25 years old

>25 years old
>never dated a girl before
do i have any hope?

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If you cant socialize with girls improve your self esteem with escorts(high quality prostitutes) and try to be a normal guy.
Go to restaurants, talk about stuff you know how you would treat a woman because escorts are human too not just mindless sex machines.
It will get better I promise

>18 years old
>never dated a girl
what do

31 never even spoken to a female outside of extremely formal situations.

Can one use escorts for a make-believe date? Asking for a friend

Just download Tinder, Bumble etc and try to find someone there.

It's not even a make-believe date, it's a real date. Of course escorts do dinner dates.

Escorts are females you can "rent".
Of course.

You won't believe this, but, IT DOESN'T MATTER.
It's in the past. What would have changed if you knew you had a few relationships in your past?
Focus on getting a stable financial situation first. Once you achieve this, then you have all the time in the world to look for a partner. In the meantime, it doesn't matter.
There are other pleasures in life and many of them even better than being with a young person of the opposite sex you probably aren't even compatible with.

In the 40s people your age came home from a 6 year war. Obviously its not too late

Giving up will set you free

Who can afford it? You need at least 200/hr

>In the 40s people your age came home from a 6 year war.

In the 40s, it was mandatory for a man and a woman to marry, mate, and have children. Now women just want on the cock carousel

Get in here
Not true. it's about experiencing YOUNG LOVE and you quickly grow too old for that. So it does fucking matter.

That meme is dead. Women are riding Chad's dick from 12+ yo while betas pine for some Shakespeare shit that is fucking buried

I'm 28. Met my first girlfriend at 27. There's hope.

How many partners has she had?

She's had 2 boyfriends for sure that I know about. Definitely not a virgin. But I haven't asked about her past relationships nor do I really care.

MGTOW is your only option I think. never having experienced young love is the worst thing that can happen to a man. all you'll find now is women that have already ridden the cock caroussel and won't ever truly love you.

2 boyfriends in today's world is very conservative. Still too much but it's the best you can do I am sure. Sadly with one night stands and sucking off strangers, it's more like 7 different men.

Does she or has she ever went to nightclubs?

How did you meet?

>tfw from western europe
>most of the prostitutes are slavs and romanian

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I'm not particularly concerned about her past partners. I don't know why it's such a huge issue with Jow Forums.

>Does she or has she ever went to nightclubs?
Sometimes, sure. I do as well. We don't always go together either. If she trusts me to go alone with my friends it's only fair I trust her too.

>How did you meet?
Through mutual friends.

Get a job, poorfag neet. Nobody said escorts are cheap.

How'd you meet her?

I was in a bar with my friends and they introduced me to her. We started talking and turned out she's really easy to talk to and we're a lot alike. Things developed from there. I lost my virginity to her, though I'm not sure if she knows I did. She's not the first girl that wanted a relationship with me, but the first one I was actually attracted to.

>Goes to bars
>Actually has friends
>Lost virginity

My fucking god when will the normalfags fuck off this board? You're not a robot. Get the fuck out of here faggot.

W where'd you get friends?
Is it weird if you go to a club alone?

I used to be a high school dropout need for years though. It wasn't until I got on my antidepressants at the age of 23 that I got my first job and started being more outgoing. I still like coming to this board, I think it's because mentally I have more in common with you people than most normies.

I got friends through a high school acquaintance who I think felt sorry for me and invited me to hang out. At that point the medication had done a fairly decent job of eliminating my social anxiety and I was able to get along with strangers quite well.

>Is it weird if you go to a club alone?
It is yeah, but I meant alone as in without my girlfriend. I still have a friend or two with me. Completely alone, those places are no fun.

>do i have any hope?

I didn't go on my first date until I was 28 (it was also my first romantic handholding and first kiss). We almost had sex, but I couldn't get it up due to nerves. In the 3 months since then I've had sex with 6 women and gone on dates with 10ish, with one girlfriend that lasted 3 weeks.


Meant neet though.

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Jesus howd you get so successful with women out of nowhere?
Are you very good looking?
How and where do you meet them?

Just be careful. She is very close to the wall and knows she needs to find a beta provider before her looks deteriorate.

Gonna post this here since no replies, I have a similar but different problem -

I'm perhaps an unusual case.

>Thanks to be being homeschooled I missed out on highschool romance and more generally developing social skills, even though I went to university I never got laid, despite having lots of advances, I was oblivious.

>Fast forward to my late 20's and I've lost my virginity, in fact, I've fucked around 25 girls, but almost all of these were sluts I picked up while I was in Asia, (only ever had sex with one white woman, a Russian chick) playing the game on easy mode as it were.

>I've read a shitton of Heartiste/Roosh/pook but I think this material has only helped me with this type of girl, I find it hard to get any kind of relationship with more normal girls who are more coy about what they want. I find that I scare them off with being too forward, and often just don't know what to say, my approach is blunt, probably this rubbed off from my only being with easy girls who know what they want but I don't like these girls anymore, they burn me out and it all feels so fleeting and disposable.

>I want a cute 18 year old virgin, and I had a perfect chance with one, but she was playing hard to get, and I fucked up by not understanding more normal social ettiquette and fumbled with the game playing that they do.

>Basically, I'm a social retard who's eaten too much low hanging fruit - how can I have a relationship with a normal girl?

But if you just want a date or to get laid then the path is obvious OP, though it doesn't really satisfy me deep down anymore.

>18 year old virgin
choose one.

>never advanced past formal conversation w/ a female

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28 here it doesn't get better does it?

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My biggest problem was simply putting in no effort to get women whatsoever. I had been morbidly obese most of my life, and was a NEET from age 21 up until 28. I got down to a reasonable weight a few years prior to losing my virginity, but still didn't want to try dating while I was living with my parents. Once I had a job and my own place I got on Tinder. I've met all of the women through various online dating apps. I still have no idea how to recognize romantic interest from women IRL. I feel like it must be there since I don't have a problem getting dates or one-night stands through apps.

>Are you very good looking?

I look like a more masculine version of pic related plus 20-30lbs of fat.

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nope, and don't believe the "haha, girls come flocking when u make 100k+" shit either. cuz it aint happening to me.

Lucky I'm still on the fucking dole at least I don't have to work for it.
Managed to delay the depression I usually get on Christmas to today now it hit like a tonne of bricks and I wunna die

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She's pretty good looking though so wouldn't mind having a kid or two with her. Would make my parents happy at least. But yeah I'm aware of the many tricks and ruses women like to pull on men. Not looking forward to the alimony trap. So far we haven't talked about a family and she's been sincere and open with me so I'm hopeful she won't pull a fast one on me. But still, people can change. We'll see.

If you are fatso neet, no


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i will never understand why you normies cant just fucking get off this site



Went to a nightclub alone. Being talk and freakishly looking, they all took pictures of me and recorded me. They were dancing and I was sitting down the whole time. They felt sorry for me and tried to get me to dance but I couldn't.

Not a normie, those girls were basically free prostitutes, didn't need much game

Do you mind single moms with 1+ multi racial kids? Do you mind post-wall girls that had gangbangs and trains run on them in college? Do you mind settling for 300+ pound girls with facial piercings and tattoos everywhere?

I'm 31 and gave up a long time ago. If you don't lock a girl down in high school, you're just settling for used up goods.

Thank god im not ugly.

>24 years old
>KH incel
>slept with two prostitutes
>both were shit experiences.
>been on an okcupid date, a tinder date and a date where the girl asked me out
>the okcupid date ghosted me
>the tinder date kept insulting me throughout the entire evening and was way fatter than her pictures suggested
>the real life date was really hot but she was an autistic weeabo and I couldn't deal with that shit so I ghosted
>I've had three oneitises in my life and they've all broken my heart by getting with other guys
>whenever I got the courage the ask one of them out they had started seeing their boyfriend a few weeks prior
>they weren't even lying either, they're each still with that boyfriend
>I'm a skinny manlet
>i got bad teeth
>hair starting to thin
>big jew nose
>weak chin
>awkward, clumsy and with tendency to brain blank
>beige personality
>lazy as fuck

Is it over? It's over yeah?

If you were even able to get several dates to begin with its most definitely not over.

Yeah but they were all shit, didn't go anywhere and the last one was two years ago.

Just keep trying,m8
You said you're not very attractive,a lot of guys that are have never even talked to a girl.
So you at least got more balls than looks,and that ultimately is more attractive to women than looks.

Never gotten close to a female who isn't related to me, you normal fags are the most cancerous holy shit
>wah wah I slept with stacy but she isn't with me, better go fuck another girl i'm so lonely!
You people are more retarded than actual autists.

I want a woman to find me physically attractive though

This. If even a woman in public looks in my direction I fall in love because I have never felt love before and am desperate.

You will get over that eventually.
Im fairly good looking if i try,and These days i just want a girl to like me for who i am .

But what I look like is who I am too.

Your looks are not your personality,unless you dont have a personality,in wich case ONLY your looks matter.

>28 here it doesn't get better does it?
30 here, it doesn't. Just the desire to finally pull the plug increases each passing year.

they probably fucked hella prostitutes/slutty locals though

>In the 40s, it was mandatory for a man and a woman to marry, mate, and have children.


There is always hope user. I had never taken a girl out before I was 26.

I used to be a really bad shut in and I never had photos of me out in public. I joined a few clubs and took girls out to the art museum in town. I just looked up facebook for events. I went to free comedy shows and shit like that.

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>tfw 27 and still trying

I got actual cucked when I was 15 by my gf of 2 years by a 50+ year old farmer that she let do it, she was unapologetic and pretty mean about it in hindsight, I was a loser who didn't know any better so I didn't break up with her so she made it a point to torture me about it. Found out later she was also cheating on me with a mutual friend (at the time). She didn't even let me fuck and again I was an autistic fuck so I had no idea how bad of a sign that was, I thought it was just a pure high school romance, I've felt like a dumbass every minute since and now if I try to get to know a girl I just drop her at the first sign of anything that can interpreted as a red flag. Women are literally only red flags though so I guess I'm done for.

>can neither read nor write

What's young love? I'm 22. Did I miss it?

Young love is a meme.
Don't hurt your head about it.

Young love is 13 to 18. Actually 13 to 16 is where girls are hottest, then it's downhill from there.

Yes, you missed out

I dated the same girl throughout those entire years of my life, I graduate highschool, we break up, skip ahead 7 years, no clue what she's doing, I'm on Jow Forums all day everyday now, the world keeps filling up with people, watching family members and long time friends drop left and right due too illnesses and poverty, too afraid to die, hate life, what the fuck is left user?

I think that love doesn't exist at all but I want to experiance it so much. I just want that pure love so much. Who is to blame if I can't find it?

Same here but 21.
All the christmas my family nagged me about not having a girlfriend.
I went through uni and never got laid there so i think it is over for me.
just today my own mother said that i should get a girl.

>do i have any hope?
No, it's over for you lad

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How is this even a problem, just get prostitutes lol. I've dated multiple times and it's just trouble. Currently sticking to hook ups and going to Mexico since I live on a border town and go to a massage parlor which is essentially just a legal classy brothel. For $30 I get a 10/10 high tier woman in a room from 50 shades of grey. Best $30 I'll ever spend.

22 and same. But I actually lied to my family on many occasions for having a girlfriens. In reality I'm a khv. Never had date or flirting. Got rejected three times in an awkward fashion. One girl who rejected me even have kissed different guys before me on purpose.

I also lied to my mom about having a gf a long time ago and I think she belives it. got rejected also but mostly when trying to pair up with girls from uni. I don't really know what is going on a date.
anyhow i think i need to make a lot more money soo i could stop going to my families events, it is a fuking shame when i show my face and everyone has gfs and shit. i am the only one there without one.

Dunno about OP but in my city it's a pain to get a prostitute who isn't a nog, fat and nasty, or a methhead. I hate this city.

>26 years old
>never had friends
>never dated a girl
>hugless kissless virgin

Is there hope?

I think you know the answer to that question,user

That pic is so true it fucking hurts.

Origonial women.

after reading this thread i think so. if sex is the problem a prostitute is the best option

Well, it is not just about putting my penis into a pussy. It is the fact that I can't persuade anyone to be in my presence, let alone to like or even love me.

Also I am poor and in bad health. I can not afford a prostitute or anything fancy really.

The loneliness is also driving me crazy.

I do not see hope

>he wants to date a girl
You poor fuck. Why are you trying to live your life by society's standards? Live by your own rules.

how lonely are you?

He's a reddit-spacing tourist looking to humblebrag. Ignore him.

It's never too late for anyone fellow robots.
You just have to try. It may not work on the first (few) time, but you HAVE to do something.
If you're waiting for a miracle to simply happen to you you deserve to be unhappy.

t. guy who's probably end himself if the current situation doesn't work out

And what is there to try? Why don't people tell me that instead of just saying "put yourself out there, you have to try"? HOW DO YOU TRY? HOW DOES ANY OF THIS WORK?

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Sure. You've heard it all before, haven't you? Straighten up and you'll get girls. Men acquire more value as partners the older we get, so work on yourself. Get a good job, get fit, get some hobbies, build a social life, then swagger your way over to the woman of your choice. Anything that stops you from doing those things, remove it, or work around it. You can tell the EEOC it's an extenuating condition, but you can't tell the world that.

You're only 25. If you've spent some years failing and it seems like you have, you're well poised to succeed. You're at the cusp, actually. Just don't wait to feel prepared, or like you have permission. You'll never feel like you're ready, and nobody can give you permission, so don't wait for that feeling, wait only for the desire to succeed, and then act on it. Try and fail and try again. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, don't fold after every setback, push onward slowly, and embrace the death of the ego. Who you are now will perish between now and success. Mourn, but do not falter.

But if you've browsed here any amount of time you've read all that before. So now you must ask; what is it you're waiting for? My armchair guess is this. For so long as you don't date girls, you won't know what kind of man you are, and you'll be able to imagine an infinite number of possibilities. But once you try, and are tested, you'll find out what kind of man you actually are, and that is what is unbearable.

tinder or online dating in general, do any activity outside, join a club, maybe even fucking clubs. JUST DO TRY SOMETHING

You see, why do you have to be so succint? Why can't you go into detail?

I've been on online dating for over a year already. All I've ever got were rejections. What is there to do outside, exactly? Do clubs even exist outside of school?

>Do clubs even exist outside of school?
You cant possibly be serious?

>what is there to do outside exactly?

I am. What kind of clubs are you talking about?

This is why I hate normies. You people can't give serious and in-depth answers, it's all about mocking and being a bunch of asshats.

Ever heard about sports buddy?
Book clubs?

Or in your case give grindr a try xd

I wouldn't know where to even go to take part in any kind of sports, but a syndrome prevents me from playing most of them due to risk of serious injury.

I go to the gym, though. But so what? I've been going for almost 3 years due to said syndrome. How the hell was that supposed to help me meet somebody?

Ok, you go to a cafe or a bar and sit by yourself. Then what? Everyone else are sitting on their own tables and always in groups, how are you gonna talk to anybody?

Never heard of books clubs. What do people do in those and how do I find one?

I'm not a club person but I will probably have to start considering them soon due to not having any friends for other connections and not liking the "bar/cold approach" scene.
As far as where you find clubs, you pick a hobby, say yu gi oh cards and you type that hobby in a search and club so, "yu gi oh club". Then look the location up so it's not too far from you. I also heard meetup.com is used for this, but when I looked at it, it was a bunch of highly social normies that I can't to relate to at all.

>"yu gi oh club"
Dear god you manchildren are hopeless.

I lucked out and found a virgin gf at 24, she was 25. She said she had a boyfriend before me and they tried to have sex but he had a micro penis and it didnt work. I am about 6.5 inches, kind of girthy and when we tried to have sex I literally couldnt get my dick in her she was so tight. When fingering her I could only put one finger in, two fingers would stretch her too much and hurt. So we never really had sex although my dick was semi inserted about an inch inside her, got to see her pussy lips stretched around my cock at least.

I'm just being honest with myself. I know it's cool to join all those sports clubs and outdoor clubs and such but those things aren't for me. You're correct that these types of things are manchildren hobbies though. Eh, I mean good luck to whoever tries to fit in by doing something they dislike. It's a concept to integrate into society, but I tried it and ended up quitting everytime because I don't see the reason doing something I'm not passionate about, unless the people in it are really good and you click with them, which is very rare.

I played YGO until Pendulums happened, depending on how deep you want to get into it, some of the people you'll meet are some hypre-competitive faggots from 15-40yo who don't want friends and only live to play the game. Sometimes you meet the odd dude who comes by to have someone to play since noone he knows does otherwise and you can maybe get a couple beers with him.