So who is in the right here?

So who is in the right here?

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A - Fascism
B - Capitalism
C - Communism

So B is the right answer

hmm. def not child c. its a toss up between a and b.

B. The other two are worthless leeches.

B because they made it, lol.
A's ability to play it doesn't matter. B can learn to play it by keeping her creation.
It is not B's fault C is poor.

Child C by far. He's deserves happiness. Child B, and A can go play on their Iphones

A. sorry to B, ill compensate for labor and materials. C can go kick rocks

B fucking made it,as long as B doesnt give it to either of the two its his

facefuck them all

B. B made it so it belongs to them. if they decide they want to sell it to A or give it to C, then thats up to them.

This is basically how I see it. Why wouldn't B get it?

A. If you can't make beauty out of something you should be discarded.

A man or a woman is entitled to the fruit of her labor.
Any other answer promotes stealing

Child A is a spoiled entitled brat. Child C is sympathetic, but it's still not his property. It belongs to B. f B is so heartless that she won't at least willingly share her flute with C once and a while, she can go be alone with a flute she can.t use and no friends.

A should work and earn the money to get his own god damn flute, fuck A.

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Child A is the only one who can do anything useful with it. Why on earth would you waste it by giving it to B or C?

based A bros

B. If A really wanted it she should just buy it off of her. C just fuck off. He's just gonna get bored of it because he can't play for shit.

>not only wants to discourage learners and makers by denying them rewards for their efforts
>but also wants them to spend their time doing useless shit on their phones instead

Congratulations, you're the worst poster I've ever seen in these threads

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Imagine doing chores to earn money all week, buy the parts for the flute, spending the entire evening assembling it, then going to kindergarten the next day. The teacher grabs it out of your hands and gives it to another kid and says "he deserves it more".

You're a fucking monster.

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This is a perfect analogy as to how fundamentally, the ideologies of Socialism and Communism is theft of property.

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If you choose anything other than B you get the helicopter.

Why the fuck does the UK think they won the war? If not for the Russians and Americans they would've been fucked.

>tfw when your most famous moment in the war was that time you had to get a bunch of fishermen to drive over to France and help you run away from Germany

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>The Western Front was destroyed
>They stopped living under the Europewide invasion threat Hitler posed.
>Their Cities stopped getting bombed by the Luftwaffe.
>They didn't lose land
>They didn't have to pay any reparations.
>They weren't held accountable for any war crimes.

You're right, they were bailed out, and I highly doubt they would have won by themselves, but they did come out on top.

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>B - Capitalism
No, B is an application of the marxist theory of value. All answers are socialist.

b, a is a shithead and c can ask b for it if he wants it so bad

B is objectively correct.

Fuck you A-fags. It doesn't fucking matter if she can play well, ITS NOT FUCKING HERS.

You can't steal a rich guys car, just because he can't drive. It's HIS.

She put effort in it. Therefore it's hers.
The other 2 kids didn't do a god damn thing.

*C can work for B and earn it

Marxist do not talk of the materials of production, only the means. Since she owns both, she would be equivalent to a factory owner.

it's up to b, you dont seem to get it

Child B and everyone who disagrees is a damn dirty commmie fuck.

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B should sell the flute to A, then teach C how to make them in return for a percentage of the profits they recieve from selling their flutes.

A is the correct choice

I steal the flute from them and toss it in a fucking lake so I never have to see this thread again