Sissies pile in! Did you put on your bimbo makeup like a good girl today?
/sissy/ General - bimbo edition
Cute pic time
>tfw no daddy to cum on your locked up clitty and berate you about being such a failure of a man.
such a cute picture
Fuck off you annoying faggots, I am tired of seeing your thread every single day, I even got it filtered and when I see that the word "sissy" has posts containing, I search them up and this thread is the crown, god, hope you fags realize that nobody wants you
I don't want to be the sissy but I will provide all the dick you want
I'd fuck a cute sissy desu my dude
I'd curbstomp a fag
I would too. Sometimes you just need to nut.
bust a nut in a sissy today!
Good thing I ain't a fag, you just have to get that nut out occasionally is right, if it means having to creampie a cute sissy's bussy then so be it
Please take your degenerate shit somewhere else, like or .
T. Christian that cares about robots.
If you really cared about us, you would let us have the sex we've been so starved of you normalnigger
Grow the fuck up and stop being addicted to porn. This fantasy is cringe
No, I don't want HIV or AIDS thanks
I did a few days ago
>grow up
>is on Jow Forums
tell us about it? :o
Have fun getting HIV faggot
God, that picture is so hot.
>tfw no trap gf (male)
>still no Serbian bots to explore our sexuality together
yeah his art is amazing~
Holy shit, the anatomy and everything makes my peenor stiff
i feel like this sissy thing is just another way of having a death wish. sure ill admit i look at it but it just seems like the dudes who are too far into it will get aids and die or wind up murdered. rlly scary stuff
Your lust has turned you into a degenerate who purpose in life is to have shallow gay sex, and live a superficial existence which will make you fall into hell. Had you think things through, you'll realize the insanity of this. But let's face it, degenerates that walk away from God want people to walk with them.
lmao ok buddy keep worshiping ur faggot god
Retard, I'm not obsessing over it 24/7. I'm just addressing a need
Not a good storyteller at all but
>horny as fuck
>decide to use grindr because easier to fuck a tranny or super girly dude than a woman
>find person I thought was a tranny but was just a convincing trap/sissy with big hips
>we start talking
>convince her to go to a bar with me
>both of us get somewhat drunk
>things start to escalate quite a bit at the bar (touching and shit)
>go back to their place
>One thing leads to another and I when we get naked I see she has a chastity cage
>makes me 100x hornier
>smash the fuck out of that bussy raw (I was too horny to care but it was a retarded decision)
>go balls deep and creampie dat ass like my soul depended on it
Thinking about meeting up again because the ass was pretty fat and it was hot as fuck
this was a nice picture until i scrolled down
They won't be physically murdered user, but their identity will be broken. They'll eventually become owned by a master who will train them to be the perfect sissy maid/sextoy/servant/etc. Eventually they'll be sold to a rich client who will take care of them until they become old and not cute where they'll be taken care of.
That's the fantasy anyways desu
daily reminder that traps are cute in 2D but 99% are disgusting in real life
Get yourself checked for stds first user, be safe desu.
sisses are MEN. if they don't spend at least 1 hour to look "good" they are, unlike women, fugly
>if they don't spend at least 1 hour to look "good" they are, unlike women, fugly
>unlike women
what happened to her right eyebrow? wtf
Gonna order some more clothes with christmas money, I'm also gonna buy some makeup and try to start learning it.
Keep living your filthy shallow life just don't drag weak/depressed robots down with your degeneracy. Please take your shit to and stay there.
>Ordering a sissy around online
>Make her get rid of her guy underwear and keep panties in the drawer where they used to be
>She's been wearing panties every day for months now and looks great in them, nice thick ass
>Going to make her get a chastity cage soon
It's as if they don't know about gender morphicism.
>the dudes who are too far into it will get aids and die or wind up murdered
Why do you fucks always act like these things are hard to avoid? Gays have the same risk getting murdered as anyone else in a first world country, as long as you don't meet up with a craiglist killer or something. And you can avoid AIDS by literally just using condoms, if that doesn't give you enough peace of mind you can also combine it with a pill that is over 99% effective in preventing HIV.
sounds like a lot of fun!
are you gonna meet up with them soon?
I hope you look cute desu
Pick your alien
I sure hope so. She lives a bit far away, but said she might be moving closer in a few months. In the meantime training online is tons of fun- I love seeing a sissy's willpower melt away, how horny they get and how suggestible it makes them. It's amazing how many are sissies mentally, but too nervous to do anything, and then I talk to them for a week and they're ready to buy chastity cages, panties, stockings, etc. It's like they know what they want, but can't do it until a guy comes along to order them to. The sense of power and corrupting and feminizing someone is such a huge rush, I can never get enough.
It's a man you dumbfuck
that's adorable!!
>The sense of power and corrupting and feminizing someone is such a huge rush, I can never get enough.
it really is the best part
That's the plan, the pictures I've taken in the clothes I have now were already well received so I hope to get even better
Where to find sissies irl? Also, sissies are obviously subs, but are they ever down for practicing sadism?
Definitely. They always start out so shy and hesitant, then after talking for a while they get too horny to care. It's amazing how easy it is to give them that push they need and fully accept their role.
Based and redpilled the both of you
>but are they ever down for practicing sadism?
I'm sure plenty are. I'm not huge into it but just a bit is nice
you will find a lot of men pretending to be women on grindr
This is a picture of the average Reiko shill
ma jebem ti ja mater
I did and she said she was clean so I'm hoping I'll be all good, I wont be so retarded next time
There's a containment board made for mentally ill men like you . The Christian community of Jow Forums is sick of your discord garbage.
We need to make Jow Forums heterosexual again
lgbt is a worksafe board so I suggest you just follow Jesus' example and turn the other cheek. :^)
Go to /b/ then, it's already a shithole
r9k is also a shithole so that's no argument.
why is a supposed "christian" like yourself in such a degenerate thread anyways? A real christian would hide the thread and move on...or are you fresh from reddit?
Degeneracy isn't a slap or a punch, go back to your gay discord group. You aren't welcome here.
I'm not a christcuck, I just come in these threads so I can tell you fags how heterophobic you are being and how you are mentally ill and need help
Christians aren't afraid to retake their board from a bunch of godless degenerates like yourselves.
haha salty christcucks
I said I'm not a christcuck, I'm a master race atheist
So why are you shilling judeo-christian values and morality?
protip: you're a christcuck
what are you sissies gonna do when you get older? how do you see your life in 5, 10, 20 or 30 years?
I'm trans so I'll be a faggot forever
God I want to fuck a trap or become the trap but i'm too ugly for either.
Whatever I feel like doing. In the meantime I've got at least a decade of having fun with this if I like.
What are you gonna do in 30 years? still be tfw no gf posting on r9k? :)
Because I'm not a christcuck slave
Stop posting anime pics and post what you really look like my guy. I bet you won't post a pic because you know deep inside you look nothing close to anything feminine.
>Every trap or sissy behind the screen looks like this.
No no no
More uglier, older and fatter
Where does y'all folks obsession with "Daddy" come from?
It's pretty off-putting imo.
>I'm not a slave, I just shill their values 4free.
ok christcuck, whatever you say!
Any sissy bitches looking for an owner to train them and push them further?
Hi, what you offering?
he will make you look like this
Mental conditioning, orgasm control/denial, humiliation and degradation, hypnosis, generally ordering you around and putting you in you place. It depends partly on your kinks, but generally you'd be taking orders and being taught your proper place.
I didn't even ask for a discord. I fucking hate discord groups, faggot. Sperg out more, lol.
Sounds good, where do I apply? Original
Just add me on discord and ask nicely to be my bitch:
1. If you live in America, take a gun, put it to your head then pull the trigger
>2. If you don't live in America, take a knife, hold it to your neck then slit your throat you faggot
This and BANG threads just makes me want to join a discord group and/or spam more sissy/gay shit on here to spite you Jow Forumstards
If I ever stop being cute I'll hang up my clothes and move on
/lgbt/ is a blue board
We cannot post trap stuff there.
sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be in a sissy harem...might take the focus off you sometimes which would be nice haha
I'm building up a harem right now. Add me: many sissies do you have?
Depends which ones you count as mine. I'm talking to 3 right now, I'd say I have 6 regular long-term ones.
Oof user really hit a nerve with you huh faggot?
Sounds like bullshit. Pics or gtfo
That's quite a lot, what's the difference between the ones you're talking to and the long term ones?
If you're a sissy, add me and I'll send pics. I don't want to post them here.
The ones I'm talking to now added me from this thread. Some of them might become long term depending on how it goes.
>Tfw you want to be a cute sissy getting ordered around and dominated but you're big tall and hairy
Why god!? :(
Shave, your height doesn't matter when your on your knees slobbering on your man's cock dum dum.
My daddy doesn't even love me, he just wants to fuck me, then abandons and ghosts me for weeks or months on end until he's in the mood to fuck up a sissy again. :(