This cat will die

This is my cat, her name is Pusi.
She is 22 years old.

She has lost most of her hearing, she is completely blind. Today she couldn't find the toilet and pee'd on the floor. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that she is senile at this point, she usually finds her litter.

You know, I could always keep her going for another year. My guess is that it gets boring to live in total darkness and silence. And knowing how active she has been, how playful she was still at 21 when she could still see a little, I have traveled many places with this cat, it just isn't her to be a blind, deaf mess that pisses herself.

No, she dies in January. We had a good run, I never let any predator or trafic get to her, so it had to be me. I will follow her as far as I can go, until she sleeps away. If she wants she can be on my lap, I will bring her favorite brush and pet her, thats a good way to go, isn't it?

For the last days we have there is absolutely nothing my kitteh has to do. If she only wants her wet favourite food, she only that, the rest goes in the trash. I have also planned a luxurius meal of our finest salmon and shrimps, she really loves shrimps. It is gonna be a hearty good bye.

Of all the things I have in my life, she is the one I loved the most, because she gave unconditional love. She will be deeply missed.

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Presses F in silence

Good luck user, I know how it feels.

I know the feeling. Be extra nice to her

Sorry OP, that has to be heartbreaking

Does she still purr when being petted? Will she lie down and sleep on you if you pick her up and put her on top of you? (She might still recognize you if her sense of smell is okay)

Very sorry that its come to this and I hope everything goes well

ill save this pic on my phone so u know that pusi is loved.

You can't seriously be considering offing your cat? I mean, sure, she's blind and deaf, but you should let her go on until her time truly comes. If she's not in pain, then there's no reason to euthanize her.

Don't do it, OP. Let Pusi live the rest of her days. She may be blind, deaf, and a bit senile, but you should stay by her side until the very end. Not the end you choose.

>22 years old
She's had a good run, if I know cats, they like to die quietly and with a bit of dignity.

Lol he called his cat pussy

Its a good move, OP
I was in a similar situation as yours in august
Had a cat that was 20 years old with kidney problems and partial blindness
Didn't have the guts to put her down. She suffered a lot until the end (she became skelly because couldn't stomach food. Threw up as soon as she ate)
Better to die comfortably than to live in suffering

what kind of cat will you get next?

Pressing f on my gayming keyboard

No, it's not right to keep the cat living in such conditions. Whenever they become completely unable to use the litter box they unfortunately need to pass. 22 years is a long life for a cat.. she was loved dearly I'm sure of it. Better to let them go peacefully while being held by their owner than to wither away slowly in filth.

She's an old kitty and you are acting on what you consider to be her best interest.
but is is it absolutely necessary? she can still experience comfiness, a warm lap, being petted. my elderly cat had bone cancer and had to have one of his front legs amputated. he was also compleely deaf from birth. the vet told us to consider putting him to sleep, but we risked it and even though he spent some difficult times after the surgery and had to get used to being 3-legged, he lived for another very happy 8 years. please think this through very hard user.
she's very cute.

just dump it in a garbage bag and buy a new one retard

godspeed Pusi

I feel that, my 18 year old buddy died earlier this month. I'm sorry user, just know that as much as she's taken care of you, this is a service you're doing for her. She's suffering as is. Hold her when she goes.

My cat I had through most of my childhood ran away to die. She was 23 years old and I never got to say goodbye to her. Feelsbadman.


She was such a sweet cat too.

My cat passed away too this christmas. Sucks. Godspeed Pusi