Am a liberal

>am a liberal
>still think this lady is retarded
thoughts and feelings robots?

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ill be voting for rand paul

Liberals ARE the retards so don't think to much about it before you hurt yourself.

Liberalism is insidious, it's about acting progressive but only use it as a facade for doing heinnous shit, mainly to make a lot of money.

>Calls someone a retard based on political wing
>Gives zero implicit rationale or reasoning

I think Americans obsessed with tribalistic sports team politics are the actual retards.

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I unironically like her.

there may be hope for you yet
leave that cult user its a wonderful world

idk who she is
all I know for sure is youre probably stupid

I think she's has some kind of ugly-cute look going on 2bh.

nice projection brainlet. you know nothing about me.

she shilled herself on Jow Forums for a year to capitalize on all the media attention that I was getting as she built her career tracing over me. She's a complete know-nothing and doesn't have any modicum of knowledge on policy or even law for that matter. She refers to herself as AOC now to trace over both my Anti-Christ alias and +++ sigil. She's another reason why we need to dissolute the Democratic Party. We need less rats like her from holding office.

literal goblina. ori

>Unironically larping as a schizo
Do some more homework. This was pathetic. As unconvincing as a Godzilla English dub.

When are you idiots gonna realize the difference between a socialist and a liberal?

I wasn't trying to convince anyone. I'm saying it like it is cause it's true. She's a dumb fucking goblin

I would still fuck her right in the pussy tho

>I know! I'll convince everyone by being a racist retard and spewing hate speech that will surely convince everyone that I know exactly what I'm talking about

If you're going to start doing that shit, at least tell the idiot namefag that you're a different user. My point was that he's terrible at pretending to be a schizo, not this "ur rayciss!!!" shit you're on about.

DAMN thats based

my dubs stack
You're just mad that you cant steal my clout


>thoughts and feelings robots?

Why do you think she's retarded? She and others like her are exactly what you've agitated for coming to fruition.

Look her up. She's legitimately batshit insane.


I think she is great. In 20 years that is what Democrats will support once everyone goes broke voting for republicans who keep taking their taxes and giving their money to corporations who will automate away all jobs and spend money building stupid bullshit walls in the middle of a desert.

Liberals aren't even progressive anymore they fully identify as the white hate group, they hate american slavery but apologize for african slavery.

You really have no idea how money works. I'm sure people like her have a real chance because people like you don't question anything team blue says, you legitimately believe their socialist nonsense can work.

yeah even Moderate Liberals should understand that she is literally Female Che Guevara.

She is stupid and liberal is a meaningless word now

>she's an outsider, not just another career politician
>communicates directly with her constituency through twitter
>tells it like it is, instead of filtering herself for the media
It's so cool to finally have someone like this in the government.

There is no practical difference. These welfare-loving racebaiting elitist pinko fucks would send all ideological dissidents and doubleplus ungood thinkers to starve to death in gulags if they could.

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People have been asking for generic shit like this for decades only to realize the only people who fit the bill are destablizing and bad, eg. Trump. And Trump isn't even a 3rd world communist

u funni user

Holy shit finally
You could identify me as a libtard but idk/idc
I wouldn't mind women's rights...

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I want to kiss I want to touch

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she's an idiot because she's not radical enough

Who is this person? What does she want to do?

>Not being a protectionist socdem
Kill yourself libtard