I hate being white, women don't take you seriously and the media depicts you as retatded clowny bafoons

I hate being white, women don't take you seriously and the media depicts you as retatded clowny bafoons.

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White men also have the highest suicide rates.

You'd think if the left really cares about protecting vulnerable populations, they would say something about white men being subjected to mass psychological abuse in adverts and media.

>ou'd think if the left really cares about protecting vulnerable populations, they would say something about white men being subjected to mass psychological abuse in adverts and media.

Whites for centuries portrayed non-whites as "savages" and subhuman" , you'll be fine

You can go to Japan or Korea and fuck any girl you speak to.

So vulnerbale you make up like 95% of billionaires in the us

>You can go to Japan or Korea and fuck any girl you speak to.
Are you retarded, I don't want to sleep with Korean/Japanese whores. I want real women with love and affection not some psychotic asian whore with fucked up teeth.Decent Asian women don't love white guys, they never settle down with them. FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR 90S ASIAN GIRL MEMES!!!

Women of all races prefer white guys.
From white women, to black women, to asian women, to hispanic women.

I just spent new year's at home on r9k

Jewish =/= White

Somewhat shocked that was not an original comment

what the fuck is going on, what's up with the sudden influx of anti white pro black threads like this? white men are most attractive men hands down and this weird spike in these kinds of threads makes me think the entire JIDF and shareblue paranoia is true

I never fucking see this. I only see white women getting all the attention, most white guys I see are FUCKING LONELY even the so called Chads.

I mean most interracial relationships are shit but at least this guy is loyal

>Decent Asian women don't love white guys, they never settle down with them.

You can say the same thing about black dudes with decent white women. Never lasts. White guys always win in the dating market.

White men are less than 8% of the total population of the world while black and Asian men are fucking 70% of all white women. Whites don't have a future. All "whites" will be mixed if they aren't outright killed.

r9k has been like this for years now. Gone are the days of robot discussion and now we have racebait threads and traps

Gay whites wanting black dick express thier frustrations by posting this stuff

Then you have a bias. White men are more desirable than white women.
Asian women are the most desired women, white men are the most desired men.

he looks like the chicken connoisseur

A third of the 1% is jewish even though they're an abysmally small part of the population, at least whites are a rich majority.

>White guys always win in the dating market.
No they fucking don't. Marriage and fertility rates are all fucking LOW in all white countries. White males are fucking losers in the modern world.

too many insecure black incels want to be the superior race.

Most latinas only want a white boy because compared to their home country, he has the moneyz
Outside of that you got a lot of girls crazy about japs for some reason, some girls crazy about some obscure anime bullshit and a lot of fujoshi and lesbians

>white people r teh best!!!!

Then how come all the virgin incel losers are white men and at best they'd have to date and marry white single mothers of black kids?

And how come most black men have fucked women of every race?

The first world also has abortion and easy access to contraception. When other people finally get their shit together feminism can make them have less kids too.

Whites can't be incel

How are whites superior if all our universities are filled with immigrants asian/african whatever and more and more white women going for other racial man. White males are not fucking superior in the modern world, white women are, white man are at the bottom feeding of scraps.

there are tons of currycels and asiancels too, but most incels are white, agree
black people usually drug and rape those girls

Exactly, white nation have low fertility rate and marriage not to mention all the top universities are filled with asians. WHO IS PUSHING THIS RETARDED THEORY THAT WE'RE SOMEHOW SUPERIOR?

>Marriage and fertility rates are all fucking LOW in all white countries

There has been more white people on this earth than ever. Just because blacks, Indians, and latinos fuck and have multiple babies, doesn't mean your race is decreasing. Besides, nobody has to "marry" anymore. Just live with a woman you want to fuck daily

Because all races prefer white people, male or female

Youre retarded.
Being born a white male is literally the best thing you can happen to a person. Its like winning the lottery.

No, not even white females prefer white man

I can tell by the way you type that youre not white and probaly a smelly ESL.

And 82% of firemen. What do working class stiffs who come home with aching backs have to do with billionaires who are extremely small segment of the population? There are only 540 billionaires in the US. For the 186,999,460 rest of us...

Its "men" you autistic shitskin.

That's okay because I prefer asian girls

>A third of the 1% is jewish even though they're an abysmally small part of the population

This is to be expected. American Jews have an average IQ of between 110-115.

So your argument is basically "this guy gets a lot of pussy, so he's master race"
Great logic, mate.
Go read about evolutionary effects on the psychology of women and you will maybe understand why things work like that.
Read the above post for why women go for racial men.
The thing about universities can be explained by the encouragement from both society and universities to include people of various races and the current problem of white guys living in an absolute state of dread.

>Inb4 white fag btfo
I'm actually a taco but i recognize both that most people are dumb as rocks and the fact that there are more intelligent yellow and whites than black, brown or red persons.

Just because your sad sometumes doesnt mean you dont live life on easy mode as compared to the rest of the races.

And white people have higher iqs than nonwhites.

Not higher than Northeast Asians.

I thought we were on the subject of wealth in america, if you're okay with jews you should be okay with whites based on your logic.

I'm absolutely okay with it. I'm a race realist and an ethnonationalist, but I'm just not antisemitic and would welcome Jews in my ethnostate.

You know, I think there's enough real blacked shit that you don't have to make shit up. You expect me to believe she turned this into one of those zoomer caption memes?

I guess that's okay if your state controls its own media and banks

That is objectively, and comically false.

Kik slickguyj1234

If you need a black bull then hmu plain and simple to breed your women.

Nyc and nj mainly but everyone can.