Whats your resolution for 2019, robots?

I'm going to get gf and lose my virginity.

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I'm going to become kinder? Maybe

Stop drinking
Stop smoking
Lose 20 pounds

I'm going to get a gf and get married and have a kid. Wish me luck bros.

Getting a woman to have sex with me without paying her.

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keep tacking on mass
Get chin fucked with by a surgeon
finally start approaching women (only a virgin probably because I've asked out only 2 people)

literally me, the reality that cirrhosis could very well be on its way scared the shit out of me.

I'm out bots

you cand become ein kinder if you're already an adult

go to the us. get gun. shoot myself
simple. it's happening in the summer.

My resolution is to have a better education. I started self studying in August and hope to have at least a highschool level by the end of next year.

your resolution should be better english. I believe in you user.

>depressed fags still think they will kill themselves on a set date
wow how original, see you in the summer when you fail to do it

Lose weight, build up some muscles, become more productive at work, hopefully learn a few other things that will make me more appealing as a man. I'm 27 y.o. and want to get married.
I want to get married. Fuck, it feels weird even to think that.

Either have the determination to give up booze and improve myself or have the courage to finally do myself in.

Definitely give up booze man, my uncle's currently dying from lifelong alcoholism

the vast majority of people who kill themselves are deep in crisis to the point they have no control. You are unlikely to simply power through a suicide with an effective method

>incorporate core exercises and cardio into my gym routine
>ask at least 1 girl out on a date a month

That's it.

Mine is to stop caring about getting a gf and losing my virginity and not basing my worth around what women and Normies think of me.

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>user sets obtainable goals
goodboy, im cheering you on

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You have to find the underlying issue friend. In the past month I think I have and I feel more confident than ever to stop. You can do it user

I'm productive and somewhat Normie when I don't drink, however when I do I'm riddled with anxiety and constantly broke which both make me feel worse.
The only way I'd do it was if completely drunk and had the balls or if I had an opportunity like a gun to do it quick and painlessly. Coward as posted above

Thanks and I agree 100 percent

My issue is really just boredom, I get bored sitting about and just drink and try to have fun playing games.

If I had easy access to drugs besides weed, I'd do that instead.

you aren't a coward you are just not deep enough into a suicidal panic for it to work. A strong population of suicides are from breakups by non mentally ill people. The reason for this is its their first major experience with really bad feelings, they become overwelhemed by them, and they kill themselves.

You most likely just have depression stiming from your long term problems and because of that are probably adjusted to the feeling which is why its hard for you to just end it.
On the brightside this makes you more likely to survive and thrive later on

I've been burdened by both virginity and weight for TOO LONG.

Lose about 20 pounds, and find a nice girl to let me stick my dick inside her. I'm working on the latter one right now.

Also, finish a short film and submit it to festivals. That one's a big one, I gotta start actually building a career.

>My issue is really just boredom, I get bored sitting about and just drink and try to have fun playing games.

I get that. I would feel very irritable if I wasn't drinking at home. Weed is a bit better but it isn't the best substitute. They call it dope for a good reason, and it can be an expensive habit anyway.

Things get better when you start to value yourself, that's all I can say

enlist in the military

original comment

so same as every year then

Trying to stop going to the bar. My resolution is to become a shut-in and lose myself in a whirlwind of personal pursuits

This time I'm prepared though. Up to last month I was an unhygienic jobless skelly. Then I started working out and grooming, I'm Waiting for the end of the month to get my last NEETbux and then Jan 1st I'll go job-hunting.

I'm going to work on my procrastination

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Mostly 3840x2160.


Jack off and watch anime
Is my resolution

>I'm going to get gf and lose my virginity.
I hope you guys realize having this as a "goal" is why you're unloved and miserable. Stop thinking with your penis. Eat better, go outside more, pick up a hobby. Wait until marriage and don't settle for an unvirgin.

Yeah weed makes me anxious and paranoid

Hate it desu. Thanks for the tips fren

Stay debt free
Get scholarship back
1.5/2.5/3.5/4.5 for reps(already getting kinda close to 1/2/3/4 for reps)
Qt fit gf with a business or stem major

top 10% in competitions
100k net worth by 25
not even close

Get a comfy job and spend the year playing vidya

Learn electric guitar, lose 50 pounds.

Sell one of my paintings.

This year was #asiangf2018. I failed.
2019 is the year of the Nigerian Princess. All I want is an Adebisi gf with connections to the Black Axe, is that so much to axe?

> Get a better job
> Get better at studying
> Start improving to get a gf in 2020-2021.