21st century Zen

I'm thinking about starting a speaking tour. Could be massive. Tell me what you think.

My idea/message:

Finding and holding your Center:

Map out what makes you the happiest in life, and break down and conquer any incoming or existing interferences to it all, through active self-improvement and personal growth

And I'll give examples to how I did it and tell my story and all of that. It may even become this thing where we work together in groups and giving tips and pointers on how to overcome certain things that we have going on in our lives. Connecting with each other through self-improvement and shit.

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It's a philosophy of life that I came up with, and my life has improved dramatically

It's slowing life down in the moment to evaluate yourself is all.

It's cringe only to 13 year old Snapchat addicted Jr High kids

Do it

Its a nice idea and stuff, and if you can market it well you'll do well.

Are you dealing with your muttness using this?

I changed it up a little bit:
Finding and holding your Zen in modern society:

Slow down and both map out what makes you the happiest in life, and break down and conquer any incoming or existing interferences to your happiness, through active self-improvement and personal growth

I'm telling you, my life has increased tenfold since practicing this lifestyle. I'm gonna do it as a side gig at first l, see where it goes from there

28 years old. Whew.

This is great and all
What about those that are "happiest in life" doing weird stuff. Rapists, sex addicts, junkies, etc. Do you have a connection to bridge this gap? Or is this for people with cleaner lifestyles and healthier life choices

Indirectly or directly mention that the media has the ability to make you lose your center if you let it control your reality

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I thought about that, but you know... That's like 1% stuff. Whatever.

But I'm telling you, this philosophy of life definitely works

I messed up my happiness and what I want in life, which is to creative family, and that helps me get over the anxiety of talking to girls and what have you

You amazingly come up with these little mental tricks or even solutions to things that interfere with what you clearly identified as to what makes you happy.

It's like programming your brain innocence.

You're basically self programming your brain. That's basically what I did for like 3 months, just really transitioning into adulthood so that I am finally ready-ready.

But I'm going to use that method that I come up with and sell that on the street

LOL this isn't zen, please use a different buzzword.

Oh definitely, that's how it is for me.

I noticed that I'm more neurotic if I am constantly updated with news updates in social media update saying this and that.

I regulated my consumption on a lot of that - Jow Forums included - and my mind is much more at ease.

Our brains did not evolve to handle all of this sensory overload

Whatever word you want to use, I'm talking about slowing life down so you have a handle on what makes you happy in life

And then using that same method of breaking things down to handle any on-the-fly anxieties or stress

fucking stupid. happy, not happy, both happy and not happy, neither happy nor not happy. that is zen.

I love it when youngsters are on the high tide of the wave, and they think they have the universe mapped out, then BAM! Something real hits them, and they realize exactly how full of shit they were the entire time, and look back and say "Jesus christ, how embarassing."

**I mapped out my happiness and what I want in life

>then BAM! Something real hits them

That's where my method comes in handy. My Method that I'm going to preach will help you find yourself Center

Solutions let's say a car wreck made your wife paralyzed from the neck down and your only child now suffers from mental retardation.

How do you do with this?

Look into what makes you the happiest in life:


Look into what's interfering with it:

Your lack of patience and energy to deal with the situation? Look into your nutrition, sleep

Bla bla. It combines the approach of breaking things down to their first principles with aiming for what makes you happy

If I was the man in that example, I think I'd pick you up and snap your spine over my knee. You have no clue what you're talking about. I see now this is a bait thread and I'm an idiot for falling for it, but here I am all the same.

Learn about stoicism and that's it. No need to overcomplicate things. Stop with this faggot "speaking tour" shit

You’re not inspirational. You’re not going to change anyone’s life. You’re not smart. I would pay for you to Kys you delusional inbred fucking retard. Please kys.

Massive cringe.

I hate millenial narcissism

Op is so narcissistic. He thinks he has the answer to life’s fundamental problems. What a delusional arrogant sack of human shit. This is making me so angry. My jimmies are rustled.

"Be nice Jow Forums" jew brainwash threads are retarded

You smoke too much weed. You’re a delusional narcissist. Your arrogance is fucking mind blowing. Speaking of mind blowing, please blow your brains out you sack of shit.

The only escape is death.
>can you die and still be alive?
That’s the promise of buddhism AND what Christ meant by “eternal live”.
>the aim is psychopathy
>no more fears
>no more tears

My 21st Century Zen message:

OP is a faggot:

Realize that OP is most definitely a huge faggot. Once that has been realized, oneness with the universe is within your grasp.

now THAT is zen!!!

Look, the bottom line is when you know yourself inside and out you will just be all around better at making decisions whether on-the-fly everyday stressors or extreme examples like what I listed

you don't know jack shit.

Honestly this advice is expontentially more useful and effective than the useless dribble OP has vomited from his worthless brain. Fucking sage user.

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>Jews become nazis (Israel)
>Nazis become Jews (Jow Forums)
Everything is dualistic
Zen is going with the flow


Look at all these processed food consuming nu-males

With my preaching, you will better and more fully understand yourself and what you want out of life, this will bring you closer to your Center and help you slow down to make better decisions

I learned how to slow down life to its exact moment to make the best decisions you can make

YOU GET THIS my fully analyzing yourself inside and out. I identified all of my faults and positives and what I want out of life.

I know feel like Steve Jobs or the Beatles when they came back from India, and I figured out how to do it within your own mind

no you god damn churl the point of zen is that dualism is an illusion of weaved smoke

The only thing you have in common with any preacher is that you should be crucified for what you’re trying to do.

when you're hungry, eat. when you have to shit, take a shit. there isn't anything else to life than that. your happiness is bullshit.

>look at my product goys
Your such a zen master...baiter

You haven’t figured out anything except how to piss me off. If this is a troll congrats, you hooked me. But fuck you to death all the same.

My zen is better than your zen


>Tell me what you think
I think you're bi-polar, currently in the manic phase, you will come down soon, down into the depths of depression, and realise that this was actually a really terrible idea.

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How’s it goin Kanye?

ha! yea, but i can take a bigger shit than you on the reg, so how about that?

Is the poo in the loo?
>there is no loo


I'm talking about unplugging from pop culture's vision of happiness and focus into your own.

You take a Journey to the Center of the Mind, identifying all your faults, strengths, weaknesses, etc

With a full rounded vision of yourself, you'll be able to solve problems and make better decisions etc

100% believe it. It's using Elon Musk's First Princess approach method

When I close my eyes, I see infinity
>infinity looks back and sees nothing.

if you were next to me id slap you but i'll give you this instead

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when's the last time you did manual labor

i'm guessing never?

Eat dick.
Zen isn’t some self help bullshit. Zen is clicking my fingers and expecting nothing to happen.

You're still work and your coworker is driving you neurotic. You'll immediately be able to better analyze how that'll impact you.

You're slowed down to a more confident and calm feel

ha, i think i like you after all you god damn potato.

Zen master doesn’t work in an office

Again, let's say if a blue collar coworker is acting like an asshole to you.

You better be able to understand the situation upon using my method. 100%.

Please fucking kys. That’s something I would find inspiration from. You can improve the lives of everyone around you instantly and the lives of everyone in this thread if you kys.

I'm taking my message to the streets to make everyone is in master. Society would increase dramatically if they all followed it

You didn't answer his question, answer the fucking question.

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And My Philosophy is:

know all of your strengths and weaknesses

Know what makes you happy and what you want in life

When you have a well-rounded grasp on yourself, you'll see just how neurotic everyone really is

Not zen though. Your just selling a lifestyle cult in order to make shekels.

The only thing you have a well rounded grasp on is your boyfriend’s dick. Reality is still a fucking mystery to you, you delusional arrogant waste of human life.

what separates you from other hucksters like Tony Robbins? as in robbins you of your god damn money hahahahahahahah

If your a zen master answer the following questions
>does a dog have Buddha nature?
>what is nothingness?
>why is a zen master not a zen master?

It's basically with Jordan Peterson is doing but taking it to the streets, and promoting the method of handling on the Fly anxiety and stress with the slow down method

....taking to the "streets"? Hoodrats?

they alreayd have a slowdown method its called syzurp

>Elon first princess method
Fuck yea! I want to have a first princess like Elon.

Seriously though, you are sounding inspired. Which book inspired you most?

I have a better way.
>quit your shitty office job
>stop sucking cock

>my poop and a dog poop look very similar
>a nutsack on a hotday
>because he's a zen master

The only thing you should slow down is a bullet using your brain.

The Tamuld

>Map out what makes you the happiest in life

Map out what makes you the angriest in life and fucking deal with it.

This guy gets it,

I am preaching the realistic lifehack of slowing it down

Listen, in modern society more and more people are becoming scatterbrained with the 21st century

I'm going to preach to you how to slow your mind down to focus in the moment.

To be able to do so however, you need to first know yourself before you can find your Center.

To know yourself, you have to ask yourself what in life makes you the happiest

So you analyze what needs to be improved and what is interfering with that happiness and you make the steps to correct them

The closer you are to being content with your happiness, the closer you are to your Center.

That is to say: the happier you are, the slower you process and analyze life, making better decisions.

My Method also brings along all of the self-improvement and personal growth and advancement that comes along with it

my happiness is unhappiness, map me out a solution

You lost me there cunt

I know bait, but why is your in the moment thing to argue something you must know won't be accepted on this Costa Rican stew preparation forum

Wait? You know a good Costa Rican stew? Fucking derail this bull shit thread and make it about delicious stews user.


what a nasty fucking trap you laid for me you sneaky cunt

he's basing on a dick with his butt, it's the same new age bullshit that's been coming out since the early 2000s

Fucking faggot is at it again.
Stop with these threads you new age heathen.

>know yourself
“Self” is a delusion.
You are on an egocentric path, attempting to sell (((spiritual))) nonsense, in order to fill your pockets.
I communicate to you now, using my Jow Forums asshole, ego mask, I have many masks BUT I understand they are only masks and I need them to function in society. You have not yet understood this about “yourself”. “Self” is a construct, you invented it to deal with your environment, primitive peoples have less “self” because they don’t have as much bullshit to deal with, such as office jobs and feminism and Facebook etc. Animals have even less self than primitive people, but pets have quite a bit of personality “self” compared to wild animals.
>does a dog have Buddha nature
Not if you own it as a pet it doesn’t

>not if you own it as a pet it doesn't
it's true, my dog started owning me and that fucker stole my buddha nature, a real prick

The dog owns you.
>possessions own you
Very zen

I entirely understand with what you say about masks

That's my point: how to slow it down in modern society

When you find out and Center yourself on what makes you the happiest, you have a sense of Center in no matter where you are

Please slow down a bullet by putting your skull in its path. It will bring me great peace and satisfaction.


Like bro, my advice sounds like it would be perfect for your neurotic ass:

Do a period of self-evaluation and find out what makes you the happiest in life

Filter everything you listed into a few catch all categories

Make the needed self-improvement to get yourself on track to your happiness

When you are at least on track with your happiness, you really know you are self and time is slow down

You guys aren't doing yourself any favor by being unhappy.

Negative energy stunts your destiny

0 points, you lose

Find out what is interfering with your unhappiness and figure out a solution to keep yourself unhappy

And figured out the broken down steps to reach the solution(s) needed to keep yourself unhappy

>stunts your destiny.
It’s like you just threw words together without considering what they mean and what they mean in combination with the words before and after. I’m a really positive person though. I’m positive that the world would be better off if you kys.

I remember when i was 17 too OP

The experience of living creates the personality
The experience of living shapes that personality
The experience of living shakes and unsettles that personality.
You can’t escape life until you die.
If you’re trying to make out that people can function stress free in stressful jobs, shitty dangerous neighborhoods and abusive relationships or with severe ill health, then you’re talking out your ass.
The environment makes and breaks people.
>A boat is not still in a fucking storm
That’s why Buddhist monks live in Buddhist temples with other like minded monks. They would all revert to being manic depressives if they lived in this society.

I'm 28 and I never felt more ambitious

App idea
Patent idea
Friends & family

It's entirely possible to balance it all when you follow what makes you happy

You are quite ridiculous
>wants to be spiritual teacher
>lists bunch of materialistic pursuits and goals
That flag

So what is the method, just explain it and others will judge whether it's just bs

>If you’re trying to make out that people can function stress free in stressful jobs, shitty dangerous neighborhoods and abusive relationships or with severe ill health


If you know yourself inside and out AND on the path to happiness, you WILL be in what I call Zen, but whatever you'd call it.

It's knowing yourself, it's active self improvement to stay at that confident happiness