Female Neets and Hikikomori

If you could date a female Neet/Hikikomori how would you spend your time together Jow Forums?

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Watching anime?
Try go outside with her and do fun activities?
Physical contact ;_`

>Physical contact ;_`

That's a weird way to word sex user.

Not before marriage silly

>Not before marriage

So you are a fag.

>get gf
>is fag

Hmmmmm. user I..

Play vidya together and watch anime until it becomes normal.
Then try to break out of Neet/Hikikomori together.
We can both end up getting low stress and easy jobs then live frugal.
But that would never happen.

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thats stupid because then you buy all the stuff for her. If you could teach her... train her. to do all your biddngs then well. Maybe I'd think about it. She's level one rightnow and you can train her perks and make her do your bidding

So many fucking feels it hurts user.

Probably bully her into helping me make a stone garage and greenhouse on our land, followed by food and sex.

>Probably bully her into helping me make a stone garage and greenhouse on our land, followed by food and sex.

But chad you forget Neets are lazy and Hikikomori are mentally ill and never leave their bedrooms.

i hate being around myself so why the fuck would i want to be around a female version of me

if i dated a male hikki i would just want to stay home and wallow in misery together. at least it would be company

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>fantasizing about a 14yo

>>fantasizing about a 14yo

Nothing wrong with that.

>if i dated a male hikki i would just want to stay home and wallow in misery together. at least it would be company

Sounds comfy

>i hate being around myself so why the fuck would i want to be around a female version of me

Makes sense

do you habe benis or bagina?

Watching anime
Playing vidya
Night walks at 3 am
Cooking and baking together
Maybe go ice skating during winter
and nice boat trips during summer

A man can dream...

Watch this box of horror movies I bought at the thrift store. Hold her for like a day in bed without moving once

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That's why I would have to bully her. Additionally, Chad doesn't build anything. He's very similar to Stacy in that they just receive things.

I can't be the only one that just wants to exist together, right? Sometimes I'd watch whatever she's doing, sometimes she'd watch whatever I'm doing. Stupid stuff. Take a nap together. I don't think my life, or her life, would drastically change, unless we decided to change it but having someone else you can rely on to be there and love? I think I would be able to smile when I wake up for a change.

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i have a biological bagina, i just wanted to chime in and make a post to pass the time

shaving her head.

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probably doing both of our hobby's but exploring new ones toghter, just enjoying eachother's presence, and not the cold feeling of being lonely

Can I be your hikki bf?

Guess that's a phat no then. well that sucks.

oh holy shit this is that cute Jow Forums girl I didnt know she had a youtube channel thenks breh

>tfw have aneurysm inducing job
>want to go neet so bad
>tfw couldn't face family if i quit
i want to go back to the elementary school days when pokemon emerald just came out and ed edd n eddy was still on tv

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Play vidya, watch anime and read with her. I'd try help her as much I can while she gives me the strength to better myself (just by being someone how loves me/I love them). Once I've improved myself to the point where I can function in society enough to get a job/go back to college I'll work on improving our lives. Aslong as she kind,faithful and loves me then it will work for me.

i assumed it wasnt a shitpost so i didnt bother responding

Daily reminder that this bitch turned out to be a total whore and only pretended to be hiki to lure in faggots willing to give away their buxx to her

newfag doesn't know how much of a fag he is for not knowing what fag means

Is that a yes or a noe?

Oh look reddit normans trying to prove to everyone they aren't from that cesspit while failing miserably.

Unironically no. I don't want a gf that will enable my shitty NEET lifestyle. If i get a girlfriend i want her to force to me to go out and actually get a life instead of wasting away inside.

This is literally my dream, user. You'll find her one day.

>oh holy shit this is that cute Jow Forums girl I didnt know she had a youtube channel thenks breh

Its Noriko/ Hikichan you newfag.

>Daily reminder that this bitch turned out to be a total whore and only pretended to be hiki to lure in faggots willing to give away their buxx to her

All female Neets and hikis are whores regardless and she was one but is not one anymore i talked to a guy she knew online 8 years ago she dropped out of school.

Music sounds fun

>Music sounds fun


yeah sure why not
originally though

Ok, what do you want to talk about? Hospital visits where you have to get a shot?

Exactly what I want, I don't know why it triggers normalfags so much. I imagine if I got a hikki girlfriend we would mostly do the same things we always did, except we would have someone there to do them with if we felt like it. Playing video games, watching anime and films, browsing the internet, maybe going outside together. It's the same hikki life, but both of you are richer for sharing it.

>if i had a qt hiki bf to cuddle with i think my depression and anxiety would be 90% gone
This is untrue. It's much worse for a period when you first meet because lets face it the only decent hope for us shutins is online and then your anxiety comes up with reasons to keep the depression going. You still have to fight them off yourself, but I do admit it's easier with someone telling you they love you every day, without provocation.

femanon here, that sounds ideal. i want someone who will understand that i prefer staying home and doing stuff like cooking/playing vidya/watching anime/cuddling/talking/having sex most of the time, understands and is happy on those rare occasions i wanna go out and do stuff, and who doesn't push/scream/get frustrated bc they can't understand what it's like for hikis. only other hikis can understand imo. i hope one day i can meet a qt hiki bf who i can shower with love and affection.

I'm guessing you aren't looking for relationship applications on Jow Forums?

I once did and it was a fucking disaster that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I mean, if you enjoy hanging around a destructive mentally ill sociopath and think it would work long term, go right ahead. It's even worse if it's your first gf, which for me it was, since you get a shit heartbreak cherry on top.

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Your ex sounds like a bitch user.

There's plenty of them online, you can go on forums/imageboards and online games and try getting to know hikkis if you're serious.

Cuddling up to her when I get home from work.
Just being together.
Lots of comfy naps.

I just want to hold her and feel her breathe.

>If you could date a female Neet/Hikikomori how would you spend your time together Jow Forums?
probably like a friend that you have shutin sex with
of course im not sure how my mom would feel about that being the crazy religious type

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a girl like (you) sounds like perfection, im sure getting a normie gf would be a system shock for me going from leaving the house once a year to every few days because she is bored of being inside all the time. Unfortunate that a chance encounter outside is basically nonexistant because neither of us would leave our houses and the chances of us living close to each other after meeting online is basically zero.

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my problem is i'm only really attracted to sadbois. i'm an infp, and most people on boards or forums tend to be ixtp or ixtj, which means we usually aren't compatible. ideally i would like to meet another 'feeler' type hiki who withdraws from society bc they find most things too painful, bc that's where mine stems from.

what about a sadboi that doesnt find things too painful, but too pointless

you're an intj, r-right user?

If you can't even connect to someone who's so close to personality type, then you can't connect to anyone, even the 100% "compatible" people will not be enough for you.

not sure, those personality types are all a horoscope-tier meme to me

I don't even know what the fuck those are.

it's not about mbti types, i'm just saying the feels make all the difference. someone with the emotional capacity of say, edgar allan poe, isn't going to find much in common with a thinker type who places logic and rationality above all else. likewise a thinker type is going to get frustrated and exasperated with someone who bases most of their decision making on feelings. this is why autists do better with autists and sad an hero types should pair up with other sad an hero types.

i have a cute hikki gf.. i'll live with her soon!

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INFP boi here. We exist.

I'll drop my discord so you're not getting spammed:


making her pregnant

It depends on the reason for neetdom, if they're just lazy that sucks. But if they're depressed and work causes them extreme stress and that's why then I can relate and we could figure out how to solve our problems together and that'd be really nice.

horoscopes for autists

I'd finally have someone to go out to the cinemas with which would be nice

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I'm Infp and relate to this pretty closely but I think my solution to this problem might be different. I want to have a big forest garden and do music and nature stuff.

Its over for sadbois like me

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Making her cum until she's too exhausted to move, then cuddling her.

Comforting her.

>tfw no girlfriend to control like a puppet with your fingers

Fucking her very deep and hard and then eating tasty food afterwards

you virgins make me laugh

>tfw no virgin NEET gf to have awkward clumsy sex with

>calling people virgins on r9k
oh noooo you got us good

Good to see there is someone else in this thread who know what true pleasure would be.

This place is not long as much of refuge for virgin as it once was. more and more outsiders that would never have been welcomed in the past as running most of the threads now.

>Fuck her
>Play vidya in my room
>Tie her up and fuck her
>Go back to eating doritos and play vidya
>"A-user, is everything allright...?
>Look her dead in the eyes
>Pin her down
>Make her give me a bj while i play
Mentally break her to the point she becomes dependent on my sorry ass.

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We could just lay together and stare at the ceiling and talk all day
please give me gf

>Comforting her.

Same here

>We could just lay together and stare at the ceiling and talk all day

That's not romantic at all.

she extorted people? idk senpai when i was talking to her in around 2010 she was a real hikki just tryna get by u know

we would cuddle and watch reruns of bad sitcoms from the 90s like home improvement and everybody loves raymond

>That's not romantic at all.
yes it is

>idk senpai when i was talking to her in around 2010 she was a real hikki just tryna get by u know

This she was a high school dropout trying to get by Noriko was a hiki but not anymore nowadays she lives a private normal life.

where do i find a hikki gf?

I would want to take a hikki gf places she would never go on her own. Concerts, plays, meals at fancy restaurants. Hikki gfs are for exploring the world with.

>where do i find a hikki gf?

Nowhere because they don't leave their rooms.

That would be hard considering hikikomori don't leave their rooms unless they are like Sato from NHK and use someone they feel comfortable around as a security blanket when they are outside.

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>and use someone they feel comfortable around as a security blanket when they are outside.
You're getting it, user. Become the blanket. People like to try new things, even hikkineets. Imagine the joy you could bring to your hikki gf after she has the time of her life doing something she would never feel comfortable doing on her own.

I dont understand how people can be scared by horror movies. It's a fucking movie. It's not really happening.

i'm sure they visit certain sites though

>i'm sure they visit certain sites though


>tfw dont go out much at all and work from home and make good money.

Be nice to have a shut in gf to watch anime and hang around the house with.

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>. Hikki gfs are for exploring the world with.
you literal retard man, hikki GF just wants to cuddle and cry and talk feels.

as a hikki myself my hikki girl would just be someone who I can cuddle and cry with.
I dont even want sex but I am antisocial so IDK if it would work out.

I would want to KMS with hikki GF

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Playing video games, watching tv/movies, cuddling, having sex, making her pregnant, and marrying her and having kids. Female neets are cute. Male neets should die.

A female NEET is literally just a SAHM

or a drunk, or in some unfortunate cases both

>women get to live as comfy NEET's exempt from all war, work and responsibility minus childcare
>ruin the good life by being a career seeking single womyn