Roasties getting BTFO again and again and again

Roasties getting BTFO again and again and again.

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OUR BOY sending roasties back to the benches.

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Big dick energy incarnate.

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Know thy place, roastie.

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In a dozen years there won't even be any women in sports, just men on testosterone division and men on estrogen division.

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hes pretty cute
has he gotten the chop yet or does he bulge?

If he ever gets beaten that will be the springboard the roasties will use to show WOMEN POWER!!! while conveniently ignoring the massive defeats he has handed them in the past

>men have 40% more upper body strength
>men have higher haemoglobin
>men have lower fat
>we decide that women and men shouldn't compete against each other in professional sports since one sex is extremely advantaged
>here come the trannies

I kind of agree with TERFs sometimes.

Is this for real??

Then we can cut the estrogen division, seeing as it no longer serves any purpose.
Just one step along the path to the return.

Do you know that this isn't a dude, right?
Biologically female, doing steroids.

I mean, if you want to brag about women on steroids overperforming men on steroids.

Using that same logic, there should be racial division in sports. Running should be blacks only, and a whites only race after it, etc. The only way for asians to be able to ever win a running competition is to only compete with other asians.
And this will never happen for historical reasons, so the argument is a dead end.

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OP here, I thought its a male to female transsexual, not the other way around.
Now I feel stupid about this thread. I'll go overeat chocolate to improve my mood.

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It's a female to male tranny who is forced to fight against women.

#yourboy has a pussy and is doing steroids.

except gender isnt the same thing as race and shouldnt be treated that way considering how any stipulations there would need to be
gender on the otherhand only has 2 options

>it wasnt a cuteboy instead its a hole with a meat strap-on

god fucking damn it

That's even more funny because both ftm and mtf trannies are beating roasties

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Literally #girlpower
Jow Forums btfo'd yet again.

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No, there shouldn't. There isn't such a big difference in testosterone between races as there is between genders.
We're talking about an average woman having 5% of testosterone as an average man.

Breaking news: men and women on steroids are stronger than women
More at 11.

how is it girlpower if its a girl beating up other girls
if she had a real record against men Id get it but doesnt seem like shes much of a competitor on that front

>more X part of body muscle strength
>higher X chemical in body
>higher or lower fat in parts of body
When it comes to high end sports, the difference expected between races is enough to make two equally hard working athletes get results that make one a champion, and the other unfit to compete on the Olympics.
If these factual differences in potential are enough for you to have separation by sex, then using the exact same line of thinking there should be separation by race. Blacks just have more potential to run than asians. Its not hard work, its not ethics, its not personal sacrifice and mental heroism, its biology.

She'd beat up the men if they let her compete, thats why the Texas commission won't sanction it.

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We're talking about a 5-10% difference between races and a 80% difference between male and female.
You can compensate a 5% difference with hard work, you can't biologically compensate certain things (He) or such a big difference.
It doesn't make sense to compare gender and race.

except she has in many places and lets just say the results werent memorable like her 50 something and 0 record against non-chemically enhanced women

except that literally means they would need to segregate competition by race so your dipshit activism turns right into racism

you know what happens when competitions dont separate males and females?
trannys becoming "first ever female professional whatevers"

you really think if they let mtfs join this shit they wouldnt stomp the fuck out of everyone including "mack"?
whats the stipulation or difference between crossdresser and "transwoman"?

Those news are transphobic you bigot.

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If between two athletes who work equally hard, the black one always wins, you have a problem.
Because the Olympics aren't just everymen from the street competing, its only the best and hardest working. And since its always the best and hardest working, this 5% is all that matters.

When the nurture part is the same (hardest work, best coaches, best strategists, top science and equipment for all national representatives), then the nature part is all that matters.

Women also have less brainpower so they can't even be clever underdogs poor things



What? This a girl who wants to be a boy who's being denied their right to compete in men's tournaments. So they've competed in women's tournaments as protest and will continue to until they can compete in men's.

>woman on steroids beats other women
No fucking shit
Either way, how is this allowed? I know they want to be diverse but isn't test a banned substance? This is basically just doping, at the very least should qualify him for competing with guys.

except the nurture part is NEVER the same and thats where competition matters
that 95% hard work and training literally makes the most difference than the 5% race genetics since it isnt a science experiment with theory and control
thats the difference in nurture between men

on the flipside when the nurture part is the same for a 20% nurture 80% nature difference between a man vs a women thats when regulation needs to fucking step in so that women can compete in the fucking first place

He was born with a vagina, so no bulge

Doping is allowed if three doctors vouch that you need it for medical reasons. And since not allowing people gender identification is unpersoning and a crime against humanity, that person has medical need of testosterone supplements.

>you have a problem
No, you don't.
First, it's an average: not all black men have higher levels of testosterone than all white men. The differences aren't significant so there's a fluctuation that makes it possible for a white guy to have higher levels of testosterone of a black men.
People of different ethnicity have different characteristics that make them better or worse at certain sports. But a man is going to be better than a woman at basically any sport because their characteristics allow them to do things that are absolutely impossible for a woman, no matter how hard she trains. Even the best woman in a certain sport couldn't compete with the 20th best dude at the same sport, while the best white dude could certainly compete with the 20th best black dude.

>women push this sjw bs so hard that they are gonna have men replace them from what should be women only

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God I love watching the left EAT the left.

>There's no such thing as male brains or male bodies or female brains and female bodies!
>That's why we have to let transgenders perform in the sports they identify as
>And they're transgender because they have male brains
>Except they don't
>And their bodies aren't female or male
>And that's because it's our differences that make us all exactly the same.

Sex and gender, government and liberty, economics and worth - the whole of leftism is inherently schizoid. And, under the gentle satire of the internet, is beggining to break up. As is society - as the big train rumbles slowly towards the wall of reality that the leftshits have ignored for years, those of us who saw it coming merely smile benignly and adopt the brace position. Waiting for the fight after it all comes off the rails, to see who gets to drive the train next time.

Yeah but if he has male hormone levels due to test supplements, he really should be competing in the men's division. Don't usually get stuck up about muh trans rights but this is just a dumb problem that would be solved by having him compete with men.

Imagine the culture shock of this girl competing with islamic women from Iran or wherever.

This problem is caused by the texas athletic comission being anti-trans though, if they were pro-trans the guy in OP would be competing in the men's division and be getting beat because he's biologically a woman, so all would be well.

The same rule that allows f2m transsexuals to fight men would allow m2f transsexuals to fight women.

based brainletbro

Whatever, nigger.

Unsurprisingly unoriginal in an original hole.

I love how they cant think of the end result to any of their resolutions and just want to bitch about it instead

>"trans should be allowed to play in the gender sport of their choice"
>mens sports are dominated by men and womens sports are dominated by males who identify as women


>"there should be no separation between gender since were all the same"
>men dominate every sport period

Lmao that thing is taking on 3 women and not even flinching

Whatever, double-nigger.

What, are you just mad because I made you look like an idiot?
Yeah true, although a mtf tranny would probably still beat up women, so it wouldn't change much I suppose. Fine either way I guess by me as long as roasties are getting toastied.

I love how our neo-liberal leftshit enabling society cannot resist TV programmes like "Men v wIMMINZ SURVIVAL ISLAND". Because it makes the fat worms some more dollar dollar. So they screen it, so they accidentally drop redpills, so the "dialectic" (which leads to dropping leftist from helicopters, so to speak) is advanced, even by the same type of bland consumerism and hedonistic entertainment that seems to be the last vestige of identity by the used up husks of leftists.

It's pure pottery.

What if we have testosterone categories, like weight categories?

50 to 56 kg category, for up to X testosterone, and another for X+ testosterone?
But then you'd have people "cut testosterone" to get into a better weight class, like they do with weight.

>I love how they cant think of the end result to any of their resolutions
Do you really love that important decisions get made by those who can't think of end results? Women having rights is a cancer.

No, you filthy triple-nigger - I'm just not going to argue with a leftist. You are still wrong. But arguing with you would be punching fog. I just want you, in an emotionally low-key way, strung up from a lamp-post in the very near future.

Possibly after some use is had out of you in a camp created for concentrating people.

except they dont make decisions thats why this shit hasnt happened yet

if they did they would quickly realize how fucking stupid theyre currently being

I'm not even a leftist you dumbfuck, I was just pointing out that you're wrong. The person is a woman born with a vagina so is competing in the women's division. Saying this situation is caused by liberals is absolutely false.

>i am right and you are wrong, but i can't argue with you, but i am right and you are wrong lalalallalala i cant hear you


To further on this: you brought up running as a "black sport".
I'll pick Olympics 100 meters, 2016 as an example.
Final was all black. The best black athlete was Usain Bolt, 9.86

First white athlete: Christophe Lemaitre, 10.07 (13th fastest at the semifinals)
First asian athlete: Ryota Yamagata, 10.05 (11th fastest at the semifinals)

Female winner: Elaine Thompson, 10.71.
With her time, you wouldn't even qualify for the men semifinals.

>female to male aka female on roids
>female with roids > female without roids
I mean she is cheating and no one complains.

Reverse dab

I'm the OP and I will again confirm that I didn't know that and I thought this was a male to female transsexual. I wouldn't have made the thread otherwise, and knowing this obviously I think differently of the situation.
The person should still not be allowed due to being on steroids effectively, but the female division is where they should compete if they were clean.

My point, that you are both evidently not grasping, is that it should not compete in either division, given that it is, essentially, a medical monstrosity.

But I'm getting dangerously close to actually arguing with you so I'll stop there and give you a smiley face instead :)

also in most sports women's leagues get much less interest, attendance and sponsors, women had to fight hard to create female only leagues, now men will start taking over. amazing

Well I agree with that honestly, like I said, I wasn't fucking arguing for trans rights I was just pointing out your retardation.

Your "point" is irrelevant, you were mistaken and were corrected, then acted like a fag about it.

It's almost funny how the stereotypes are real. Blacks dominate running. Whites dominate strongman. Asians dominate doing flips n shit.

I wonder how this sad fuck lives with himself, he probably had no chance in the big bois league so he has to compete with girls.

On average no. But the Distribution is different. Men have a flatter bell curve of IQ than women, so while there are more extremely intelligent men than women, there's also more extremely stupid ones.

Liberals absolutely caused this are you nuts

They caused trannies but not this specific situation. If it were up to liberals, the woman (yes, has a vagina) in the OP would be in the men's division getting beat by actual men.

>liberals caused a biological women being forced to compete in the women's division
No, you retard, the liberal boogeyman you are worshiping wanted female to male transsexuals competing with the men, the opposite of what is occurring.

the way I see it there's probably something weird about your brain if you all end up average, girls probably lack an essential creativity, also every part of the brain is larger in males.

Pretty sure nobody is trying to get them to play with women, there's only you liberals who are want them to be women and everyone else who wants them gone. Why can't you accept your own failure? Is part of liberalism that it does no wrong because I've been noticing liberals feel this way.

but that would mean mtfs dominating all female sports
you cant make an exception for one group of trannys without making it for the other

It has little to do with genetics, to be honest. It's a cultural thing for the most part.
When your country is strong as something, it becomes famous and more people practice it, so more talent arises.
Maybe the US has a ton of potential soccer champions, who never played soccer because it's not practiced.
Maybe the next best basketball player was born yesterday in Uganda, but there aren't any places for him to practice so he'll never find out.
Just notice how, for the most part, when a country is good at something for a prolonged time they keep being good at it.

Plus running is literally the cheapest sport to train for, all you need is a pair of shoes.
For example, think of Abebe Bikila, from Ethiopia, who was one of the most amazing marathon runners of his time, won the Olympics while running barefoot because he never trained with shoes.

I'm sorry, I long post way too much.

Either way has two good outcomes, so look on the bright side.
The way it is in this sitaution in texas, women that want to be men like in the OP compete with women and beat them up, while men that want to be women compete with men and get beat up.
With liberals in charge, women that want to be men compete with men and get beat up by men, while men that want to be women compete with women and beat up the women.
Either way you go, women get beat up and one type of tranny gets beat up, so I'd say its a win-win.

The texas state athletic commission is forcing them to compete with women because they have a vagina. Liberals don't want them to be women, they want them to be recognized as men even though they have vaginas.

If you say so, my best internet poster man.

Who would a woman not compete with the women? The athlete in the images is a woman, born a woman, with a vagina, and the appropriate chromosomes. Its a woman on testosterone. No penis.

ITT: retards calling a woman born with a vagina a man because they think it's the other way around

This happened in Feminist Australia too, not just texas. Maybe you need to mount a corrective #transaremen campaign just to be safe. Anyway what about transmen, should they compete with the other females?

Transmen are like in the OP, female to male. I honestly don't care where trannies compete as long as roasties are BTFO, the other solution though is to ban trannies from sports for doping, but then women wouldn't get beat up.

I wonder at what point does genetic superiority become plain cheating.

This is a biological female on steroids.

But an mtf would destroy them too.

>brag about women on steroids overperforming men on steroid
It's a woman's tournament though. How is she "outperforming men on steroids"?

I fucked up. I wanted to write outperforming women not on steroids and my mind did funny things.
I'm tired. Shut up.

Yes, men are physically stronger than women. Congrats on finding that out.

Maybe trans should be their own league so we can really find out the superior sex, not that we don't already know

I mean, men are physically superior to women, they outperform them in every sport.
Trans should have their own leagues.

This, women are literally so weak that it doesn't matter if its a woman with male level hormones like this wrestler or a man with female level hormones, they always beat women.

They outperform women in every intellectual capacity as well. More likely to be average isn't exactly prideworthy.

Don't worry, let me fix this thread for you.

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Not really, there is much more individual difference in this.
Men are more likely to be outliers (both in terms of being of superior intelligence and being mentally retarded). But there are women who can outperform the vast majority of men in certain fields, it's not rare.
There aren't women who can outperform the vast majority of men in a sport, due to biology.

>But there are women who can outperform the vast majority of men in certain fields

There literally aren't, the best doctors are males and at the best there's a majority of nurses over man and that's because being a nurse is far easier than being a doctor, hell even the vast majority of world famous chefs are male.

There are plenty of highly qualified female doctors. Shit, there are plenty of nobel prize winners for physiology who are women.

Yeah and they dwarf in comparison of the male ones.

They really don't. You just want to be sexist to make a point, it's a little silly.
Medical school graduates aren't equal yet, but we're getting there. Over time, there will be plenty of highly qualified female doctors.
There already are some (even if women till 30 years ago faced huge stigma for getting into a more professional career), and there are women who are awarded with nobel prizes for their researches.
It's getting there.

I'd really love to just shove a gun in the asses of any of these people who actually manage to put men in women's sports and just put a bullet right through their colon.

I agree with you, but I can't say I would if you were to make the same point about advanced STEM/engineering - nonetheless, it's ridiculous to compare the two and this whole transgender spectacle is a complete farce. Why aren't these athletes protesting?

Good for her


why do you want to shoot their colon?