How do I deal with being a brainlet?

How do I deal with being a brainlet?

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forest mushrooms enhance brain function, go get some

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Ask a smart board like /lit/ for help tell them your from r9k theyll be understanding.

does enhance mean fry?
meditation and yoga increases your iq by 20 points.

>How do I deal with being a brainlet?
Just remember that you're a woman and it's no big deal for a woman to be dumb.

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Read the Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel. You'll unbrainlet yourself after reading it.

Marry me and we can be dumb together.
Also this

I can second this, Hegel is really enlightening.

ITT brainlets hold hands and softly chant nursery rhymes.

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

well you first have to come to terms with the fact that your black

I'm 90% sure I'm an NPC.

rot in hell nigger
rot in hell you pretentious faggot

Marry a non-brainlet.

The same way as every girl before you I suppose.

You don't. Dumb girls are cuter. Just act ditzy and innocent.

>reading metaphysical bullshit
Read Heidegger instead, OP.

If you can't work smart, at least try working hard and steady. You will outpace some smart but lazy people that way.

And if you are female and not pic-baiting you can rest assured few women have ever been chosen for their brain. Body? Sure! Character? Maybe. But when have you ever heard a guy yell he wants to fuck or waifu a girl just because she is so smart?

date a funny, smart guy :D

Go take any internet IQ test and use the result to reassure yourself that you're not a brainlet because you got an above average score. That's what brainlets here usually do.

We should compare how small our brainlets are.

Ok. I have an IQ of 162 from a MENSA approved internet test that's also the only test endorsed by the intelligence institute of Texas.

If you are a girl become a stripper/prostitute

yet you're shitposting here with the rest of us

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Iss that Pam from The Office?

I'm a child spelling prodigy certified by the government, I'm not afraid of you. Link test.

Guys can you get to solving some problems instead of shitposting? You're not valuable.

Depends what you want a higher IQ for, the only profession that seems to care about it is military service as IQ is a good indicator of being able to replicate tasks to a good degree. I work in STEM and you meet people who you'd assume are stupid who are great at thinking outside the box.

what if you are a man

The intelligence institute of Texas is a fictional scam from an episode of King of the Hill where Peggy gets tricked into buying a PhD for a thousand bucks.

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