>dad hits me
>run away to boy's apartment
>he gives me his clothes
>lets me use his bed
>he sleeps on the couch
Emotionally distressed, vulnerable, helpless, I feel like the only other thing I could do is ask.
Dad hits me
>Emotionally distressed, vulnerable, helpless, I feel like the only other thing I could do is ask.
Ask him to hit you too? I don't follow
Are you still okay?
What happened?
What will you do now?
>Why didn't this nice guy who helped me in a bad situation rape me? Ugh.
Women are so fucking broken.
Wow, live thread
Maybe he's as stupid as you
Yeah I'm fine. I'm just laying in bed sniffing bed sheets. I got clocked in the side of the head for quitting my job the same day that my dad found pictures of my mom, his ex-wife. That means drunk dad and being lucky enough to not have a concussion. I don't know what I'm going to do. Hopefully sleep soon.
Sorry I don't remember "non-broken" life.
whos the guy? your bf? did you fuck him. cmon now. thats a big sing that he has feels for you..who hurt you?
Yes, god he likes you and wants to fuck you so go in there and ask if hed like to join you
Hey dumb whore, you know the rules. Tits or gtfo
Ask what? This shit isn't clear enough, stupid.
You should consider the possibility that he doesn't want to get involved with you that way. You sound like a mess.
I don't see the purpose of this thread but I can respect that she quit her job
Old friend that I grew up with. He lived a few doors down and was the heart throb of our apartment complex. He's got a few years on me. Obviously my dad hurt me.
Is it normal for men to not make advances when they like someone?
Yeah true. I'm not in a great place right now.
>Is it normal for men to not make advances when they like someone?
You can either abolish gender roles in their entirety up to and including the pressure of initiating a relationship being entirely on the man or you can stop calling any man who makes an unwanted advance a rapist, but you can't have it both ways.
Lots of guys would assume they'd be shamed for trying to be romantically intimate with a woman the same night she just came out of something dangerous/abusive.
You make the first move.
>Emotionally distressed, vulnerable, helpless, feel like the only other thing I could do is ask.
Fucking women, a. we would get shunned for fucking a girl after something like that b. guy rule #1, never stick your dick in crazy. You sound fucked.
Go for it
Why can't women have it both ways? What are you going to do about it? You're impotent and don't get to make statements about what people can and can't do.
Where is this imaginary place you're being "shunned" from?
>Why can't women have it both ways?
You're right, society pampers you so much that you can basically have anything and everything you want while also complaining that you never get anything.
Excuse me.
That's a cop out, you just don't have the balls to pull the trigger. It's not "shaming" that's stopping you and there is no "shaming" of this behavior, that's all in your head.
It is socially bad to "take advantage" of a woman like that, literally everywhere. I don't know what kind of fucking redneck shitstain-ville you live in, but in most civilized places it's seen as a bad move.
Maybe he doesn't want to try to fuck you when you're emotionally vulnerable and desperate, because it might come off as scummy.
Who is "society" made up of? Aren't you part of society? You don't seem to want to take responsibility or ownership of your life.
And it isn't imaginary, me and my friends knew I guy that did that, we shit on him. It's not socially ok, you don't do it because people will think you're a dick.
I'd almost believe this was a bait thread if it wasn't for that terrifyingly authentic female argumentative style of just asking inane rhetorical questions followed by an insult in place of actually coming up with counterpoints
YOU shit on him! You could have chosen to not shit on him. You had a choice but you went along with the crowd and did what you thought you "had to do". You are the problem. You are saying that you won't do something because other people will do what YOU did and what you will do again because you are weak. Be the change you want to see.
Lol, its either actually real or some shit posters understands women waaay too well
Because, with most moral people, it IS a hit thing to do you fucking moron.
your dad is a hero, he should be praised for being so based. get fucked roastflap
This above^
What is the female obsession with encouraging men to rape them while simultaneously damning the ones who aren't attractive enough to rape them?
It's socially wrong.
If you really want his dick/companionship, wake him up and confess your feelings. Otherwise, he's not gonna make a move on you in your present unstable state.
Right? Like where the fuck is she from where it ISN'T socially unacceptable?
But YOU are complaining that you can't do something because people will shit on you and YOU shit on others, you stupid fuck! Stop shitting on others and stop making excuses for not getting laid. You can get "shit on" and just disregard it, but you choose to use it as an excuse to explain why you can't get laid, then you turn around like a good NPC and do the same to others because you're a coward. You can't get laid because you're a fucking coward
If a woman escaping a bad situation turned to me,I would offer aid but refrain from trying to get into her pants. Why? Because it's wrong to seek recompense for a good deed. The reward for doing Good is...doing Good. I may hug her if she wants it,and I would give her the space she needs. And if she came knocking on my door looking to reward me with sex? I would politely decline,and hug her some more. If our positions were reversed,I would appreciate most someone who recognized my addled state of mind, and looked out for me when I was at my weakest. And even if she takes all your charity and doesn't consider even a verbal moment of thanks? Do it anyway. Being a Man is about being strong within oneself,and a rock for others to cling to when necessary. A rock needs no thanks.
This type of behaviour is absolutely looked down on. People consider Men who try to get homeless Women into having sex with them after offering them a place to stay CREEPY.
I've been laid, I'm not complaining about it. I'm complaining that you don't see whats wrong you dumbass.
some guys its normal but unwanted behavior
You sound like a bottom of the barrel faggot and I wish you all the wrong. Make me proud!
OP is a landwhale whore with no morals, go let your dad finish the job
Who's "social"? Who's this "social" that makes it wrong? Jus decide that it's right and you like it. You behave towards others like it's wrong even though you'd like to get away with it. Let others get away with it and stop passing the decision buck to "social" and "society" and saying "it's socially wrong". YOU are society.
Ok, let me rephrase, I think it's wrong you dumb whore. And most dudes do too. Especially when it's a bitch with daddy issues.
What's life? Why are you still clinging to it, you cringey faggot?
Who are these "people"? Do you think this about others and yourself? YOU are "people"! Take fucking responsibility for being people. Do you look down on yourself? Do you think you're creepy? Do you care?
I'm not the person you were replying to but what you've just said was one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone reading this thread is now dumber for having read it.
Taking advantage of anyone in a vulnerable state is objectively wrong. If you want dick, you have to pursue it yourself. Fortune favors the bold.
Are these questions supposed to prove me wrong?
My assumption is you want to be wanted by this guy very badly and you're upset that he doesn't want you bad enough to do something risky to prove it.
#metoo, bitch.
Entitled landwhales, baka. If all this society and shit is bullshit man the fuck up and go ask him yourself. The only reason you wouldn't is if he is way out of your league. Go lose a few pounds, put some scotch tape on your loose pussy and get rid of the daddy issues. #metoo
No dudes think it's wrong. The ones who pretend to do so because they fear that other "people" are going to "shame" them and that this mysterious shame force will be so overwhelmingly aversive that they must obey it at all costs.
They're telling her she deserved it and all that, what do you expect in return?
>hey guy i hope your family gets fucking murdered tomorow you piece of shit
>dude what the fuck
>wow rude see this is what i mean
I would feel as if I was taking advantage of a person's vulnerable state.
You're replying to a mentally ill homosexual that you're mistaking for a girl. This is how you ended up as incels. Try and work on that if you don't like this particular situation.
Let's assume we're not being trolled by some 15 year old dude from Indiana or some shit. It just proves that Women don't understand how powerful shame is as a force in Men's lives and that they'll go out of their way to avoid it JUST AS MUCH as a Woman avoids being shamed for being a slut, etc.
Welp, we really got shown up boys, who could ever go against THAT logic
>not making her eat all the eggs
>fortune favors the bold
Do you not understand the irony in this?! You're advocating for anything but boldness. You obey the admonition of the crowd of "people society" and then join in the admonition yourself. You're part of this phantom juggernaut that you can't defeat. You're playing a game against yourself and defeating yourself!
That's a really risky assumption you're making there, chief
Even with them being a troll, the fact they can even form these fucked up logical statements means theyre fuckin retarded and should have been hit more.
You're probably emitting that godawful stench women do when they get stressed
If you want the guy to abuse you so badly, go argue with him. You have the logical capability of a retarded child, so I'm sure you could annoy him into hate fucking you.
Who's doing the shaming? If you participate in shaming others, then you ought to know that you are full of shit when you're in the act of shaming and so is everyone else. You use "shaming" as a way to rationalize why you don't get laid. I can't fucking stand cowards like you.
No, I actually personally consider it wrong, regardless of society. The thought of a women only being with me because she's at a low point in life is repulsive.
Holy shit I understand why your father hit you.
I'd fucking hit you too.
This kind of white knight talk isn't going to get any panties wet. Cringe. She needs dick ESPECIALLY at a so called "low point in life" more than ever. Dick in pussy is a nice thing to do for a girl, not something mean. A girl wants cum in her mouth.
Whores amirite?
It's more about my ego than it is about white knighting.
I want a girl to be with me because she lucidly wants me and thinks I'm the shit and not desperation. Otherwise, I would feel like a loser.
As far as I know the evidence says that Women are more responsible for enforcing gender roles (shaming) than Men.
Most guys who do get laid (not an incel btw) understand how important shame is and how much emotions get unleashed when someone's reputation is being threatened
>Dick in pussy is a nice thing to do for a girl, not something mean. A girl wants cum in her mouth.
Then why are we all virgins here
This is a good LARP, op. I also really liked this episode of Degrassi.
but...you already feel like a loser?
You're such a fucking virgin. You can make a move on a girl without having to rape her.
You don't help a broken girl in the first place. If you fuck her she will cry rape afterwards because she will say you took advantage of her. If you don't rape her she will cry rape because she will feel unwanted and will take all his problems on you because she's too weak to go for the people who actually abused her.
Talk for yourself, virgin.
No wonder you get hit. Quite a mouth on you.
>The reward for doing Good is...doing Good
when my dad gets drunk and breaks into my room and hits me i feel nothing not disappointed or hurt just too empty to care i just stare at the ground unable to speak other than "please leave me alone" and "dont touch me" while he follows me around getting in my face forcing me into the corner saying "please just act like you dont hate me and hug me son" i tell him i physically cannot and he punches me in the head and calls me swear words and insults
i cant touch or make eye contact with anyone but my mom
i dont hate my dad but i do plan on leaving and never talking to him again even if hes dying if i ever get out, he would only use my empathy against me in every breath because hes a narcissist manipulator and i dont have a dad in my mind, just... dad is alcohol now, i never got to meet "dad"
Interesting story. Why does he beat you though? Are you a homosexual?
>He lived a few doors down and was the heart throb of our apartment complex
Without knowing either of you, I hope a fire consumes both of you
>Then why are we all virgins here
Because we are all unattractive for various reasons.
Girls want a dick in them, but not from guys like us.
this is a worthless thread. either this didnt happen are you are roleplaying for attention or it did happen and you arent taking any advice and are just posting replies for more attention. what do a few words on a screen do for you?
Eh ehhe eheeeh heh
This thread is why I'm a misogynist
Because right after a woman got hit by a man is the best time to make a move on a woman. Surely she won't fear you going for a swing at her as well, so of course she'll feel comfortable stopping any advances/moves without feeling like it'd jeopardize the relatively safe environment she went to.
If you want shit to happen, communicate it. Don't expect some mind-reading ability from other people, don't hope for some person to make a move on you when you're clearly distressed and emotionally unfit to guarantee a response without any sense of fear guiding you to unwanted actions.
Place yourself in the guy's shoes and look at your position from that other perspective.
If a woman I like was in a situation like that and I just offered a safer space, I wouldn't try and hit on her. I probably wouldn't even fully reciprocate any advances she'd make, knowing full well that it's very likely based on impulse which will be regretted the next morning, or at least I'd communicate this concern before proceeding.
I'll reiterate: communicate, for fuck's sake.
He's in big brother mode. You're going to have to tell himif you want something to happen. Otherwise, he won't because of the danger of taking advantage of someone who trusts him.
>Because right after a woman got hit by a man is the best time to make a move on a woman. Surely she won't fear you going for a swing at her as well, so of course she'll feel comfortable stopping any advances/moves without feeling like it'd jeopardize the relatively safe environment she went to.
You're overthinking it. You do or say something flirty and see how she reacts and you go from there. If she looks uncomfortable you stop.
lmao imagine getting beat up by a fucking frail old man
Ask what, exactly...?
>dad hits me
lol you got owned
That's an attitude of a fucking cuck applied to helping man OR woman. I spent a huge chunk of my life helping siblings and friends and get FUCKED on the deal. I only realized how fucked up this is when I made a couple of friends who would always do their damndest to return favours and then I realized how much of an outright fucking KEK A DUCK I'd been to people who were, in some cases, my own FLESH AND BLOOD. Outrageous. HONOUR demands repayment as a moral good as well. Someone who can repay but won't is worse than you are for refusing to help. You don't help this person unless you have a reasonable expectation that they will help you. Other posters are trying to help you out in this regard.
"Not making her eat all the eggs". Fucking kekked my man. Fucking kekked.
Why is this thread still getting bumps? let it die
In the video game called Bloodborne, you can be an old man who beats people up
Ask him for what, femanon?
>has a safety net springing out of nothing
Women literally cannot lose. Fuck off to to faceberg or /soc/, you whore.