Dated a girl for a few months back in June

>Dated a girl for a few months back in June
>Things are going really well, probably the first healthy relationship I've had in years
>She suddenly drops off the face of the earth one day, won't respond to me and just disappears completely from my life
>Extremely hurt, only just now starting to get over it
>Yesterday she messages me out of nowhere
>Got back together with her abusive ex and didn't tell me
>"I still care about you, but let's just be friends lol. I belong to him."

Fuck, man... I'm so fucking sad right now. Why would anybody think it was okay to reopen a wound like that. Did she think I would just be fine and still want to associate myself with her? I can't believe how much this hurts. I would have been better off if she had never contacted me ever again. I just want all this pain to stop.

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Drop that bitch like a rock, son.

Of course, I told her she hurt me a lot. That I have no interest in being friends with her, because friends don't do something like that.

But it doesn't make me feel any better

Fuck that whore tell her to eat shit and die
Stay strong brother

I'm so sorry user, that's a really shitty thing of her to do. My advice is to not reply to her (assuming you haven't yet) and understand that you did nothing wrong in this relationship. I was in a similar situation as you about one year ago... I know how you feel :(
Best of luck, OP. Love, user.

This is a good thing you dont want someone like that in your life she will just bring down. She will end living a shit life anyway, just forget about her.

That's why you shouldn't emotionally rely on anyone.

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Just look at it his way user, you were not good enough for a girl who was being abused emotionally and probably physically. You need to get your shit together if you cant even hold down a relationship like that, either that or just give up because its honestly a bit pathetic. Also when a girl brings up a past like that, that's a massive red flag and you should avoid her like the plague.

Time heals all wounds. Stay strong, user

Fuck off, any guy is too good for some lying cunt like that

Fuck you for defending that shitty behavior. Fuck off.

Every girl who tended to insert stories about their ex into a conversation has burned me. I think it's normal to want to talk about those things occasionally, but now I realize it's just a warning sign that they are clearly not over them, and I'm just an emotional sponge for them to vent to while they patch things together with their shithole ex.

Thank you all so much for the support. It really does mean a lot right now... I don't have many friends I can talk to about this kind of thing.

I resisted the urge to be a bad guy and say something really shitty to her, even though I wanted to so bad. But I did tell her that she did a hurtful, shitty thing, and that I have enough self respect for myself to not associate with someone who would act so immature.

Ask her to introduce you to her ex bf so that you can serve him together.

It hurts so bad, you guys. I don't know how to feel better

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I was in the same situation as you are now. I still talk to her and i still support her. I can't let go. It hurts like hell but I feel that never seeing her again will hurt worse.

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Also yes, I know anons will say that I'm cucked or I'm weak or something. Honestly at this point I'm ready to admit this as a pathetic scum I am.

I couldn't keep talking to her, I know that it would only make me miserable.

Right now I'm trying to find solace in the fact that if I'm alone, they don't have to be. I'm used to being alone, so it's not as much of a burden as it would be to someone else...

Time...the wound will close again

not pathetic, but you have misjudged. You are causing more pain spread more evenly. a bad trade

You will never be alone in the same way as before all of this, trust me. I thought I can be alone just fine, but in the end the void left after this is worse than anything I ever felt, emotion-wise.

Well I for one am happy when failed normalfags get burned, I really should just 360 on this board it's clearly a lost cause as shown by this thread.
Fuck you OP

Do yourself a favor, and pretend like she never existed, OP.

>When you don't want to be dead, but you don't know what to do with your life and you just want all the pain to go away

hopefully she dies desu

>You need to get your shit together if you cant even hold down a relationship like that
Can't really blame the guy. That's just how women are these days, especially the broken ones. You shouldn't expect too much from them.