Tips on growing your hair out guys?

Any good tips? Why should I ditch shampoo and just use cold water?

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I would use shampoo just wash your hair every other day. Dont use 2 in 1. I use tresemme. Long hair fag here.

I think you need to use shampoo but only like every other day at the most. Using it too much can strip the oils out of your hair and kill it, but you also don't want it to get real nasty or knotted up

don't use shampoo because it strips your scalp of oils that protect your hair. but you should wash your hair in cold water often and you should condition if when you wet it, then rinse out the conditioner. you can use oil for conditioning but only a tiny amount. if you don't have time to shower just detangle your hair then run a clean boar's hair brush through it to make it look presentable.

dont ditch shampoo just use it less often

fucking nihilist

Hey man i'm just saying what I've seen

Don't do it.


Keep the shampoo cause i tried that and you just get a fuck ton of dandruff

>Tips on growing your hair out guys?
dont get anymore haircuts

Use womans hair products, avoid 2 in ones/3 in ones, axe, stuff like that. See a stylist and ask which ones you should use, occasionally grt your split ends removed, use conditioner and rub it into your scalp to avoid it getting dry.

How do I make passive income to live like The Dude? Is it possible in any way? How do I start?

>just use cold water

Why would you do that you retard?

Just use common sense to take care of your hair as it grows out, and stick with it. It's gonna take dedication.

Mine took about 3ish years to grow from basically an inch or two all the way down to my nipples. You'll have to get it trimmed every 6 months or so, to even out the growth and care for split ends too.

But yeah, otherwise, I also switched to using girl products, and conditioner.

be related to the guy who invented the rubiks cube

are you a tranny? you kind of seem like one.

>You'll have to get it trimmed every 6 months or so, to even out the growth and care for split ends too.
For real?
I've been growing my hair out for 2 and a half years and have never got it trimmed once

I wish I was lol. I mean, kinda but not really. I'm thin, have long hair, and have some girl clothes and lingerie that I wear sometimes at night when I'm feeling it.
I'm really bi-curious too, and sometimes put dildos in my butt, but I'm too nervous to try finding a guy to pop my cherry. Hopefully someday soon I'll get to experience being fucked.

Getting your hair trimmed is a meme. If you just want your hair to get long asap, don't cut it. It's as simple as it seems.

well, you don't have to, but it's best to get the tips trimmed at least once a year. Otherwise they get rough, frayed, and damaged (split ends) and it causes more tangles and doesn't make your hair as smooth as it could be,

This. I haven't had a haircut or trim in 5 or 6 years now. Fuck everything; I'm so tired.

Long hair is a meme. There's nothing that screams immaturity louder than long hair. Get your hair cut nice at a good barber, preferably Mexican. Make yourself look presentable so people who see you think you exist with some sort of dignity.

ask any girl with long hair and they'll say this advice is terrible.
you really should get it trimmed at SOME point. Not like, inches, just the tips.

Enjoy looking like an NPC

I have super curly hair so my hair isn't going to be smooth regardless.

>tfw I haven't had one in a year cause last time I went the barber pressed too hard with the comb and kicked up dandruff and made a comment on it in front of everyone

>ask any girl with long hair and they'll say this advice is terrible.
Wait, you actually listen to what roasties say?

>ask any girl
I'm a man, dude. Just kidding, but not really. I've got the long hair because I gave up on life.
Sorry to hear that. I vaguely remember my last cut. She was a really cute young lady and my haircut went on forever. We were talking about small towns and parades and running cross country and shit. I remember because I haven't really had a conversation with anyone since then or before.

then i think you are and you just havent really fully realized it yet.

How should I get it trimmed? Like, is there a specific way? Or do I literally just tell em, "trim my shit"

Probably just tell them you're growing it out and need a trim so it grows out better.

I'm not getting long hair because of a meme, im getting it cuz I like it, prolly about as long as OP. If other people see me as immature fuck em.

>Enjoy looking like an NPC
Protip: if you're that stressed out about not looking like a conformist, you're a natural born conformist. I bet you tell everyone Kurt Cobain is your hero

Thanks :3 I'm slowly starting to realize I might really be. I'm hoping this year I can have more experiences and fully understand my sexuality.

Just like anything else, long hair looks better on some people than others.
It really depends on what kind of hair you have.
Personally I get noticed much more often with long hair. Random women walk up to me in public and compliment me on it and start up conversations with me. That never happened when I was just walking around with short hair and a baseball cap.
On the other hand if you have shitty or boring hair then it's probably better to make a spectacle of it.

Do you like tacos? Do you play the drums?

mmm tacos! with lots of cheese and guacamole.
nope, no drums, but i do play piano

>I'm hoping this year I can have more experiences and fully understand my sexuality
Well, you already sound like a roastie, so you may as well chop your dick off why not.

what do you think about this?

>but i do play piano
Me too

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that poster does have a posting style similar to the average tranny id say.

Just go full primitive. Dont touch it and let it grow

>me too
i as well

Conditioner the bottom every day, shampoo every other day. Buy a good-ass salon brush, you get what you pay for with your hair shit. Coconut oil with become your life.

>t. hair down to small of back

whadda ya mean the bottom?

Sorry, very drunk, condition the bottom few inches of your hair, thats what keeps it from turning into a horrible turbo-dread instantly.

How do I use coconut oil?

the awkward phase will be hell the first time but once you get through it you're k

Does it hurt to condition all of it, because that's what I've been doing?

yea, im hopin that goes quick

So, you absolutely should trim to keep it lookin good and shizz?

Just use soap.
I used to have all sorts of problems back when I used shampoo. Then one day I was out so I just picked up the bar of soap and I've never bought shampoo again.

Really? And it works good?

Yes, but everyone's hair is different. It's just what worked for me but I recommend everyone try it.

I would literally just use the conditioner on the last few inches, its not bad to use it on the whole head of hair, but it tends to make your scalp look greasy af. Most conditioners add a shine so it tends to work against you if you work it all the way through.

You use coconut oil as a conditioner replacement, available in massive bulk compared to a regular conditioner (especially if you run womens-brand shit) and it makes it smell nice with no effort

This, I let my hair grow out for 2 years and got it thinned out every 6 months and now I have jesus teir hair

Well, for one, warm / hot opens your pores and it takes for them to close again, leaving a time in between where the skin dries out. So at least you should rinse after a shower with cold water to close the pores.and hot water weakens then hair as well.

god these are the kind of people that make me feel sick about having long hair. I just really like 80s grunge culture ok

shut the fuck up, buzzcut boomer. still salty about your boot camp instructor shaving your head then fucking your ass? you won't make me suffer.


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Does long hair like the dude's look ok without facial hair you think? I can only really grow mutton chops.

For me, I can't really pull it off, I need stubble or something. Everyone's different though

Hmmmmm, well at the end of the day I just want long hair because, but I also dont wanna look like shit because of it

I got baby face so yeah. I should lose the last bit of fat in my face and make my jaw pop out more then i'd probably be better. Just lazy and haven't been in the gym for months

If you want it to look good it's going to take a lot of work and time. It's a lifestyle choice honestly, not trying to sound fucking gay it is what it is. Shampoo once a week, cold water is good but don't torture yourself you can just use the cold water on your hair to rinse, and warm for your body. Find a stylist at a salon and don't go to some quick cuts shit. Get it trimmed tri-monthly if you can. Conditioner a lot. Leave in conditioner is good. Some people say coconut oil is king, I have a shitty scalp that gets funky with oils so I wouldn't know. Just know chris hemsworth had god tier long/mediumish hair and he bathes in coconut oil pretty much. Oh don't brush it wet, also pat dry don't super dry it with a towel.

Just look after it with trims, deep conditioning treatments every so often (moroccan oil is good) and dont shampoo too often, twice a week is fine and you can use dry shampoo in between. Not washing your hair just makes you disgusting. and dont use shit tier sham,poors, do a bit of research. You want one thats free of sillicones.

just dont get hung up about water temperature and shampooing. thats the least of hair health honestly

dont cut it anymore