>Don't you think the electoral college is SO retarded user? It makes no sense in 2018!
Don't you think the electoral college is SO retarded user? It makes no sense in 2018!
*leftist candidate wins through electoral college in 2020*
>"Um wow, you want to abolish the Electoral College? How fucking bigoted of you."
It IS retarded, though. It basically supersedes the will of the people and gives it to a bunch of old white men in suits. It's literally a holdover from slavery times. I'm surprised Americans haven't rioted over it yet, but you guys are pretty much complacent sheep so I don't blame you.
>Bush was not retarded
You are a Dunning-Kruger retard who doesn't know the first thing about America or its system.
>you are stupid but you think you are smart. hah got him.
that's an argument in america.
The system is the only thing keeping the will of the people alive you stupid fucking niglet.
It was more of an 'ignorant but think you're informed' thing.
The electoral college is in place to balance representation, and prevented popular tyranny.
The only part that should change is having reps who don't necessarily have to vote with the people.
Ideally we should just give each state a vote which is fractioned proportionally to candidates based on how people in the state voted.
I.e. if 37% of the people voted for Trump in Cali, Trump gets 0.37 of a vote from Cali.
>ignoring the result of direct democracy is "keeping the will of the people"
you're stupid. dumb stupid person. a stupid fucking doodoo head. fuck you dummy
We're a federalist representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
Tbh user we should just use ranked choice voting.
It's there so the rich can stay richer. Don't act like it's not about anything else besides money and power.
yes there's a lot about the constitution that's old and ineffective
Top tier bait user, almost got me.
Neck yourself faggot. The constitution is the only thing keeping our country from going down the same path as Europe or South America.
I like ranked choice voting. I'm fine with using it to compute the percentages the states give.
I'm also a fan of applying STV for house races so we can get more third parties.
Take power away from the government then, no use giving government more power over our lives.
>caring about politics
Oh I'm laffin at you losers. BRB gotta go fuck my apolitical gf now.
Fuck off Jesse, the Electoral college stays.
Federalism is just great overall, and I want more of it, not less. California shouldn't force its values on Texas and Texas shouldn't force its values on California. The smaller the federal government, the better.
Capital punishment for this user
too bad it's worthless thanks to modern technology
Yeah only you ancap shitlords would be okay with one state owning slaves and the other not. I'm glad your ancestors died in the civil war, too bad not enough of them did.
God your baiting me so hard user
No it's not retarded. It should not be all or nothing, if you only get 51% of the vote in the state then you only get 51% of the electoral votes and we should get rid of superdelegate as that is the most unconstitutional thing ever.
Haha, so many assumptions about user in one post.
Thank god for electoral college. Anything that stop loonies like from creating their bloated, authoritarian one party state can only be a good thing.
how does that PATRIOT Act feel? can you feel George Bush personally fingering your prostate, Anonymous? how about the Snowden leaks? can you feel intelligence agents from around the world inside your cute pink butthole yet?
God bless America, God bless the Founding Fathers, God bless the Constitution, and God bless the Electoral College.
I've leaned towards supporting this, but one thing I wonder is if/how the number of electoral votes should be changed to reflect this. Take Utah for example: Trump won about 45%, Hillary won 35%, and Evan McMullin won 20%. Utah has 3 electoral votes. How would those percentages be split?
I'm also going to echo what a few people have said about ranked-choice voting. I'm hoping it'll gain some steam now that Maine's doing it.
Yes, the constitution is the only thing that is preventing your country from being an advanced social democracy with excellent education system and health care.
>Yes, the constitution is the only thing that is preventing your country from being an advanced social democracy with excellent education system and health care.
Thank God.
lets try a thought experiment, shall we?
Imagine that we imported the constitution of one of these "advanced social democracies" to a poor country in Africa or South America, anywhere really.
How soon could they expect to have an "excellent education system and health care."
Goddamn this broken country where people are literally dying to break in to and work under the table
>another thread with people who believe their views on politics matter
The jew overlords love you guys the most.
Direct voting on the presidency would be a net loss of representation. They would just pander to the coasts and never visit any other part of the country. And if you identify more with the coasts in a spiritual fashion or whatever, go fucking live there, we don't want you.
And God bless Donald Trump!
Superdelegates don't have to be constitutional, parties are private entities.
>with excellent education system and health care.
*with well-ranked education systems and health care.
Because we spent the Cold War funding and arming death squads that destroyed the countries these people are coming from because "muh containment".
ITT: good goys sucking up to antiquated pre-industrial freemason kikery.
Except they determine who is president. Nothing else. If they want someone president then they can vote who ever. Even if it's the opposite of what their state wanted.
If you don't like it then push to increase the number of representatives in the house. There's a pending amendment that'll do that.
English language is disgusting kys subhumans
Are you trying to talk about the electors? Superdelegates are Democratic party functionaries who are given special super-votes that weigh up against hundreds of thousands of party member votes.
You're talking about the electoral college voters, not superdelegates. Only one time in US history has someone gone against their state and that was because of racism. it would be political suicide to vote against your state these days.
You aren't taking into account that the amount of Conservatives, right leaning people, and neoliberals far outweigh socialists in America.
Imagine unironically defining Amerilardistan
He said social democratic. Most people are in support of universal healthcare, workers rights, and so on.
>health care
>study showed that hospital death rates in England are 45% higher than in the US
The funny thing is that if I tell people we should transition away from corporate hierarchies and instead have businesses be worker-owned and democratically run, even the biggest conservatives I know like the idea as long as I don't use the word "socialism".
Not the person you're replying to, but the British goverment's been making massive cuts to healthcare spending for years. It's part of why Labour outperformed expectations so heavily in the last elections.
>import US system to some African country
>niggers stay nignogs
guess it doesn't work then
>he thinks pure democracies work
Good luck with that retard.
Wow, so it takes more than just a document? is that what you're saying? wow
my mind is blown
Yes and they control who gets the state during president elections. Despite 70% of hawaii voting for Sanders. Only 1 of the 4 superdelegate voted for him. The other 3 voted for Hillary. Which means Hillary won Hawaii.
Superdelegates supersede delegates.
You don't even need to say socialism for that idea to sound retarded user.
niggers aren't people though user
Multiple studies have found worker co-operatives are more productive than privately-run businesses. Workers have a much higher incentive to provide the best products and services possible when they're guaranteed to personally see a share of the profits. More broadly speaking, it also means jobs not being outsourced or automated out the ass (because people won't vote to eliminate their own jobs), and democratic decision-making in business can serve as a natural check on the kind of consolidation that leads to the kind of oligopolies we're seeing in more and more industries (particularly retail and tech).
I'm also not arguing for purely direct democracy. Obviously once businesses reach a certain size they'll need to restructure to representative decision-making in some form.
I'm also not arguing for direct democracy in place of government.
>I'm a cuck who likes licking my employer's boots instead of being in control of my own work.
Supreme nacho bait right here boys
>It basically supersedes the will of the people and gives it to a bunch of old white men in suits.
Yes, that's exactly what it was designed to do. You don't vote for the President, your state does.
Brainlets on Jow Forums are hilarious. So easy to make fools of them.
I'm a Nationalist, the electoral college is gay and the Senate should be proportional. We should have listened to Madison and Washington.
Worker cooperative aren't typically direct democracies. It's basically any other company, except all workers own equal shares of the company and can vote in their board of directors under a one person one vote system.
So no, you won't have to worry whether your coworkers can make the right call every day.
It doesnt make sense because it strips the will of the people sometimes.
why is pic basket weev
It makes sense when you consider it from the p.o.v. of our country being a federation where laws being passed for everyone is supposed to be harder than federally.
So if only 33% of states want to outlaw right to work laws, they'll have a harder time getting a president who wants that. But they should be free to repeal such things with popular referendums, or even vote such things in with power initiatives. Sadly, half the states don't even have the latter ability, and I think rather than expand the federal government, it'd be better to give the people a better control of their individual states.
It's fucking dumb. Either don't have a strong federal government, or give it equal precedence. The idea that you should give up on states' rights if you get a slightly higher percentage of votes is really dumb.
t. Australian
>literally ignores any other variable
at least they don't die AFTER they shell out a couple thousand dollars
>Either don't have a strong federal government
That's what a *lot* of us want. That's why we don't want to give an inch. I've even been hearing lefties say they want to get rid of the Senate so that smaller states don't get equal representation in even one branch of Congress.
Saying the R-word is highly problematic and ableist. You need to have more respect for the differently abled you nazi.
USSR and China spend money doing that because muhh international workers revolution, we just reacted. Like you're supposed to do. You stupid fucking retard.
No user, the R-word is fine when applied to something relating to cis white men.
They're just low IQ inbred hillbillies. Fuck those racists!
I certainly wasnt a fan of Hillary, but I'll never understand why people defend this absolutely autistic electoral system
Put on your chastity cage and calm down. I heard Mr. Goldenstein wants to see your gf again or he'll fire you, wonder what he wants this time
How can white male still be autorised to post online?
We're working on it. The E*ros will need to check their memes with the EU before posting them online very soon. North America is next.
I love the electoral college. It maintains control. The stupid American populace needs a soft despotism that does not allow for radical change in the system. The electoral system maintains the two (One) party system. The rulers are meant to rule. The people are not meant to rule. They just need the impression that they are in-control of their lives.
The electoral college votes almost always reflect how the states voted, though obviously the delegate part of the system should be removed.
What really undermines the will of the people are moneyed interests. When a majority of the rich favor a policy, it gets passed 60% of the time. When a majority of the general populace does, 30%.
This isn't being caused by smaller states having equal power as bigger ones.
It's a result back door bribery, corporate pacs, revolving doors to Wallstreet, and probably a plethera of other things we aren't even aware of.
There's bigger things wrong with our system but libtards would rather focus on what would give them greater political power. They think they're being revolutionaries while doing exactly what their party would want them to do.