Robots hurt females worse then Chads can

Because they dont see it coming? True or false?

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Chad can have abusive relationships and woman will love him for it, while a robot saying "You look pretty" will offend them.

Because our existence is an anathema to females, mister trips

No? Chad hurts women way more than we ever could.

robots hate us for being female and Chad wants Stacy, so Chad doesn't even interact with us.

because the robot is clearly lying while the chad is being honest and true

We don't hurt them, we offend them just by existing.
>ugh my GOD you fucking loser creep weirdo!

Never been offended by being told I am pretty
Do they? Because at least with chads you know you will get hurt, robots you believe what they tell you

It's not hurting if she's enjoying.

Rough cycle isnt it, nowhere to go from here

You can become a voluntary celibate, it's clearly the best path.

All you have to do is observe. Who do women cry over? Chad. Who uses them only for sex then bails? Chad. Who ghosts them on tinder? Chad. Who abuses them in the relationships? Chad. Who MURDERS THEM? Chad.

Who they will come back, even knowing they'll be hurt? Chad.

they don't have any other option. betas don't leave their room until age 35

How can robots hurt some thing they don't even interact with?

impossible for robots to hurt women if we don't date or approach them.

we're not allowed to until we have enough to be seen as a good fallback plan

May be the right way to go

So if we go by that reasoning, it potentially is not the robots hurting women but chads disguised as robots that infiltrate the boards and hurt women? Does that make sense?

Yes? Jesus dude what are you on? You're proving my point that Chad hurts women more than some lonely fucking virgins.

No it doesn't, these responses are just upsetting me.

Okay? I dont understand why but my intention was never to upset you. Sorry if I did

>lonely fucking virgins

this meanwhile non-virgin women beaters are having like 11 kids with different women.

>Robots hurt females
That was nice and unexpected of you chad


TYPE "Praise be to CHAD" In this thread and you will meet the woman of your dreams at the next bar you go to with the lads.

Ignore this post and you will suffer a testicular torsion!

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No not even close. We arent even human for them. We are legit lower than Flowers or sea urchins on the biological importance scale

>you go to with the lads