers.

Ok.. KeK

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You're trying too hard to convince people that won't listen. Internet 101, let them be.

>lol ur so dumb
Nice argument.

Close shit?

>because it's impossible to land on something that isn't solid
fucking kek, these moon threads always produce comedy gold.

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>close shit that's a few meters in diameter

There’s more microscopes on earth than telescopes

>There's no arguing with you people. Like religious fundamentalists or leftists
Wew, are you trying to say Noah din't build an ark and save two of every animal from a giant flood?