Be me

>Be me
>Think I'm not bad looking most of my life
>Even after people called my ugly several times a day throughout my school days
>Realize I'm actually terribly ugly after an epiphany
>Made fun of by a lot of people I pass on the street, places I used to work, schools I used to go to, even applying for college when I'm not there currently
>For this reason I shit on myself 24/7 and hate myself for years on end
>Even having crying fits in realization that they're telling the truth
>Years go by
>I can't cry about it anymore
>Content with being ugly but still slip in and out thinking I look fine despite people saying otherwise
>Decide I'm going to deliberately make sure I don't give myself false hope again
>It happens again
I genuinely just want off this ride.

It's not even worth it anymore. I feel like I'm just chasing after this constant never-ending loop of attempting to satisfy myself with the limited resources I have.
It genuinely feels like my point in life is to just waiting for the next unsavory thing to happen.

Despite my passion for hobbies I just feel like none of this is worthy of enduring this. The good things that happen are just placeholders until the next bad thing or realization or headache or handache or heartburn or sleepless night or insult or longing to be able to press a button and just never exist.

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Me too user, me too
I've stopped worrying about things
I just can't comprehend and feel worry or sadness
Just an overwhelming sense of dread and hopelessness
Like a barren wasteland
I understand the term ' robot 'now

What are you waiting for? Post pics of your face already

>Despite my passion for hobbies
I don't even have passion dude, I just use escapism to break free for a short while.

>/b/ me

You deserve everything that's happened to you.

Here's to hoping a person gets used to it after some time.
I did before and pretty much every poster admitted that I'm an ugly nigger. Maybe one or two virtue signalers. It comes with the territory though.
I actually took a picture of myself to serve as a reminder for when I feel too highly of myself but you can't post selfies. Don't want to take chances.
Yeah I should at least be grateful of that. I guess passion isn't a fair word for it. It's good to have hobbies nonetheless. More than a lot of people can say. Though I can't even enjoy video games, movies, or TV as much as I used to.
True. My subhumanity is inherent. Didn't even have to think about it. It's my genetics bro.

Why not try plastic surgery bro? Surely there most be something you can do about it.

Get a gf. It'll boost your self-confidence. Trust me

I'm actually going to try getting into a trade. Although I'm not a fan of long work hours (No one is obviously) I could make a decent living and maybe even save up for surgery.
Even then it says a lot about humanity that this needs to be a solution. Not sure why people can't just not treat others like garbage.

I get you, but we know you'll feel better if you look better. Also, getting fit would help a lot, not only physicaly but mentaly.

could be worse bro
>be me
>get compliments from random girls when i go out a lot of times
>"hey that guy''s handsome" shit like that
>get mad at myself for being a socially inept retard who cant get a girl when i see a lot of dudes who look far worse than me have a gorgeous gf
>realize that looks dont mean shit

I'm not fat, just to be clear. And yeah I know getting fit would help but there honestly isn't any incentive for me, aside from being healthy which is something that will make my life longer haha.
I meditate a lot too. I'd even go as far to say it HAS strengthened me mentally. I've completely changed as a person. I'm more resilient to insults and generally feel a lot better than before. My thoughts are clearer and all that jazz. Despite what my post says about me handling being ugly it has helped a lot in it.

There's no way it'd be a cure of course.

I know how you feel. I can't even count how many times I have opportunities to fuck hot girls but I'm too socially retarded to do it. They literally ask me to date them.

The funny part is, op probably isn't even that ugly just a paranoid schizophrenic who thinks people are making fun of him

Post your pic here. I know it's unsafe and you may be too shy to do it. But still fuck it, if something goes wrong you can leave the thread. Just post it so you can hear compliments. It'll make you feel better

Probably this. Even if you were the ugliest shit in the world no one would be making fun of you 24/7. OP just overthinks and imagines shit.

>Could be worse
>Posts something better.
Autists make me SEETH. You don't have real problems like genetic fuck ups

If it makes you feel any better OP a NW3 at age 20 and 5 foot 8. Im constantly wondering if people really notice my hairline and Im sure they do. Makes me a bit insecure but Im close to the point of just shaving it all off

So much true. You could be born without limbs or even worse. Being ''ugly'' isn't the worst thing in the world

I swear it's always the same thing. Gaslighting. People invalidating my experiences because they've never experienced something themselves. Then I post myself and it continues along with people insulting me, acting like they're saying anything that is new. As if they could offend me.
This shit gets tiring, man honestly. I'm just waiting for my family to pass so I can just be rid of this. I wish there was a place that wasn't infested with people who can't even entertain it. That's the only reason I come here but I guess that's not the case.

Just world theory
Halo effect
All phenomenon in humans studied by scientists that show that there is bias in seemingly insignificant things like being unnatractive or having one unlikable personality trait. Or people assuming people are treated well as long as they are nice. It's so frustrating and I don't even know why I try.

My hairline is horrible man. I'm 5 foot 8 too and I'm probably the shortest guy in my family. No that's pretty much a fact. But I've never worried about my height. Honestly can't even say I care much about it at all. I guess you need to have redeeming qualities to even qualify. I can see your pain though.

Attached: Scree2.png (780x641, 678K)

Stop complaining man, you could look worse.

Alright champ listen up:
>get astronomically high on lsd, coke, and speed for an entire month
>it isn't even expensive it's 2018 (still)
>fucking everyone is using drugs
>hope you fuck up in that month and die accidentally
>without even realizing
>or end up as a vegetable unaware of your ugliness

You're already living in hell how muh worse could it be?

This would make sense if my problem wasn't how people treat me.But oh well, people will be dense on their own and double down even when they have their bullshit shoved right back in their face.
It's just human nature and I don't blame you for it.

I'm glad you can look at things in a glass-half-full kind of manner. You can't shove that way of viewing onto anyone else. I've been put down for a lot of my life and the only way I can view it is in a pessimistic way. IIt's all I've seen and it's hard to change that. Even impossible to.
In the same way that you will never change your view and even shit on me and accuse me of lying each time I make a claim.

I've been through this too many times. I almost didn't even respond because you're clearly trying to get a reaction out of me with meaningless comments that are completely irrelevant and pretty much undermine anything I try to point out.
Being ugly is only an external problem. Being ugly, if it didn't matter wouldn't even be a label itself if it hadn't mattered. I'd be much more happy if I could live peacefully without people interjecting their opinions on how ugly I am.

It just makes you think all you're worth, even if you work hard on things like art, animation or music all boils down to what they think of your face. And although that might not be the case for everyone, it is for enough people for it to make an impact on me. If you think humans are just robots that can change their coding to whatever benefits them I'm glad you have a life enjoyable enough for that to be a thought. I can't just not be hurt by comments (Usually I'm not) but eventually they pile up and it hits you like a truck when you're in a depressive mood.

I wouldn't wish these feelings on anyone else. I'm glad you aren't able to fathom it to the point where you're purposefully insensitive. It might sound sarcastic but I hope you go through life happy.

Sounds like a great idea. Only thing I'm afraid of is if I end up regretting it.

Listen, if you manage to not die you'll either:
>end up more braindead than a carrot
>all the lsd and speed 99.9% fried your brain
>all that coke kept you awake for a whole month (while your brain hemorrhageed gallons of blood)
>now a vegetable
>living in a hospital
>never recognise your face again
>never see ugly
>cute nurse
>scrubs your ass
>fondles scrotum
>life's good
>essentially suicide but with scrotum fondling

or your regret wil be a new, fresh incentive to kill yourself traditionally

think about it my man

A booty scrub and testicle-fondle do sound like pretty good benefits to being braindead honestly.
I live in the ghetto though and as far as I know I have no idea where to get these drugs aside from places online.
I'd need to get a job which was something I was planning on doing anyway, so fuck it I guess.

Online is fine, just a long as it's those drugs (or similar)
NEVER go for crack or heroin or anything like that, they won't even make up for a fun month, they're

Even working at McDonald's for a month could get you a fair amount of drugs


The main things I wanted to try were mushrooms, lsd, and DMT. Maybe I can become better for it. If not then I guess it was destined for me to overdose on something. At least in that way my mom and brothers won't hate me for purposefully killing myself.

Though I hear that overdosing is painful. Maybe I'll just 'disappear' and drive as far as I can with a helium tank and do it that way.

>Gaslighting retards BTFO and nowhere to be found
Like clockwork.

That's actually a good option as well
Try shrooms, lsd is too little an dmt is too much. Perhaps shrooms could give you another epiphany that could help you.

You won't OD on any of those
>impossible on lsd (although as I said you could have an "accident")
>same for shrooms
>DMT literally paralizes you after 2-3 hits, and your body disposes of it very fast

If you truly wish t OD try opium, like fentanyl, although it will be pretty obvious it was on purpose

that's really sad, thanks for confidence boost though, us 4's have to be reminded we are far from hideous and just below average.

Yeah I was thinking about ordering and growing shrooms for a while before I even decide to go onto DMT. Don't want to overwhelm myself.

>If you truly wish t OD try opium, like fentanyl, although it will be pretty obvious it was on purpose
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll write it down for the future. Do you think I could get a hold of it on the dark web or something?

No problem. If my hideousness can help someone else feel better about themselves then that's pretty cool. Hey, at least I'm doing something.

I've also heard some pretty ugly stories about suicide by helium. It sounds painless and all, but apparently a botched attempt is horrible.
>bag or nozzle isn't secured properly
>realize, start having second thoughts
>heavy breathing
>heart pounds
>because bag isn't placed correctly you're rapidly breathing both helium and oxygen
>lungs start to dilate too much
>against ribs
>chest hurts like hell
>perhaps even hallucinating because brain is going cray
>think you're dyig
>just hurts badly
>really badly
>or that's what i've heard

I know the dark web probably isn't the right terminology but I'm guessing you know what I mean.

Yeah shrooms are the way to go

>Do you think I could get a hold of it on the dark web or something?
Definitely yes, and extremely easily

Either that or just show a doctor this thread and he'll prescribe you it, or something just like it

Also, if you do live "in the ghetto", you can easily get a hold of fentanyl (or fentanyl laced xanax) with your local low-life dealer. It's extremely popular since the rise of mumbe rap and all.

Fuck I was thinking a situation like this might happen. I've never heard that it could happen though. The second thoughts is exactly the thing that scares me the most about suicide in general. Given the human instinct to want to live, even if I truly did want to kill myself, my monkey brain (No pun intended) would probably panic and convince me I don't want to.

I guess getting out shouldn't be as easy as that anyway.

Yeah, if they don't rob me lol. I appreciate the advice, man. Thanks.

You know man, no one has control over your life but yourself, including wether you continue living or not. However, life can be a wonderful thing, and I would still encourage you to try and better your life. Otherwise, just try to find the most painless or worthwhile way to go. I'm glad I could help, I just hope you find solace and rest.

I guess it's time for me to switch off.
Good night.

bluepilled dubs

hey man nice to see youre still around, why aren't you answering my texts?

>ugly with high self esteem
how the fuck? i'm above average and i feel like a fucking cave goblin. i want to die everyday and i have no confidence. how do you do it?