Post Black Pills

Post Black Pills.

Share them, spread them far and wide. What have you realized, today?

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better to let her be happy with someone else than to chain her down.

You were raised to love a person who does not exist.

You cannot love him/her, and she cannot love you. One is only the approximaton of Another's perceptions, therefore it is the thought that is loved, not the person.

The more money you make, the more you realize how little you have to spend it on.

You feel it in your gut every time, and ignore it; but you know she really laughs at you, and never with you. igxyefjbudobohe

Your mother blames you for everything. When she said she hated you? She meant it, and it broke her heart to say it.

You are psychologically incapable of having a romantic relationship and you should expect to remain that way. Your peers have now spent roughly a decade developing habits that you were either too afraid or arrogant to understand. You are emotionally nonfunctional and even if you had the potential to change this, you no longer have the time.

Your genetics determine your fate

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Seaweed tastes great and is low in calories, but when you eat a lot of it, you will probably have diarrhea the next day.

Top feels

Some people are not compatible with anybody and many, including me, browse this board.

She doesn't love you back, I promise.

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Most of us, deep down, want to be alone but we are socially conditioned to want relationships, so we spend our lives chasing something that would make us unhappy if we got it

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This a propaganda shilling thread
this is a falseflagging cuck
I do exist
thats why you have all the time in the world to learn about each other in a mutual relationship.
Thats a very 1 dimensional view on things
Nice projection
Nice projection
Your faith determines your fate
NIce projection
Speak for yourself

asserting platitudes does not make them true, Mister Christ.

>thats why you have all the time in the world

This is a sick joke.

Ouch oof ow.

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unless you can refute them my points remain true
it's you who is a sick joke.

That my perceptions have saved my reality-- They've allowed me to climb out of the pit of the despair and back into the light. But for all that-- for all my supposed cleverness...

I will never see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch .

thanks for posting ergo proxy user

Back to Jow Forums, illusionist.

Survival is of utmost importance, no matter the cost. We are programmed to find a rhythm to life that continues our existence, and by the time we hit maturity we are stuck in what has allowed us to prosper. Maturity is only achieve once one has become independent of all other humans; this involves supporting oneself within the societal standards ie. welfare, separate from family, etc.

This can halt the emotional development of a person, as one can hit maturity at a point where they aren't emotionally developed enough to make compromises with oneself for the benefit of their future.

I am that.

Shouldn't post it too much. Don't want the wrong crowd catching wind and ruining it.

if you're mentally ill you will never be a normal person

Pretentious tripfag thinks that commenting on everything as a contrarian will give him his daily dose of attention he needs.

well you're right again big boy, enjoy that rush of attention

..fuck 36rtwtibf

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Niggers raped you, your mom and your sister and you'll never get over it OP