I need help

I need help.

I have a gf, we've been together for 3 years and 2 months now.

I've always felt the urge to talk to other girls and hook up with them... I've fucked 4 different girls during the last 3 years, 5 counting my gf. She doesn't suspect a thing, I am very careful with that.

I recently registered on POF to keep meeting new girls but I feel bad... from time to time, but still I can't stop it, it's beyond me. I tried to stop it a few times, blocked all these girls and stopped talking to them but after a while I'd get horny and say "fuck it" and start talking to different girls once again.

I want to stop but I can't, what do?

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Do you really love your GF?

I love her, we've planned a future together and all, I mean I'm in for the whole thing with her.

All I have to say is turn to God. Perhaps try attending a church and speak to someone about your problem. God will help you out

stop cheating and break up you fucking degenerate

B-but I love her I don't want to break up.

You clearly don't love her if you'd rather listen to your dick than your brain retard

Fuck you. Leave this board in an original manner

>B-but I love her
>I've always felt the urge to talk to other girls and hook up with them

Loving someone is putting them above the 'urges' you feel, dipshit. Do everyone in your life a favor a die in a ditch somewhere.

You should be there...

I understand it's wrong, that's precisely why I want to stop it, however, I do love her and I want a future with her.

I simply can't control that shit, it's beyond me, maybe I need less free time I don't know.

>Loving someone is putting them above the 'urges' you feel, dipshit

My gf smokes weed, I want her to stop intoxicating herself but she won't listen to me, although she says she loves me. According to you she doesn't love me, right?

Just because she doesnt want to stop smoking weed.

this place isn't for your normie relationship bullshit

It's as simple as keeping your dick in your pants. And your gf is a dumb whore for dating you, reap what you sew normie

go away you useless monkey.

you're trying to control nothing. stop being a little faggot of a man, take responsibility.

oh and: you don't deserve to want anything from anyone else. you're a child unable to control themselves. you deserve no influence over anyone else because by default you're the most useless person existing today.

also she probably loves weed more than you (because you're insufferable).

Truly you are a product of this generation. Devoid of sexual sublimation and enslaved by your impulses. The concept of discipline and integrity is so lost to you that you call the act of not cheating on your girlfriend uncontrollable.

Your parents have failed you and you should probably kill yourself.

Well I agree with that.

But I am not going to kill myself, I'd rather leave everything behind and become a hermit

I've been cheating on my wife for the past decade. It's in our blood to fuck everything, don't let women libtard faggot make you go against nature

If you truly want to build a future with her you'd have either nipped these urges in the bud and never cheated or have owned up to your girlfriend about these past transgressioms by now. Accept that you're a slave to your instincts, that you're an animal below even a dog who can be trained by a master. Live wild and think yourself free, you ape, you mass of chemical urges and programmed wants. Give thanks that you have enough humanity in yourself to realize your failings, and despair that you will never rise above them to become worthy of the idea of human. You're a caveman born in the modern era and your bones will be ground by the step of progress.

if you actually felt like that you'd remain single.

you're terrified of being alone because anytime you're left with yourself, you feel how incomplete you are.

This actually sounds like good advice, have a chat with a priest and listen to his opinion or go to confession
If I were you, I'd find the contacts of a local priest and mail him and ask if he has something like consultation hours