My parents are getting a fucking divorce and they want me to decide who i live with...

My parents are getting a fucking divorce and they want me to decide who i live with. Who the fuck makes their child choose between them? They both hate my guts (they never told me but i can tell) so it'll be a pleasent new home whatever it will be

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*princess carries user to bed*


Ban this underage poster. HURRY!

yeah, you act like one at least. get a job and your own place instead

Im 32,fuck off originahkkivvn

>Im 32,

you're the reason

the reason is you

This is the perfect opportunity to move out and be a free man. Get a psychiatrist to sign a paper stating you're too autistic to work, get disability benefits and housing assistance and be a comfy NEET instead of a basement dweller

Dumb neet, get a fucking job!

>see this post
>have a right giggle
>realise I am 32 in 5 years and still live with family

live with mom so you can get sex obviously

parents are divorced. bro moved back and been dwelling dad's basement, really, for years now. he's 32. I'm so happy I didn't end up like that

Wrong day to start this thread. Normalfags are out in force today

Dad is gonna move out so i'll have to deal with getting all my shit out and in a truck and then back inside on the other side of town. But dad does buy me the most stuff and doesnt yell at me.
Mommy stays at home so everything can stay the same but more complaining from her and less money
I noticed, i feel judged

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moving isn't that much trouble actually, and you have the chance to get rid of a lot of junk laying around. it's just a few days work

Im not really used to physical work but i kinda already figured you are right, the change of home would be good and i can indeed filter all my stuff and throw away some

sounds like dads bringing in all the money. if you stay with mom then her new boyfriend is going to encourage her to kick you out.
if dad gets a girlfriend she wont say anything since he's the money maker

id go with dad on that one

Move in with your mum and become the man of the house by being bossy and abusive then make her give you sexual favors.

Yes again, dad seems the best option but there is a very small change he will trick me and use this oppurtunity to kick me out, like he drives me to a small studio apartment and forces me to move in there. I seriously doubt it but if he does do that and i saw it coming but fell for it anyway id feel really stupid.

>I noticed, i feel judged
The things that make normalfags feel better about themselves.

What you should do is move with your dad and then try to get a (better) job and go at the situation like roomies.
It could be a comfy situation actually, assuming your dad doesn't start dating and shit again. But who knows, maybe the divorce will leave a bad enough taste in his mouth he'll just say to hell with women.

Run away as fast as you can Frank Abignail.

>Who the fuck makes
>their child
>Im 32,fuck off